Page 68 of Overtime Score

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The sex is great. And more and more, he makes me laugh. Actually laugh.

Does he still find only the most obnoxious ways to do it? Yes. Is he still cocky and arrogant? Yes. Does he still annoy me? Definitely.

But do Ihateall those things about him anymore?

I don’t give Casey an answer to her question. Because I know the answer is no.

I don’t hate Hunter anymore. What’s much harder for me to determine is exactly what I do feel about him now.

“He said I should come to the hockey game on Friday,” I say, instead, a non-sequitur.

Casey gasps. “He likes you.”

I puff dismissively. “I don’t know about that.”

“Hunter Landry’s Mr. No-Strings-Attached. Everyone knows that. Him specifically asking a girl to come to one of his games is equivalent to most men proposing.”

I roll my eyes. “He hardly made a big song and dance out of it. He just mentioned if I wanted to come to the game, there’d be two tickets for me and you waiting at the counter if I mentioned his name.”

Now an even sharper gasp rips from Casey’s throat. “Oh. My.Gosh! He specifically set aside tickets for you! Hereallylikes you.”

I wave my hand. “You’ve been reading too many romance books.”

“We are so going.”

I shrug. “I guess. If you want to. It might be cool to go to a live game, I guess.”

A sly smile curls around her mouth. “You’re excited.”

I shrug again, trying to appear casual. “Mildly interested in seeing what all the fuss is about.”

“I bet you’remildly interestedin seeing Hunter suited up in all his gear, looking sexy in his helmet, smashing his hulking body into other men on the ice in a display of dominance.” Her eyebrows wiggle energetically.

I keep the twinge between my thighs to myself.



The crowd roars over the guitar riffs blaring through the arena speakers as we skate out onto the ice.

We’re coming off two back-to-back wins.

Not just wins, dominations.

Ever since Shane and Lars got on the same page, the whole team has just clicked. Aaron’s absolutely killing it in the net. Walsh has truly come into his own, settling into his role as a truly defensive player. Lars is more offensive minded thanks to his passing chemistry with Shane that lends itself to vicious attacks on our opponents’ goals.

Liam and I are the veteran leaders on offense, coordinating play on the ice, and now that everyone’s on the same page, it makes our task easier.

I don’t know if we’re playing quite as well as we did in previous years with the first line that spent years getting to know each other and honing our chemistry—but we’re well on our way.

After a start to the season that disappointed the fans, the excitement is back as there’s a sense of momentum in every game. The cheers are loud and passionate again, and as my eyes scan the packed crowd of the Ridley arena, everyone’s on their feet.

But what I’m really doing as my gaze sweeps through the crowd isn’t counting how many people are sitting or standing.

I’m looking for someone.

I should question why I’m so eager to see Phoebe here tonight. We’re just hooking up, after all. It’s weird that all day long, I’ve put so much stock in wanting her to see me play tonight.

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