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Everyone cheers in response to getting a free drink. Not only a free drink, but one given to them by the President of the club. So, as the crowd gathered in the bar already crowds the bar, the rest of us head out and get ready to take out the trash. I can’t stop smiling knowing we’re gonna get our hands dirty and find out everything we need to know about a new club in our territory. We’ll also know Precious will be dealt with as well. Calla will be able to get out some of the rage and pain she felt when she saw us in the clubhouse that night.

Chapter Nineteen

BILLY LET ME know he has some club business to take care of today and won’t be in touch for a while. I can still send him a message if I need something, but he won’t respond right away. I know he doesn’t want me to worry about things, but I do worry when I know he’s going to be at the clubhouse or doing something dangerous. Something that could take him away from Zane and me. I put enough distance between us and it’s because I don’t trust that something isn’t going to ruin this for us. That we won’t be ripped apart once again over the dumbest thing. However, I have to put my trust in my husband and know that he’ll always do what he has to in order to come back to us. That he’ll come back home no matter what is going on with the club.

So, today I’m going to keep busy until I hear from Billy and know he’s okay. I can’t do anything else because I’ll drive myself out of my mind with worry. Zane also feels something is off with me. He’s wanted me to do nothing but cuddle him all day long. I’ve spent most of the morning sitting on the couch with him. He feels as if he’s running a fever, but I’m not sure if it’s because he’s sick or just running hot with the comforter covering us up. I’m keeping a close eye on him though. Zane just isn’t acting right and it’s worrying me.

“Little man, are you feelin’ okay?” I ask my boy as he cuddles deeper into my side.

“No, mama,” he answers just before getting sick all over the two of us, the floor, blanket, and everything else within his reach.

“Okay, little man. Let’s get you up in a cool bath. You know you can tell mama if you don’t feel good for any reason,” I tell him, lifting him from the couch and carrying him to the bathroom.

Setting my son down on the toilet, I start the water in the tub. Keeping it lukewarm so I can try to bring his temperature down, I let it fill up while undressing Zane. He’s crying at this point and I don’t know what to do to make it any better for him. This is one of the hardest parts of being a parent. When your child is sick and you can’t do anything to make it better for them.

“Mama, it hurts,” Zane tells me as I help him get in the tub.

Today I won’t be leaving him because my little man is sick and he needs me. He needs to know I’m here for him and won’t leave his side.

“Where does it hurt, baby?” I ask him, needing to know if this is more than the flu or something like that.

Zane points to his right side just as he throws up again. This is not a good sign. I might not know a lot when it comes to medical things, but I do know it does mean that this could be something serious going on with him. Panic consumes me as I realize this might be his appendix or something like that. I quickly wash my son and get all the mess from his body and hair before getting him out and covering him in a towel. I bring him into my bedroom and lay him down in the middle of my bed before changing my clothes as quickly as I can. I’m not going to waste time with a shower or anything else when my son could possibly need to see a doctor immediately.

Once I’m dressed, I get Zane dressed and grab my purse, phone, and keys on our way out the door. The first person I call once I’m in the car and Zane is in his seat is Billy. His phone goes right to voicemail. Instead of leaving a panicked message, I send him a message instead.

Me: Something is wrong with Zane. He’s hot and now throwing up. He says his right side is hurting him. I’m taking him to the emergency room to get checked out. Either call me or come there when you can.

Next I call Doc. I want to know her initial opinion of what’s going on with him and if I should take him to the emergency room or to her office. Using her personal cell phone instead of the number for the office, I wait for her to answer, not sure if she’s busy at this time of day or not.

“Calla, it’s good to hear from you. Is everything okay?” Dr. Mason answers the phone.

“I don’t know. Zane has been running a fever this morning and he’s throwing up now. He says his right side hurts. I’m wondering if I should bring him to you to get checked out or take him to the emergency room for a checkup. Is this his appendix? Did I do something wrong?” I inform her, the fear overwhelming me as I try to drive, talk to the doctor, and ensure that I don’t run off the road with the tears filling my eyes and rolling down my face.

“Take him to the emergency room, Calla. This could be his appendix and I don’t want to waste time here if that’s what’s going on with him. I’ll come over after I’m done with my office hours to check on him and find out what’s going on. If you need anything before then, let me know and I’ll see what I can do,” Dr. Mason says, her voice filling with concern.

“Okay. Thank you.”

Hanging up the phone, I finish making my way to the hospital and park as close to the entrance as I can get. I try calling Billy again and it once again goes to voicemail without ringing. I don’t want to send him another message because there’s really no point in it when I don’t know what’s going on yet. So, I focus on our son and get him inside as quickly as possible. I rush up to the front desk and don’t let go of my son as I wait for the woman to look up at me and realize someone is standing in front of her. When she takes too long and pays more attention to her cell phone, I snap.

“Listen, I’m here to have my son looked at. Get off your personal phone and pay attention to the patients here instead of shit that can be handled on your break or when you’re not at work,” I yell, not caring about the roomful of people sitting here or anything else.

Most everyone in the waiting room starts clapping letting me know I’m not the only one who’s not happy with this woman.

“I don’t know who you think you are, but I don’t have to help you at all,” the woman informs me, her nasally voice grating on my already frayed nerves.

“I’m a mother who has a sick child that needs to be looked at by medical professionals. His own doctor told me to bring him here because he could have appendicitis and needs to have tests and shit run. So, again, do your fucking job and take care of the patients and their loved ones in this waiting room,” I yell, starting Zane as he jumps and ends up getting sick once again.

The woman sitting behind the desk shrieks as some of it lands on her, the desk, and some of the papers in front of her.

“What’s going on out here?” an older woman questions as she makes her way out to the desk where I’m still standing.

“I was trying to get this woman to start doing whatever she needed to get my son checked into the emergency room. I talked to his doctor on the way over here and he might have appendicitis. Instead, she wanted to be on her personal cell phone and pay attention to that instead of the people here who need help. Then, my son got sick as you can see and she lost it. Is there someone else who can get him checked in?” I inform the woman as she looks between me and the woman standing at the desk.

“The little fucking brat threw up on me,” she shrieks as Zane starts crying hysterically in pain.

“You can gather your things and get lost. You no longer have a job here. This isn’t the first complaint we’ve had about you,” the older woman states before turning her attention back to me. “Miss, can you bring your son back with me? We’ll get him right into a room so he can be checked over.”

With a nod of my head, I follow her through the doors and back to the rooms where patients are checked out. She grabs staff to follow us in the room and start getting things taken care of for Zane. I’m asked a million and one questions that I answer the best I can since I don’t really know what’s going on with him. I tell them about our day and what I’ve noticed so far with him. Including the slight lethargy I’ve noticed since he doesn’t want to seem to do much of anything today.
