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“I’m going to get the doctor to come right in. I agree with your doctor that this could be appendicitis. We’ll need to run several tests and see what’s going on with him. He’ll probably have an IV started and a few other things. We’ll know as soon as the doctor comes in and starts doing his assessment of your son,” the nurse says, her voice warm and comforting.

It’s been hours and Zane is only getting worse instead of better. He’s still getting sick despite the medicine to help him stop. They’ve given him pain medicine, and have run multiple tests on my boy. I’ve tried to get a hold of Billy multiple times and he’s still not answering. I’m not sure what the fuck is going on, but he should be here for this. Billy should be here for his son instead of doing whatever he is right now. While I know he can’t go against some orders, this trumps them in my opinion. I’d think a sick child would come before anything else.

I don’t know what else to do. My attention needs to be on Zane and what’s going on with him right now. I’ve been at his side every second I can be. The only time he’s left my sight is when they’ve taken him for different tests that I couldn’t go to. Zane didn’t like not being with me. He’s been crying nonstop and it’s breaking my heart because there’s nothing I can do to help him get through this. This is in the doctor’s hands and I have to wait for them to tell me what’s going on. I just wish I weren’t alone right now. That I had someone to lean on and be here for me because I’m about two seconds from breaking down and losing my shit. I don’t do well when my boy is sick. This is the worst it’s ever been.

“Mrs. Jones, I’ve gotten the results back from Zane’s tests. It looks like he does have appendicitis. We’re gonna have the surgeon come in and talk to you about what happens next. This is the only way to take care of something like this. For now, we’ll keep him as comfortable as we can,” the doctor informs me, his voice gentle and soft as he looks at me.

“Thank you. Um, do you know how long it will be before the surgeon gets down here to talk to me?” I ask him, not sure what I’m going to do if I can’t get a hold of Billy before Zane goes into surgery.

“It’s hard to tell right now. He’s got his regular patients and he’s already been in surgery at least once today. It could be a little bit, but I know he’ll get here as soon as he can,” he tells me, his voice still soft as he looks down at Zane who’s still crying a little bit even though he’s trying to sleep. This is why it’s gutting me.

“Okay. Thank you again for everything you’ve done,” I tell him before he leaves the room and closes the curtain behind him so we have some privacy.

Pulling out my phone, I once again try to get a hold of Billy. There’s still no answer. I’m ready to call someone else, but I don’t know who the fuck to call. Should I call Hartley? One of the other ol’ ladies? Someone else entirely. Dr. Mason? I don’t know what the fuck to do in this situation. Finally, I look down at my phone and decide to call Hartley. At the very least, it will be another person here with me so I’m not alone when they finally take my son back for surgery.

Clicking on her name, I let it ring until she answers.

“Calla, we were just talking about you. What’s going on?” Hartley answers her phone.

“Hartley, I need you. Billy is busy with club business and I’m here at the hospital with Zane. He’s got appendicitis and needs to have surgery. I’m waiting on the surgeon to come talk to me now. I’ve been here all alone for hours. Is there any way you could come here for a little while?” I ask her, not sure what I can do if she can’t make it down here.

“Of course I’ll be there. You should have called when you first got there. We always show up for family, Calla. I know you’ve had to do a lot on your own, but that’s not the case anymore. You are our family, Calla. One day, you’ll realize it,” Hartley says as I release the breath I didn’t know I was holding. “I’m on my way and I’ll bring some ol’ ladies with me. Do you need anything?”

“No. I don’t think I need anything. I’ve just been focused on Zane. He’s in so much pain and not doing good at all. This is so scary, Hartley,” I tell her honestly.

“I know it is, sweetheart. We’ll be right there.”

Hartley hangs up the phone and I sit back in my chair a little bit. I haven’t let go of holding Zane’s hand since he got back from the last test he was taken down to. I’m staring down at my son and can’t seem to take my eyes off him. For a while, I won’t be able to see him at all. The surgeon and nursing staff will have complete control over him and what happens to my little boy. I’ll have no control over the situation and it’s weighing heavy on my heart. In six years, I’ve never had my son out of my sight for longer than he’s been with Billy or when I’ve been at work. Other than when the asswipe took him, I’ve known where my son is and what’s going on with him at all times. Today, I won’t know what’s going on until a doctor or someone comes out to tell me what’s going on with the surgery.

Picking up my phone again, I call Dr. Mason to let her know what’s going on. She wanted to be kept up to date about the situation. I know she can’t be in on the surgery, but she’ll come check on him after everything is done. Doc lets me know this is a routine surgery and I don’t have anything to worry about. It doesn’t really matter what she says though. I’ll always worry when it comes to Zane and something this major is going on with him. My only hope now is I can get in touch with Billy before our son actually goes into surgery.

Chapter Twenty

WE’VE GOTTEN THE asshole from the bar back to the clubhouse and have him down in one of our rooms. Precious is also in a cell down in the basement. She’s been screaming and crying about this not being her fault and her being forced to do this shit. We all know it’s a lie and there’s nothing we’re going to believe that comes out of her mouth. Precious has made her bed and now it’s time for her to lay in it. To accept the punishment coming her way because this shit is not to be taken lightly. It’s one thing to come after my club or me. When you involve my son and wife, that’s another story completely. So, Precious will remain in the cell until it’s time for her punishment to be dealt with.

We’re all in the room with the asshole watching as the Prospects string him up and make sure he can’t get away from us. I’m about bouncing on my feet in anticipation of getting my hands on the fucker who thought he could get his hands on my son and take him from me. He might not have been in the clubhouse and trying to infiltrate our club the way Precious did, but he isn’t fucking innocent in this situation either. This stupid fucker was waiting for Precious to take my son so he could get him to wherever he needed to be from there. He’s gonna die a slow and painful death because my son means the world to me and I’m about to take out all the rage and pain I’m feeling on the asshat.

“Shank, this is your show. You want us to stand back and watch, that’s what we’ll do. If you want any single one of us involved, then we’re gonna get involved. I might have fucked this entire situation up with my orders, but this is one way I can help ensure you get through this and get what you need from the twatwaffle here in front of us,” Lash says, his voice hard and cold as he stares at the man tied up before us.

“I’ll let you know when I decide,” I say, not saying another word to anyone in the room.

Stepping forward, I take a slow walk around the prick. He doesn’t have to say a word, but I can feel the fear coursing through him. This douche canoe has no clue what I’m capable of or what I plan on doing to him. I don’t give a fuck if it’s the fear of the unknown or fearing me. Fear is fear in my book and I savor it either way. Stepping back in front of him, I don’t say a word or do anything for several minutes. I let him stew in his fear and play on it.

“So, anythin’ else to tell us?” I question the fucker before he can say anything.

“No. I don’t have shit to tell you,” the man grits out between clenched teeth. “You heard everythin’ you had to from that bitch who got us involved in this mess to begin with. I’m the one payin’ the price. Precious is gonna pay the price too. That skank gets off free and clear and she’s the one who put this thing together to begin with. So, do your worst and make sure it counts because once I’m dead, you can’t bring me back to do it again.”

“If that’s the way you want to have it, then that’s what we’ll do,” I tell him, grabbing a pair of pliers from the tray next to me that one of the Prospects set there.

Going for his hand, I rip each of his fingernails out. The asshole tries his hardest not to scream out in pain. I know this shit hurts but he’s doing his best to contain his screams. It’s not long before I’m ready to move on to his feet. The Prospects strip him down to nothing and we all start laughing our asses off. This man who acts so big and bad has the smallest cock I’ve ever seen in my life. I don’t know what Precious gets from being with him honestly. I get the whole, it's not the size of the thing but how you use it saying, but this is an entirely different ball game.

“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me with this shit?” Boxer barks out through his laughter. “How do you have sex at all?”

“Fuck you,” the man grinds out, his voice showing his pain and anger at our laughter and Boxer’s words.

“No, you’re not my type. And you really couldn’t satisfy me at any rate,” Boxer returns, making us all laugh once again.

“Okay. Back to the task at hand,” I finally call out when I’m done laughing and playing around.
