Page 52 of Gilded Lies

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“I don’t, but I do. They cry and piss themselves all day.”

Neither were abundant males, so that wasn’t happening between them. “We’re not getting pregnant.”

“I still need one,” the Prince continued. “I should have one. More than one just in case something happens-”

Jari grabbed his hand to whisper. “That’s Mammon, not you.”

“We’re the same.”

“No, you’re not.” Jari squeezed his hand and pulled on it. “Aurelius lets me stroke his hair at night. That’s not Mammon.”

Something like the old Aurelius flashed in his eyes before he yanked away his hand. “You can’t deny what happened. It’s in my head. We’re the same.”

“You’re you.”

“You, you, you,” Aurelius mocked. “It doesn’t matter anymore. Maybe I should just stay quiet since I displease you so much.”

“Is that why you’re so quiet? Because you think I’mdispleasedwith you?”

“If I want a child, I know I’m getting worse. Do you want to hear what I think all day?” Aurelius leaned toward him as his gold eye blazed. “Your salt and fucking fairy ideals won’t stop this forever. Everything is mine, and I’m going to have a child.”

Jari swallowed and refused to let himself look away. Fuck. Thank Elira they were far away enough from the main group so nobody could hear them.

The Prince suddenly clamped his lips together as he straightened up and pulled his hood lower. “Fuck…I’m sorry.”

Jari took his hand again, and Aurelius squeezed it like that was the only thing keeping him from sinking entirely.

“I was thinking of adopting a baby,” said Jari, wondering if he could push certain bits and make more of the real Aurelius come out. “Maybe I’ll surprise you one day and just bring it home. Ta-da. We have a kid to take care of now.”

“I’d leave you.”

Thank Elira that Jari didn’t truly want a kid because the sane part of Aurelius was pretty set on that. “Why?”

“I’m not cleaning up its puke and shit. Besides, I need one created by me, not some adopted brat. I also need a spare in case something unfortunate happens to the first, although I probably won’t get lucky and have four at once-”

“Try to focus on the bit where you don’t want to clean up the baby poo and puke,” said Jari. “I don’t want kids either.”

“I need it. It says so.”

For fuck’s sake.

“Good luck trying to find a wife or an abundant male to have a kid with.” He was pretty sure Aurelius was worse than Eurig in certain ways even though he wasn’t rambling about spinny farms. Women and abundant males weren’t about to be lining up for him.

“I don’t want a wife or some abundant male,” said Aurelius. “I want your hard body on me and your cock in my ass.”

“That’s not happening if you’re chasing after others, so remember that.”

He couldn’t have sex with Aurelius anyway. That night in the tub had been bliss, but he wasn’t sure if the Prince could handle real sex. He hadn’t seemed interested in doing anything like that again either, and Jari wasn’t going to push anything like that on him.

“You wouldn’t fuck me anyway even if I let you,” Aurelius said with a hint of a snarl in his voice.

“I would, but I don’t think that’s a good idea after everything that just happened,” said Jari. “Why do you think I didn’t fuck you in the tub that night? You need more time, and-”

“You can say I disgust you.”

“You know damn well you don’t disgust me.”

“No one would want to look at my back for long.”
