Page 35 of All Of My Sundays

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“I’ll come with you. I need a break from dancing,” Ally says, letting go of my hand.

Lorenzo pulls me back into his front, swaying us gently as he holds me by the waist. He rests his chin on my shoulder, and I can’t help but feel safe in his embrace. I don’t know if it’s from the alcohol or not, but I’ll go with it.

We continue dancing like this as Niko hands us each a drink and then he and Ally head back to the booth. I can see Ally has switched out her cocktails for water now. She probably doesn’t want to get blind drunk but tonight, I don’t care if I do. I want to celebrate my birthday how I want to, on my own terms without my father’s interference.

That drink turns into a couple more and before I know it, I’m stumbling and laughing all over the place.

“This is the best birthday ever,” I tell Lorenzo who I now face, my arms wrapped around his neck.

He switched to water a few drinks ago but told me he would look after me if I wanted to keep drinking. He mentioned he still lives above the bar and said we could all crash there when we have had enough partying. I close my eyes and he sways us to the music letting any remaining worries drift away.


“Get it out Sophia. It’s okay,” I faintly hear Lorenzo’s voice.

My heavy eyes peek open, and I take in the porcelain toilet I’m currently bent over. Vomit sits in the bowl making me gag again, adding more.

“That’s it,” Lorenzo says from my side, as his hand rubs circles on my lower back while I hurl into the toilet.

My hair flings forward as my stomach lurches.

“Shit,” Lorenzo swears, and moves around me. Then he’s pulling my hair back from my face gently and holding it out of the way while I vomit so it doesn’t get in my hair. “Damn it, the wig is gonna need to get thrown out cos I wasn’t fast enough,” he murmurs.

I can’t answer, but in my head I think it’s okay, it’s a wig. Not like I was gonna wear it again. I stop for a minute, and he flushes the toilet, taking the horrid smell with it.

Releasing my hair he says, “I’m gonna get you a glass of water. I’ll be right back. Will you be okay?”

I nod. Well, I think I do as my head feels heavy. The door squeaks open, and his retreating footsteps fade as I close my eyes again. My head gets heavier, and I want to lay down.

“No, no, no.” Lorenzo is back again, lifting my head from the cool surface. “You can’t rest on the toilet. I've got you,” his soothing voice tells me. My eyes are too heavy to open now, andI want to sleep. “Have a sip of water before you sleep,” his voice tells me.

Ifeel the cool glass pressed against my lips so open my mouth as he tips the cold liquid in. I take a small sip, swallow then the world goes black.


My head feels heavy against the soft surface I’m lying on. Throbbing behind the eyes keeps me from opening them straight away. I groggily peel them open; the bright light forces me to squint to adjust to the brightness before fully becoming aware of my surroundings. White tiled floor and white walls with a door. I crane my head to the side, catching sight of the toilet behind me and realise I’m in a bathroom.

I push myself to sit up and realise my pillow is a pair of legs covered in grey suit pants. I scan the body all the way to the face. Lorenzo’s soft snores fill the air as his head rests against the bathroom cabinet. A strand of dark hair has fallen across his forehead, so I gently reach up pushing it back into place.

Running my eyes down my dress I see there’s vomit on it. I guess that answers my question about how we ended up here. My movements must cause Lorenzo to wake because he runs a hand over his face before turning to me, his eyes opening. I watch as he wakes and the realisation, I’m awake too has his eyes widening.

“Hey. You feeling okay?” he asks.

“Yeah,” I croak, my throat feeling rough, making me wince. He glances at the watch on his wrist.

“It’s still pretty early. If you're feeling okay, how about you get some sleep in the bed. Ally’s already in there and Niko’s on the couch,” he tells me.

“Okay, but could I shower first?” I ask, looking at the vomit on my dress.

“Of course. I’ll grab you a t-shirt to sleep in,” he says, as he pushes himself to stand. He holds out a hand for me and pulls me up. My body shakes and he raises his eyebrows at me.

“Will you be okay in the shower?” he asks, holding my forearms.

My stomach lurches and I turn, emptying the contents into the toilet. It’s not much, my stomach is mostly empty from previously vomiting I’m guessing. Lorenzo stands behind me, my hair gathered in his hands. I stay like that for a few minutes making sure I’m not gonna vomit again before standing upright.

“Could you hang around to make sure I’m okay? Don’t look though,” I ask, my body shaking a bit more now.

“Anything you need,” he says, a small smile gracing his lips. “Sit down and I’ll grab you something to change into and a towel.” He lowers the toilet seat then helps me sit on it. He quickly exits the door and I hear the light banging of drawers before he returns.
