Page 39 of All Of My Sundays

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“It's settled then. We are doing this. It may not be how we thought this would happen, but we can make it amazing.” I lean forward kissing her on the cheek, before standing and placing the rest of the dishes in the dishwasher and setting the cycle to run.

“Why don’t we go the whole hog and get married today?” she blurts. My wide eyes face her as I turn around.

“What now?”

“Let’s get married today.”

“You’re serious?” I ask, stunned.

“My dad has drilled it into me about not living with a man before marriage,” she says, her eyes dropping to the kitchen bench.

I walk around and pull out the seat I was seated in before. Turning her whole chair around to face me, her eyes lift to mine.

“Is that the only reason you want to rush us to the altar?” I stare into her baby blues.

She nibbles the side of her bottom lip, and I can’t help the glance I make to them, wondering if they are as soft as they look.

“Actually, I want you to make good on your promise to fuck me up against the wall with your mask on,” she deadpans and after a beat of shock, my boisterous laughter fills the room.

“Honey, I don’t need to marry you to make that happen. If you want, I can make good on that right now,” I tell her. I watch as she gulps, a deep tinge of pink sets her skin on fire.

She releases a huff before she says, “I don’t want you to change your mind okay.”

“What?” I ask as her eyes drop to her fingers that pull on the opposite index finger.

“I don’t want you to wake up one day and realise you don’t want to spend the rest of your life with me,” she meekly says.

“Look at me,” my soft voice says. I wait until her eyes raise on their own before I continue. “There is nothing I want more than to be your husband. I mean it. I do want a chance to win your heart before we get married though. So, if I promise I won’t change my mind will you promise to give me a chance to capture your heart?”

Her eyes flicker back and forth as they search mine for the lie in my statement.

“All right. As long as you don’t change your mind.”

“Cross my heart and hope to die,” I say, crossing my fingers over my heart.

She laughs as her hand lightly swats at me.

“Plus, I saw you puking your guts out last night and I’m still set on marrying you, so I don’t think there’s anything that will change my mind if that couldn’t,” I say while laughing at the shocked look on her face.

“Ugh I wasn’t that bad, was I?”

“Worse,” I joke. I lean forward kissing her cheek as she sits in shock.

“You are trouble,” she admonishes.

“With a capital t. Now should we do this?” I ask.

She looks at herself before she says, “Umm I think my parents are going to have a heart attack with me rocking up in your clothes.” Which makes us both laugh before my face drops.

“Shoot. We'll have to order an Uber as I have the bike and I don't think that outfit is bike friendly.” I raise a brow at her.

“I've never been on a motorbike before,” she softly says, her eyes lighting up at the prospect.

“Safety first, love. I'll have to get you a helmet. Plus driving around in my clothes on the back of my bike is not how I want my first impression with your parents as your fiance to go.”

“Fair enough. It's already going to be an uphill battle with them,” she huffs.

“Well, no time like the present. Let's get this over with then we can enjoy the rest of our first Sunday together,” I tell her, which has her smile growing.
