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But the simple, quiet bliss of being with her right now feels so good that it soothes those thoughts. Her warm, soft breath against my chest is a perfect balm that dulls any pangs of worry.

I dare to let my guard down, looking forward to the next couple hours with Zoey. Maybe we can watch a movie, or order some cookies for delivery and eat together while swapping funny stories from our pasts or our hopes about the future.

I let myself sink into the feeling of what it would be like if Zoey weren’t strictly off-limits, if we didn’t have to hide what we have between us, if we were just a regular guy and girl who like spending time together and could enjoy a nice, intimate night alone.

Until I hear the front door open downstairs.



“Oh, shit.” Liam pops up from his bed and leaps for his wide-open door.

I’m so flustered from panic that I don’t even take the opportunity to admire his sculpted ass as he strides across this bedroom.

Okay, fine—I take, like, half a second to admire it.

But then I swing myself off his bed and try to hide out of view until I hear his door slamming shut, at which point I quickly throw my clothes back on. Even though we’re behind his closed door, I’m still crouching and bending as I get dressed, like I’m trying to huddle for cover behind his bed.

When I glance towards the door, this time, I can’t help but take a couple seconds to admire what I see. Liam’s back is pressed against it, his body fully nude and facing me. His still-hard cock bobs in the air, still coated in my juices.

My jaw hits the floor and the sock I’m holding slips between my fingers and falls back to the floor.

I shake my head to snap myself out of it, because I could easily spend the whole night with my feet riveted to the floor, looking at Liam Newcastle’s nude, muscle-covered body glistening with sweat.

I do a turning motion with my hand and mouth the word, “Lock?”

His brow jumps in realization. He turns around and turns the lock on his door. I let my shoulders sag with some measure of relief.

As he quickly pulls on his joggers and tugs his shirt on, I whisper to him harshly, “I thought they were supposed to be out for a couple more hours!”

“They were!” he whisper-shouts back. He sighs in frustration, shaking his head.

My entire body tenses as I hear a knock on the door, the fine hairs on the nape of my neck standing at attention and my eyes going so wide I’m worried my eyeballs will fall onto the floor.

He raises his index finger over his lips to give me aShhhexpression. Yeah, like he needs to tell me to be quiet when I’m the coach’s daughter sneaking around with him, and one of his teammates is on the other side of his door.

“What’s up?” he calls out, trying to sound casual.

“Just checking up, man. You doing okay?” I recognize Hunter’s voice on the other side.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he says. “Still got a killer headache. Gonna hit the hay early tonight. What are you guys doing back already?”

“The bars were just dead tonight, you know? Weird for after a home game win, but sometimes the vibes are just off. We’re just gonna have some beer and play video games in the living room tonight.”

Worry clenches my stomach. There’s zero chance I’m going to be able to sneak out of here if all the guys are in the living room for heaven knows how long.

“Uh, cool,” Liam answers, his voice betraying the opposite sentiment of his words. “Have fun.”

“Yeah, feel better. You want me to bring you up some aspirin or something?”

“No,” Liam snaps back. “I, uh, I have some here already. Just gonna stay in my room tonight.”

“Cool,” Hunter says. “We’ll try to keep it down downstairs.”

I let out a breath that I didn’t even know I was holding once I hear the steps outside Liam’s door creak with Hunter’s steps as he walks back down.

“Fuck,” I whisper.

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