Page 15 of All Of My Sundays

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“Don’t worry, I have no doubt you will like him,” I state, while copying her stance and crossing my own arms over my chest. “Should I write up a contract, just to be safe?” I suggest.

She nods, so I walk over to my buffet table in the entryway, open the drawer and take out a notepad and pen then take a seat next to her when I return.

Sitting down, I start writing and reading out loud as I do, “We, Sophia Philips and Lorenzo Moretti, agree that once we have both hit the ripe age of thirty that we will marry each other if we are both still single. We agree to the following terms:

No cheating on each other. If one of us cheats, that is grounds for divorce.

If Sophia isn’t completely satisfied with Lorenzo’s penis, then she is free to divorce him, but only after she has taken him for a test drive.”

“Oh my God Lorenzo, you can’t write that,” she shrieks. She grabs my arm, pulling it away from the notepad to see I have in fact written the exact words I read out loud.

“Don’t worry, it’s for our eyes only.” I laugh at how serious she is taking all of this.

“Okay, well add in you can’t divorce me because of the headache my parents will cause. I have warned you about them and you still think this crazy idea is a good one.”

I turn my body, looking her in the eyes when I say, “Honey, when I marry you, it’s for keeps. Nothing in this world could make me divorce you, least of all your parents.” Holding her gaze I watch as she gulps and receives the message loud and clear. I mean business. If my plan works, I could finally have the girl of my dreams. It will be a hell of a long wait for the plan to play out though but that’s a risk I’m willing to take. I now need to hope and pray some other douche doesn’t come along and steal her away when she is within reach. As I’m contemplating asking her to marry me then and there, she nudges my arm to get my attention.

“You looked like you were away with the fairies,” she laughs, as I shake my head to clear the fog.

“Sorry, I think the tequila is kicking in,” I lie.

“Oh, I thought it kicked in when you made this crazy offer,” she laughs, before looking at me, her eyes drifting shut, telling me the tequila has set in for her.

“Anything you wish to add to our list?” I ask, showing it to her. Although I’m not sure she can read a word of it with the number of shots she’s had.

“Sundays, no matter what, will be for the two of us. We can watch a movie or go out to dinner, but they must be spent together,” she suggests.

“Sounds like a good suggestion,” I say, as I write down what she said. I quickly write out another copy of the contract, word for word then sign both. Sliding the notepad her way I say, “Here, sign these.”

She lazily grabs the pen from my fingers, scrawling a signature across the paper. I rip one copy out of the book and fold it up. I hold it out to her between two of my fingers. She takes it grazing my hand. As she stares me down, she tucks it into her bra, right over her heart.

“For safekeeping,” she whispers. My eyes drift to her pink luscious lips. I wish I could kiss her, but fear of wrecking things holds me back.

“I’m out of tequila. Wanna watch a movie?” I ask, instead of lavishing her mouth like I want to.

“Sure,” she replies, sliding off her stool and walking over to my comfy grey couch like she owns the place. She tucks her legs up underneath her as I grab the remote off the coffee table and turn the T.V on then flick to a random movie on Netflix.

“This okay?” I ask, regarding the action movie I picked.

“Yeah, that’s fine,” she says, a yawn catching her off guard, as she covers it with her hand.

We settle in to watch the movie, but I can’t focus at all with her sitting so close to me. There are many questions I wantto ask her, but I bite my tongue, so as not to scare her. It’s the first time I’ve seen this girl in years, I don’t want her running for the hills already. Lost in my thoughts, I don’t notice we are halfway through the movie until I focus back on the T.V. Soft snores next to me pull my attention her way.

Her head is turned towards me as it rests on the couch, her fringe hanging down across her forehead while the rest of her fiery hair surrounds her face. Before I can stop myself, I reach up with my pinkie and gently move the hair of her fringe to the side to get a better glimpse of her. Her smattering of freckles spread out across her nose and cheeks, making my finger itch, wanting to trace them.

I’ve always been a man who believes in fate. Things happen for a reason, whether good or bad, but they happen to direct you on the path you are meant to go down. In this moment, I believe fate led Sophia to this bar to find me and I’ve got to believe in eight, hopefully fast years, it will bring her back into my life again. If it doesn’t, I may have to make fate happen myself and go and find her.

Her head starts sliding forward until it hits my shoulder. In her slumber she rubs her face against my arm, getting comfortable. Finding the right spot, she stills, and her snores return. I sit like that, barely daring to breathe so as not to wake her for a few minutes and relish the feeling of her snuggled up against me. As I feel my own eyes starting to drift, I make the decision to take her to my bed.

Gently so as not to wake her, I slide my hand under her legs, pulling her to my chest and stand up straight. Her head rests against my chest as I walk, and I can’t help but think I could spend the rest of my life carrying this girl wherever she wanted if I got to call her mine.
