Page 14 of All Of My Sundays

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“You’re joking, aren’t you?” It’s her turn now to be shocked.

“Is marrying me that funny?” I ask, wondering what she really feels about the idea.

She vigorously shakes her head before saying, “No, marrying me is the funny part. Why would you want to marry me and become a part of my crazy family when you could get any girl you wanted?”

I don’t want to admit my feelings to her because she’s only gotten out of a relationship and she needs to figure a way to get out from under her parents, so I say, “Maybe at thirty, you’ll be the girl I want to marry.”

“I highly doubt that,” she says, as she crosses her arms and leans her chin on them as they rest on the bench.

“Well, it's eight years away. A whole lot can change in that time. By then, we could both be married to other people and beextremely happy. But if not, what have we got to lose?” I try to persuade her.

“You're serious?” she asks.

“Why not?”

“Because it's a bit crazy. Well, a lot crazy.”

“What's so crazy about it? We know each other and we like each other's company. Well, I do, at least. People have arranged marriages every day. It'll be like we are arranging our own. Wouldn’t you rather be stuck with me than a guy with a stick up his ass your parents picked out for you?”

Her head tilts to the side as her eyes pierce me in concentration before whispering, “So it would be like a real marriage?” She says it so quietly, I almost miss it.

“What do you mean by real?” I prod.

She wrings her hands as her gaze drops to the bench.

“You know, like I would be your actual wife in every way. You wouldn’t just be my husband on paper and then have a girlfriend waiting in the wings?” she asks, and it makes a smile spread across my face.

“Soph, are you talking about sex?” I tease, which has her blush returning. Every time she blushes, it lights up her neck, which I find fascinating.

“Cheating is a hard line for me so if you’re a cheater, then it won’t work,” she blurts, causing my nose to scrunch up.

“Is that what you think of me?”

“Well, there were a lot of rumours about you when we were at school. It was hard to know what was real or not,” she confesses.

“What rumours?” I ask, more curious than anything.

“Mainly that you were a ladies’ man and were bouncing from one girl to the next every other week. Plus, the threesome story but you cleared that up back then. People still probably believe that’s true though,” she says, her words rushing out.

I can’t help it. The look on her face is so serious, I throw my head back letting out my loudest laugh yet. Once I gain control over myself, my eyes find Sophia. She sits there waiting patiently while I finish my soft chuckles.

“Firstly, I wasn’t a ladies’ man. I never hooked up with any of the girls from school. I kept to myself and barely talked to anyone. Cheating is a hard line for me too. Plus, I had bigger issues outside of school to worry about so I couldn’t care less what people at school were saying about me.”

She stares at me so I say, “I promise if I marry you, you would be the only woman in my life and in my bed.”

Her blush deepens as she slowly nods.

“It’ll probably be awkward at first but I’m sure we can get through that.”

“What do you mean by awkward?” she asks, her brows pulling together.

“You know. Penis shock,” I say, with a straight face, before turning to the fridge and grabbing two bottles of water, sliding one across to her.

“Why would it shock me? What’s wrong with it?” she asks, her eyes drifting down towards the front of my pants like she can get a look at it with her imaginary x-ray vision.

“Ah ah ah, it’s a secret you will learn only if we get married. So maybe you’ll find out and maybe you won’t,” I say, while smugly smiling at her.

“That’s not fair. What if I don’t like it after we are married? Does your warped penis give me grounds for divorce?” she asks, crossing her arms over her ample chest.
