Page 85 of The Romance Game

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“I don’t think they’ll let newcomers play, but I bet Luke could be an asset. No one worth their salt can resist such a cute little guy.” She tickles his toes.

While Luke pets the dogs, the questions that have been spinning around in my head seem to line up and one raises its hand. It’s just Lally and me, no guys, so I take a risk.

“I’ve known Magnus a long time, and he’s more the serious type than Ryan, for instance...”

“Each of the McGregors is unique. I still can’t figure out CJ. But I think Mag suspects he’s not playing all his cards, if you know what I mean.”

“Ryan mentioned he and Chip were close, especially toward the end.”

“The whole thing is a big mystery. But if you’re asking whether mine and Magnus’s love was...”

I exhale a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “Yes. You read my mind. I don’t mean to be nosy. But Ryan and I have a past.” ...and I’m not sure we have a future.

Lally’s nod is conciliatory. “I’ve gathered. While that may be the case, Magnus and I each had our own pasts, which didn’t make things easier or clearer about where we stood as a couple. How can I put this? We both carried baggage and weren’t willing to let it go, which meant our hands were too full to embrace what we had. But as soon as we dropped what we’d been carrying around, everything clicked.”

That makes sense, and I apply it to my situation. “In the case of Ryan and me, we’re both gripping one of the straps to the same bag and aren’t willing to let go.”

“But you seem so,” she looks from side to side as if to make sure we’re alone, “in love.”

“We do?” Sure, he tossed the words my way during thedough-posal and I know how I feel, but there’s so much behind us that keeps me from clearly seeing the path forward.

Lally calls the dogs and then says, “When I joined this treasure hunt, very little was clear. We had Isla’s pearl and Royal’s piece of the map. Look where we are now. Give things time and they become clearer.”

“Yeah. I suppose we have plenty of time.”

“Ready to go see Mr. Higbee and the crew?”

After transferring Luke’s car seat, I tell her about the time Royal and Ryan terrorized the old man by, at least once a week, leaving him cardboard boxes that looked like deliveries addressed to him but were empty.

She laughs and says, “I hate to say it, but the old guy could stand a little humor in his life, even if it involves a harmless prank. But maybe the brothers can make up for it by leaving him something fun.”

“I’m not sure what Mr. Higbee considers fun, if anything.”

We laugh because he’s the epitome of a grumpy old man.

After dropping Luke off with my sisters, we meet Royal in town.

He’s waiting with coffees for each of us, provided by Robyn who requested hourly updates.

He says, “I suggest we split up. There are four members of the Pirate Defense League: Ray Higbee, Melly Lipman, Slidell Williams, and Amelia Cross. I’ll take Ray and Slidell. You two visit the ladies.”

“I’d agree, except Ray is the one with the poker table,” Lally says.

“And he’s the mean one. Let’s visit him first as a team. There’s power in numbers,” I say.

Royal nods. “He did warn Isla and I about minding our own business.”

“And you remember the time you had a dozen pizzas delivered to the history classroom sophomore year,” I remind Royal since Mr. Higbee was our US History teacher.

“I’m lucky he invited me back for poker night after I showed up in a pirate costume.” Lally shakes her head as if the “fun” with grumpy ‘ole Mr. Higbee hasn’t stopped.

“If he’s no help, then we’ll split up and visit the others. Sound good?” Royal asks.

“Sounds good,” Lally and I repeat.

But we’re not more than halfway down the street when Rosalie waves at us.

“Coconut Wireless, incoming,” I mutter, warning the others not to say anything incriminating.
