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“She’s headin’ out now?” I return, my voice lower than normal as I see Precious walking through the common room. Guess that answers my question.

Boxer and I act as if we’re having a conversation and not paying attention to Precious as she saunters and sways her hips in an exaggerated manner trying to entice me. Yes, every time she sees me at the clubhouse, she’s still trying to get in my bed. I ignore her these days and don’t play into her games. When I won’t give her the attention she wants, Precious tries to use one of my brothers to make me jealous. Not a single one of them plays her games either. We all ignore her and it pisses her off like nothing else. Especially when she watches the guys take the other Rebels back to their rooms or fuck them in the common room when the kids aren’t around. She’s the only one who isn’t getting laid in the clubhouse and it’s funny as fuck.

We give Precious a minute or two before Boxer and I leave the clubhouse. At our last meeting we decided to follow the bitch in pairs so she doesn’t get an idea of us following her. Boxer and I can follow her and let the others know where we end up. They’ll meet us there and we’ll figure out what the hell is going on with Precious and whoever she’s meeting. She sure as fuck isn’t going to a spa. Not when she’s heading in the direction of the bar. Our bar. This bitch has some balls if she’s going to try and meet up with someone at one of our businesses. About the only thing this tells me is that she hasn’t done any research into our club or she doesn’t think we’ll figure out she’s a shady bitch and find out what the hell she’s doing.

Boxer and I pull up to Rowdy Shot and park in the back. Precious was parked in the front among the customers who come in early to start their drinking. They’re here before happy hour even starts. Our most dedicated customers you could say. Right now, there aren’t gonna be a ton of people here so it would be perfect to meet up and have a conversation with someone. Especially if you want to be off the radar. That only works if you aren’t already on our radar and haven’t put a target on my wife’s back along with my son. This bitch is gonna pay one way or another and I’m gonna stand back and watch as she does.

My best friend calls everyone else and makes sure they know we’re at our bar. I’m not sure who he talks to, but we’re told they’ll be here in a matter of minutes and to just make sure she doesn’t leave before we can figure out what’s going on with her and why she’s really at the clubhouse. Boxer and I head inside. There are a few ways we could play this. I like to take the direct approach. So, instead of sitting at the bar or another table, I make my way over to the table Precious is occupying with a man I’ve never seen before. He’s wearing a cut I’ve also never seen around the area. We’ll have to look into the club and find out why they’re in the area of Braedon to begin with.

Boxer takes the other chair that’s vacant and we both pretend as if we’re where we’re meant to be. For a few minutes, we don’t say anything but look back and forth between the two of the idiots at the table.

“Precious, care to introduce us to your friend?” I ask her as I turn my full attention on the skank.

Precious’ face pales as she realizes she’s been caught out in whatever the hell she has going on. The man starts to stand from his chair, but Boxer is a lot quicker than he is and makes sure he sits back down without moving a muscle. Before Precious can answer, our table is surrounded by everyone in the club. I didn’t even hear their bikes pull into the parking lot.

“Gonna answer Shank’s question?” Lash says, his voice laced with menace as he steps up closer to the table.

“I just sat down and he joined me. I don’t know who he is,” Precious says as the man’s face turns bright red and several veins start to pulse out his rage. She’s fucking lying.

“Bitch, you’re the one who told me to meet you here,” the man growls out. “I’ve been playin’ your games for over a fuckin’ year. You want to get the boy and the money we’ve been promised, then don’t keep playin’ me. I’ve made you my ol’ lady and that’s somethin’ our club allows us to take back. I can make sure you’re never allowed on club property again.”

“So, you’re playin’ our club, Precious? And I know the boy you’re talkin’ about ain’t my son. Cause, people who go after my boy end up in shallow graves under a pile of ash,” I inform the man as they look between everyone surrounding them and me. “So, here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna tell me who the fuck you are, who you’re workin’ for, and what you want with my son. Then, we’ll figure out if we let you walk out of here or not. That’s your only option of how this goes. So, I suggest you don’t fuckin’ lie to me. Most of the guys here are champion fighters. Especially my best friend sittin’ next to you. See, he had a chance to fight professionally and chose to stay with his family instead. Talk. Now!”

“I don’t gotta tell you shit,” the man says as Precious starts crying those fake as fuck tears women use to get their way.

“See, that’s where you’re wrong. This bar you’re sittin’ in? It belongs to us. We fuckin’ own the bar you chose to meet in. That tells me how fuckin’ sloppy you are and that you don’t know what the fuck you’re doin’. Answer the questions and tell me what the fuck is goin’ on. Right. Now!” I bark out, slamming my hand on the table making Precious and the asshole jump in response.

“Fine,” the man huffs out, annoyance filling his voice. “We’re here to get some boy named Zane. His grandma wants him real bad. Sold him to the cartel or someone like that. I can’t fuckin’ remember because she’s talks so fuckin’ fast and never makes sense. She’s always on drugs and will do anythin’ to make sure she can get her next fix. She sent Precious and me here to make sure we get our hands on the boy without lettin’ anyone know she’s alive. Guess her daughter thinks she’s dead. Killed by her husband or some shit like that. So, we took a quarter of the money for the job to come out here and find a way in to get this kid and bring him back to the grandma so she can turn him over to whoever she sold him to.”

“You’re tellin’ me that Calla’s mom is alive and she sold her son? How the fuck does she even know about our child when she hasn’t been around and Calla spent hidin’ out from her father. So, there’s no way she can know about my son. Tell me everythin’ you fuckin’ know about this bitch and what you plan on doin’ to get my boy,” I demand, my rage filling me as I realize my family is being targeted once again. My son is being targeted.

“Precious, you came in the clubhouse, our clubhouse, specifically to get your hands on my son. You taunted my wife and you don’t even fuckin’ know her. Do you?” I turn my attention to the bitch next to me.

“I do know her. We went to school together. Calla is a fucking bitch and deserves every ounce of pain she gets. If I can make that happen and play a role in bringing her down, then I’m gonna fucking do it. Calla has always thought she was better than everyone else and made sure to let everyone feel that from her. That’s why her father beat the fuck outta her on a regular basis and made her life a living hell. Shank, you were never supposed to end up with her. You were promised to me and I let that dream go a long time ago. Now, my only goal is to bring Calla down. And I have no problem taking her son from her,” Precious says, her voice full of hate as she stares me down with disgust filling her face.

“That’s my fuckin’ son!” I yell out, making more than one person turn their attention toward us. “You will not get your fuckin’ hands on him for any reason. If anythin’ I’ll make sure you join your friend here in a shallow grave. My son is absolutely off limits for any reason. You won’t ever get close to him, you stupid fuckin’ skank. Neither one of you will. He’s the most protected child in the club and I can guarantee you the men surroundin’ you will give up their life to make sure he’s not taken from us. Not again when it’s already happened once before. Zane doesn’t need that shit. You can tell the bitch who sold him that she can take herself out of our town and fuckin’ never think of comin’ back again. She doesn’t belong here.”

“That’s not gonna work for me,” an older woman says as she steps up to the table. “That boy is mine and he’ll be coming with me one way or another. No one will be pulling a fast one on me. Calla fucking owes me for giving her life and making sure her father didn’t beat her to death sooner.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Boxer barks out, his voice cold and dead sounding.

“I’m Calla’s mother. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that slut. Spreadin’ her legs for you when she should have been focusin’ on other things. Like makin’ sure I had the money I’m owed by puttin’ up with her shit and havin’ to have my ass beat on a regular basis,” the bitch says, her voice washing over me and leaving a layer of dread in its wake.

“Calla doesn’t owe you shit for givin’ birth to her. You chose to spread your legs for her father and didn’t take precautions to ensure you didn’t end up pregnant. Then, you chose to give birth to Calla and keep her. You could have given her up for adoption or anythin’ else. Instead, you chose to keep her and raise her with the fuckin’ monster you also chose to stay with. There isn’t a single fuckin’ reason my wife owes you for anythin’. And our son sure as fuck doesn’t owe you anythin’. You’ve never even had contact with him. So, you can get the fuck outta Braedon and don’t ever come back again,” I bark out, standing from the table and standing toe-to-toe with the bitch in question.

“You bring my daughter to see me in the next few days. Maybe I’ll leave the boy alone. I doubt it, but there’s always a chance it could happen,” she states before turning to leave us alone. “Oh, and the two of them aren’t under my employ any longer. I’m done with them. Neither one of them were getting the job done anyway. Do with them what you will.”

The woman doesn’t say another word as she leaves the Rowdy Shot and we all stay in shocked silence. I have no words for the information we were just given. This is going to fucking gut my wife and there’s nothing I can do about it. However, I believe she does need to see her mother and get the closure to understand that her father wasn’t the only monster in her life. At this point, I’m honestly not sure who’s worse—Calla’s mother or father. Both of them are pure evil and will take advantage of anyone around them. I don’t honestly know what the fuck to do about this situation.

“You won’t hurt me,” Precious finally says, her voice breaking as she stares from one of us to the next. “The one thing I’ve learned really quick is that none of you hurt women. I’m safe.”

Precious almost gloats with the knowledge that we won’t put our hands on her in anger. However, she’s forgetting one thing. We know plenty of women who are willing to get their hands dirty and won’t hesitate to take this bitch out. Especially when they find out she’s trying to go after my son and wife. These women don’t take kindly to women and kids being brought into violent situations for any reason. So, I can guarantee we’ll figure out someone who won’t mind getting their hands dirty when it comes to taking out a bitch.

“We might not put our hands on you, but we know plenty of people who will. Women who don’t mind gettin’ their hands dirty when it comes to someone comin’ after our women and children. So, I suggest you plan on havin’ a comfortable stay in one of our cells because we’re about to keep you there until someone wants to deal with your skanky ass,” Lash informs the slut when she tries to get out of the chair she’s currently sitting in.

We all watch as Precious pales and her body starts to tremble in fear. She’s realizing this isn’t a fucking game and she’s not going to get away Scot free. We’re going to ensure she pays for what she’s been trying to do. All in the name of making money by stealing a fucking kid she knows nothing about. Precious will endure the wrath of my wife as well. Calla won’t want to miss out on confronting the bitch and letting her know the shit isn’t cool about coming after a little boy who isn’t involved in anything either club related or not.

“Load these two fuckers up and get them back to the clubhouse. The Prospects are outside waitin’ with a van. When we get back there, we’ll make sure they both get the welcomin’ they deserve,” Lash orders as he looks around the bar. “Give everyone a round of drinks on the house.”
