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Once our boy is in bed and I know he’s asleep, I try to find things to keep my mind off of what’s going on at the clubhouse. Reading, movies, and all that shit really doesn’t work though. So, I clean some more. By now, the fucking house is so damn clean you can eat off the floor. Not that I would do that shit, but it’s a possibility. I’m so fucking bored and this is not how I imagined my life with Billy going on. If I’m being honest, I don’t know if I can do this long term. Not with the secrets and him spending more time at the clubhouse than here with us. He promised Zane he’d be here for him and other than an hour or so before dinner, that’s not happening.

As I’m pulling dinner from the oven, there’s a knock on my door. Setting the pans of chicken patties and French fries on the top of the stove, I look at Zane to see him sitting on the floor of the living room playing with his blocks. Making my way to the door, I look to see Jaelyn standing there. She’s never been to the house before and is one of the ol’ ladies I’ve interacted the least amount with. She does spend time at the clubhouse, but it’s not a ton of time. All I know about her really is that she’s with Sabotage and Zeus and is Hartley’s sister.

Opening the door, I offer Jaelyn a smile. “Everything okay?” I ask her, not sure why she’d randomly show up.

“Yeah. I was bored and didn’t feel like going to the clubhouse to hang out with my sister. Is it okay that I stopped by?” she asks as I step back for her to enter the house.

“Of course it is. As long as you’re okay and nothing has happened to Billy then I don’t have a problem with you stopping by. Are you sure you’re okay though?” I question her, needing to make sure she is before we get in with Zane.

“Yeah. Um, I’m just not wanting to be at the clubhouse these days. Shit’s going on and I don’t like it.”

“Well, Zane and I were getting ready to have some dinner. He wanted chicken patties and French fries tonight so that’s what we’re having. It’s not like Billy’s here to make a decision about what we eat or help in that area. So, I let my son decide,” I tell her with a laugh as I grab out some plates and begin dishing up the food.

When I look at Jaelyn, she’s got a weird look on her face. The second she sees me looking in her direction, her face changes and she tries to wear a blank mask instead of letting her emotions show. Now I’m really confused and don’t know what the hell to think is going on. What I do know is that maybe I should make a trip to the clubhouse to find out what Billy’s really doing there so I can move forward and make the decisions that I really need to make. Maybe holding on to my father’s money for now isn’t such a horrible idea.

Yeah, I’ve gotten my father’s estate all to myself. I haven’t touched a single thing with it though. There’s multiple bank accounts holding millions of dollars, more than one or two properties in his name, and a few other investments and shit he had when he was alive. Altogether, I’ve got access to more money than I’ve ever had in my entire life. Money and properties that I never dreamed I’d be lucky enough to live in. However, it’s all tainted by the monster who helped create me. Now, I might need to use those resources to get out of Braedon. I won’t take Zane away from his dad, but I can move out of town so I don’t have to see him on a regular basis.

“Little man, dinner’s ready,” I call out to him as Jaelyn and I take a seat at the table.

I’ve already got Zane’s plate ready and his glass of milk is sitting next to his space at the table. While I was making Jaelyn’s plate and mine, I put his in the freezer to cool down just enough to not burn his mouth while still being hot enough to taste good.

“Jaelyn, is there something going on I should know about?” I finally ask her as we silently eat our dinner with Zane.

“I don’t know, Calla. I’ve seen and heard some things while I’ve been there. I’m just not sure it’s an accurate picture of what’s happening,” she says, her voice hesitant and unsure as she avoids looking at me.

“What do you mean?” I question, setting my chicken patty down and losing my appetite.

“I think people are doing things for the club even when they don’t want to. Making it seem as if they’re not as invested in things outside of that compound as what they are,” she hedges, again not looking at me.

“Can you watch Zane for me? I think I need to go there and see for myself what you mean,” I ask her, not sure what I’ll be walking into right now.

“Yeah. Calla, just hear them out. Don’t make any rash decisions until you know what’s going on for sure. Not everything is as it appears to be in every situation we walk in on,” she tells me cryptically.

With a nod of my head, I leave the table after giving my son a kiss and letting him know I’ll be back in a little while. I literally just want to walk in and find out what Billy’s doing before heading back here to my son. My gut is churning as I leave the house and make my way to my car and get in. For a minute, I sit there and take several deep breaths to calm myself down. Before I can second-guess my decision, I start the car and head toward the clubhouse.

Sitting in the clubhouse parking lot, I take in all the bikes, cars, and trucks sitting here. Not everyone is riding their bike yet, but more than a few are today. Including Billy. His is parked where it normally is when he’s pulled it out during the winter months and summer when it’s not put away. When I know I’ve been sitting here longer than necessary, I finally shut the engine of my car off and get out. Walking up to the clubhouse door, I listen to the pounding music sneaking through the edges of the door to penetrate the otherwise silent night air.

Pulling the door open, I let my eyes adjust from the lights in the common room after being in the dark outside. What I see has me glad I didn’t bring Zane here with me. Some of the guys are getting blowjobs or having sex out in the open with the Rebels. Lash, Hartley, Sabotage, and Zeus are sitting at a table. Lash’s eyes are locked on something over in the corner. Turning my attention toward where his attention is, my heart stops in my chest and my breath catches. Billy is sitting at a table with Boxer and a few other guys. That’s not what bothers me though. The same woman who swore to me that she was going to take everything from me is sitting as close to my husband as she can get. There’s hardly any space between the two of them.

My eyes fill with tears as the music suddenly gets turned off and everyone’s eyes turn to me. I’m stuck standing in one spot with my eyes locked on the scene in front of me.

“Calla, what the fuck are you doin’ here?” Billy asks, his face closed off as he finally looks at me.

“I just came to see you. Jaelyn’s with Zane at the house. I guess you’re already busy though,” I tell him, my words almost getting stuck in my throat as a lone tear escapes and slides down my face.

“Go home, Calla. I’ll be there later on. Told you I was playin’ cards with the guys,” Billy states, his eyes pleading with me about something I can’t even grasp right now.

“Don’t bother, Billy. Zane and I will be fine on our own. You don’t have a key yet and I plan on locking the doors up and going to bed. I’ll see you when I see you, I guess,” I tell him, watching as the bitch runs her fingers down Billy’s arm and he does nothing to stop her.

My heart is literally breaking as a sob escapes. I run from the clubhouse and barely make it out to my car. The tears are falling so fast now, my vision is blurry and my breath is coming out in harsh gasps. It takes me a minute to get my car door open, but I finally do. Sliding in behind the steering wheel, I watch as Hartley, Lash, and Sabotage make their way out of the clubhouse. Hartley is yelling something, but I don’t care to hear what the fuck she’s saying. Starting the car, I put it in drive and speed out of the clubhouse parking lot. The Prospect barely has the gate open enough for my car to get through. The only thing on my mind is getting to the house and locking myself away.

I don’t want to see, talk, or listen to anyone right now. All I want is to go home and process what I just saw from my husband and that bitch. If he was going to change his mind about us, there’s no reason for him to come to my house. He should have been honest with me and told me straight up that he changed his mind. I would have made sure he could see Zane whenever he wanted and moved forward with my life. Or at least tried to move on from Billy. I sure as fuck haven’t been able to for the last seven years. Maybe this is what I need to ensure I don’t let myself fall for his lies again.

Hearing my phone ring on the passenger seat, I ignore it. I’ll shut that off once I get home and send Jaelyn away. Billy did buy me a new one and I guess I’ll make sure he gets it back. I can go back to using the cheap prepaid phones or use some of the money from the monster to get my own. I don’t ever want to be indebted to anyone and I’m sure that’s all Billy’s ever seen me as—someone he needs to take care of because I’m the mother of his son. Well, I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. I’ve been doing it for a long time now.

Pulling in my driveway, I shut the car off and get out. The quicker I can get Jaelyn out of my house, the sooner I’ll be able to get my son in bed so I can climb in bed myself. I’m so fucking stupid for not listening to my gut when Billy started acting so different than how he’s been with Zane and me. Well, me at least. I don’t see him ever changing how he acts around Zane and that’s a good thing. About the only good thing I can see coming out of this situation I now find myself in.

Opening the door, I find Jaelyn sitting on my couch with Zane next to her. They’re watching a movie. Closing the door behind me, I try to force a smile on my face as Jaelyn looks at me. She’s immediately off the couch and heading toward me. At the last second, I hold my hand up to stop her.
