Page 34 of All Of My Sundays

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“Come here Soph,” he softly says, as he pulls me into his arms. His large hand cradles my head against his chest as the other one wraps around my waist. I wrap my own arms around his waist, noticing how hard his body is underneath his suit. “I won’t let him cause you any more hurt. That’s a promise.”

“Thanks Lorenzo,” I say, enjoying the feel of being in his arms. We stay like that for a minute before he speaks again.

“I do want a real marriage with you though. I know it will be awkward at times but I’m sure together we can work through it all. We have to communicate if something is making us feel awkward,” he says.

“I want that too,” I say, quietly against his chest.

“We’ll take it slow,” he says, and I squeeze him tightly in agreement.

“Did you mean what you said about all your Sundays?” I ask, wanting to know if he meant it or if it was a line. He unhooks my arms from his waist pulling me back so he can look into my eyes.

“I meant every word Sophia. From now until forever, I’ll give you all of my Sundays.” My eyes flicker back and forth between his eyes, looking for any deception but I see none.

“Thank you,” I whisper, and he leans forward delivering a chaste kiss to my cheek which has me closing my eyes. Too soon he’s pulling away before smiling at me. I’m starting to think with the way my body reacts to him, I may have trouble taking thiswhole thing slow. I guess that’s a good start though, wanting to jump your fiance's bones.

“Another drink?” he asks.

“Sure. Can we get a round of tequila shots? I want to celebrate my birthday properly,” I tell him, feeling excitement bubbling inside of me at the prospect that this marriage may work.

“I’ll be right back,” he says, leaning forward and kissing me on the forehead. He pulls back and looks at me. He slides his fingers along a section of hair. “Can the wig come off? I miss your red hair.”

“Not easily. I’ll have to do it tomorrow because everything I need is at home,” I tell him, chuckling. I’d forgotten I was wearing the wig until he mentioned it.

“Tomorrow it is then,” he says, before standing and walking to the bar. With his back turned, I check out my fiance's tight butt. Hot damn, those pants make it look amazing. I sigh out loud which makes Ally laugh opposite me. In my ogling, I hadn’t realised she’d joined me at the booth.

“Checking out your soon to be hubby I see,” she teases, making us both laugh.

“Well, he isn’t sore on the eyes. That’s for sure,” I tell her, as I continue to watch him. Seeing Niko join him at the bar. I turn back to Ally.

“Please don’t sleep with Niko and make things weird,” I tell her honestly.

Rolling her eyes she says, “Fine. Only because it’s a weird enough situation as it is. But damn the way that man moves, I’m sure he’d have me singing in the sack in seconds.” We both laugh loudly at her words but I’m starting to think the same about Lorenzo.

“Be honest, do you think it’s weird we are gonna do this? I know we laughed and joked about it over the years after I told you but now it’s happening, is it weird?”

“Yeah, it is but it doesn’t mean it can’t also be right. People get married every day for all sorts of reasons so why can’t this be another reason? The way you two look at each other, I don’t think you’ll have many problems,” she says, wiggling her brows at me.

“What do you mean the way we look at each other?”

“Seriously, you both look at the other like they are your favourite meal and you’re starving,” she chuckles, as my mouth drops open. “Don’t look so shocked, you know it’s true,” she whispers, and I realise why she dropped her voice when the guys return with more drinks. Lorenzo holds a tray, two whiskeys for us, a vodka for Niko and another cocktail for Ally while Niko holds four tequila shots between his fingers. I glance at Ally and see her eyes widen as Niko places one of the shots in front of her.

“How about I take your one too. It is my birthday after all,” I tell her, wrapping my fingers around her shot glass and sliding it my way.

“Thanks,” she says, offering me a small smile. We both know Ally is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol so the cocktail she’s drinking will probably be enough for her for the night.

“Here’s to new beginnings,” I say, grabbing one of my shots and clinking the glass with the three of them. We drink our shots while Ally takes a big sip of her cocktail.

“Let’s dance some more,” Ally says, looking in my direction.

“Yes, let's,” I tell her, as I quickly tip my head back taking my other shot and then grabbing my glass of whiskey. Lorenzo stands up so I can slide out of the booth, and I take my glass with me to the dance floor as Ally links her arm with mine. Theguys stay behind at the booth drinking and chatting, while I hold hands with Ally and sway to the music. The fuzzy feeling from the alcohol is taking effect and making me a lot more relaxed than I was earlier in the night.

We hold hands and dance while sipping from our drinks. We continue like that for a few songs until both our drinks are finished. I’m about to ask Ally if she wants another when I feel a warm body pushed up against me. I instantly step forward until I hear Lorenzo’s voice.

“It’s me.”

I relax, peeking over my shoulder to double check it is in fact him. Niko steps up in front of me and loosens my empty glass from my hand taking it and then does the same with Ally.

“Do you want another drink, Sophia?” Niko asks and I nod. He looks to Lorenzo and silently asks him before he turns to Ally.
