Page 16 of All Of My Sundays

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Once I reach my bed, I manage to pull the covers back and wriggle her in before covering her up. Peacefully her snoresreturn, unaware she was moved at all. I glance at Ally and she’s still fast asleep in the same position we left her. Her own snores fill the quiet room.

With one last longing look at Sophia, I push myself up to stand and stumble out of the room. I plop myself back on the couch and kick off my shoes. Grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch, I throw it over me and as soon as I’m settled, my eyes close and I’m out for the count.

Chapter Ten


Stretching my arms above my head, I point my toes in the opposite direction feeling a satisfied smile cross my lips at the pulling sensation. Curling back into myself, I roll over pulling the fluffy bedspread under my chin. The strange feeling of the blanket has me peeking one eye open to be greeted with two big brown eyes staring back at me. Ally’s own smile stares back at me.

“So, do you want to explain where we are, Missy? Because this bed belongs to neither of us,” she says, as she lifts the blanket to prove her point. I push up to my elbows and the fast movement has me grabbing my forehead and flopping back down on the pillow as my head throbs. Looking around, Iexamine my surroundings. It’s a plain room with a pure white bedspread over us, two wooden bedside tables on either side of the bed and an open door shows an ensuite behind Ally. There are no personal touches anywhere around the room, signalling who the mystery room may belong to.

Closing my eyes, memories fill my mind of us line dancing, then the creeps from the bar and of Lorenzo coming to the rescue.

“Lorenzo,” I whisper, which has Ally raising a brow at me.

“Who’s Lorenzo?” she whispers, snuggling down in the blanket and facing me, pulling it up to her chin like I had a minute ago. I snuggle down and face her.

“He’s a guy I went to school with,” I whisper to her, keeping us in a secretive bubble.

She pulls the blanket over both our heads before whispering back, “Is he cute?”

I cover my mouth to stop the giggle from escaping. She pinches me, knowing it’ll make me laugh harder and I swat at her. After fending her off she settles back down, placing her hands under her head watching me.

“You have no idea,” I tell her, my smile stretching wide across my face.

“Tell me, tell me,” She whispers.

“You know the cool guys that don’t try to be cool, they just are. That was him. He had this mysterious bad boy vibe dripping off him and all the girls secretly tried to get his attention. Well, some were not so secret about it,” I inform her, reliving memories of him in my head.

“Ugh, those are the dangerous ones. I likey,” Ally says, which has me giggling.

“You would think he would seem dangerous but not Renzo. I’ve always felt, you know, safe around him. It’s hard to explain,” I tell her.

“Soph, I don’t mean actually dangerous. I mean dangerous for your heart. He sounds like the ones who will have you falling madly in love with them and then you’re fighting for breath like you’re underwater, not knowing which way is up or down,” she sighs, looking lost in her own thoughts.

“You sound like an expert on this topic.”

“Liam Waterson,” she sighs again. “The bad boy from my school who stole my heart. Well stole is not the right word because I stupidly gave him my heart willingly. There was no way to deny him. And if he walked back into my life right this second, I would be a pile of mush. Right back where I started,” she admits, with a shimmer in her eyes. “This Lorenzo sounds like him.”

“Well, he doesn’t make me turn to mush but I had the biggest crush on him. I don’t think he knew I existed back at school. We never hung around the same friends or talked much back then.” I keep the fact I would pack extra lunch for him every single day a secret. I don’t want to divulge the information for some reason.

“If you had the biggest crush on him, then why on earth are you in bed waking up with me and not with him?” she demands.

“Ally, you know what I’m like. I can’t jump from guy to guy. Even if one of them is as hot as Lorenzo.”

“Ugh, Mitch the asshole does not deserve your sympathy or loyalty. And you know what they say, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else,” she winks at me. My palm slaps across my mouth to cover the laughter as Ally does the same.

“I was trying to build up the courage to jump his bones and was shooting the tequila to give me liquid courage, but I think the tequila got the better of me. I don’t remember how I got in here. The last thing I remember is sitting at the kitchen benchtalking with him.” I close my eyes like it’ll help clear my foggy brain and fill in the gaps of what happened last night.

“You’ve still got time to jump his bones now, you know,” she teases. I start to laugh before I stop, my eyes widening. Grabbing her wrist, I check the time.

“Damn it, I didn’t realise it’s so late. I’ve got lunch with my parents. And I don’t need the third degree with this headache about why I’m late,” I say, panicking. I fling the covers off us, knowing Ally will start to get up now too.

“Have I told you lately how much I hate your parents?” she asks.

“Not today you haven’t. But I’m sure you will on our way home.”

It’s always the same with Ally. We’ve known each other since college where we shared a dorm so she knows how bad my parents can be. They don’t approve of Ally either as they claim she is too much of a wild card to be my friend. They would have a fit if they knew Ally and I were on the other side of town and not wrapped up safely at home. They still don’t know Mitch and I broke up so I will have to drop that bomb today too.
