Page 27 of Gilded Lies

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Kill him.

He wasn’t a fifteen-year-old boy or even a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

Corvo seemed to snap out of whatever stupor he’d been in as he slowly came down the stairs. His uniform was immaculate as befitting a trusted Commander of King David. A black padded jacket, shiny silver armor, greaves, gauntlets. He must have beenused to the weight, while uncaring of the weight he’d left in the mind of a teenager. His sword had a diamond in the hilt.

Aurelius’s pulse pounded in his ears while the voice whispered to kill Corvo right then, but that would be too easy. It’d even be too easy to take control of his mind and make him kill himself.

“Aurelius,” Corvo said in an easy voice, although something in his face was leery. “What are you doing here? I don’t think you should be walking around.”

Aurelius forced himself to walk to the edge of the massive rug that blanketed a good deal of the entrance hall. Corvo paused on the other end.

Aurelius spread his arms. “You won’t come closer? You’ve got a sword too.”

“I’m wondering what you’re doing here.” Corvo’s eyes scanned him, calculating. He remained calm as if Aurelius were a horse that might grow spooked and bolt.

“I’m visiting,” said Aurelius. “I thought that would be obvious. Why shouldn’t I be walking around?”

Corvo tilted his head as he seemed to consider that. He took in the gory sword and Aurelius's state, which wasn’t too neat now. “Well, King David mentioned nothing.”

“I’m sure.”

Corvo’s eyes lingered on Aurelius's face. “Don’t lie to me. You know I don’t like lies. You should have remembered that.”

Aurelius tightened his grip on the hilt. “Then come get me instead of stating the obvious like a fucking fool. I’m breaking the rules, aren’t I? Do something about it.”

Corvo remained like an animal watching another and deciding if it could take it head-on or not.

“What?” asked Aurelius. “Am I too old for you now? I’m nearly twenty-four, so that must be ancient to you. I’m far pastmy prime in your eyes since you prefer teenage boys to warp and abuse before they can even say yes to anybody.”

Corvo’s bland expression flickered. “If you come with me, I’ll talk to King David, and I'm sure you won’t be in trouble.”

Aurelius tacked on a smile and was vaguely aware that he probably looked utterly insane while he itched to gild the man right where he stood. This was his chance to get even. “Are you going to rape me again for old-time sake or do I really disgust you that much now since I’moldin your eyes?”

“Surely, you know he commands everything, even your life. He didn’t give me a choice last time. Everything that happened was because he ordered it. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have touched you.”

“Oh, really? Bullshit.” Aurelius wished he had endless time to drag out this man’s end. “He said you like teenage boys. Wasn’t I supposed to be a reward so you could have your sick fantasies without getting in trouble?”

“Things are different now.” Corvo smiled and started to come forward.

“That answer doesn’t fit my question.”

“What’s that in your ear?”

Now, he was just going to ignore it. He still thought he had control like before. What a fucking bastard. Aurelius’s heart raced as fear fought with the other side telling him to kill. Gild the whole fucking Castle. Make Darlim pay. Make the whole fucking realm shiny.

And kill this wretched sack of shit.

“What happened to your eye-”

“Kneel,” commanded Aurelius, keeping the control light. This man didn’t need to snap just yet.

Corvo’s eyes widened slightly as he dropped to his knees which turned a second later. His mouth opened and closed like a fish as he peered down.

“Now, you can stay like that since your joints won’t straighten,” said Aurelius. “I think that’s fitting, don’t you? You should be on your knees and begging for mercy.”


“You wanted me to gild something, so I’ve turned your knees gold. Aren’t you special now, with your golden joints? Or you would be if I hadn’t turned a few others earlier. David got to be first. I also shattered all of his little buddies. Oops.”
