Page 38 of All Of My Sundays

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“I can’t wait to get this wig off,” Ally says, flinging the black hair over her shoulder.

“Me too,” Sophia says, and I can’t help but think the same.

“What time will your parents be expecting us to show up?” I ask, remembering what her mother said about coming over today.

“Probably around ten,” she says, reaching both arms above her head as she yawns. She then picks up her own mug taking a small sip of coffee. “Remind me never to drink again,” she says, causing everyone else to crack up with laughter. Her puzzled face looks at us. “What’s so funny?”

“That’s what they all say babe,” Ally tells her, smiling at her.

“Well, I mean it,” she says, which makes us all laugh harder.

“They all say that too,” Ally replies, and Sophia shakes her head at us.

Finishing my coffee, I start rinsing off the dishes and placing them in the dishwasher so I can run a cycle while we are out at her parents.

“I’m gonna jump in the shower and get ready,” I tell Sophia.

“I might shoot off Renz,” Niko says, as he grabs his discarded suit jacket from the back of the couch where he left it.

“Sweet man. I’ll catch you at work tomorrow,” I reply.

“Ally, do you want a ride home or are you gonna hang around waiting for these two?” he says to Ally, as she finishes drinking her coffee.

“Are you going by Kingfisher Place by any chance?” she asks.

“For you I can. It’s not too far from where I’m headed. Come on.”

“Okay. Soph, I gotta love ya and leave ya but I hope you had a great night last night. You deserved it. Don’t listen to whatever your parents say today either,” Ally tells Sophia, as she pulls her in for a hug. “Bye Lorenzo. I guess I’ll be seeing a lot more of you now,” she laughs, which has me smiling.

“I guess so.”

She and Niko leave, waving goodbye as they exit. I see Sophia hasn’t finished her food but she’s managing to drink her coffee which is something, I guess.

“Okay, showering now,” I tell her.

She offers a small smile behind the rim of her mug which meets her eyes. I return it before walking through my room to my ensuite. I run the water at my usual cooler temperature and quickly wash my body along with my hair before hopping out and drying myself off. Sophia’s discarded clothes I said I’d take care of catch my attention.

I throw on my best shirt and jeans wanting to look somewhat presentable for her parents.

Not knowing what to do with the dress, I walk out to the kitchen to ask Sophia. “Hey, do you want me to get your dress dry-cleaned for you?”

“Oh no that’s fine. I’ll take it home with me," she rushes to say.

“It's honestly no trouble. I'm dry-cleaning my suit, so I'll send your dress along with it.”

“If you're sure.”

“I wouldn't suggest it if I wasn't Soph,” I tell her. Laying the dress across the back of the couch I sit next to her in the kitchen, taking her hand in mine. “I need you to know I mean what I say, and I say what I mean. There's no hidden agenda behind my words,” I say, looking straight into her eyes.

Her eyes drop to her lap, but I place a finger under her chin, raising her eyes back to mine. Something shimmers in their depths. Uncertainty maybe. But she nods her head slowly anyway, accepting what I've told her.

Wanting to lighten the mood I add, “So fiancee, shall we get this lunch with your parents over with?” A smile lights up her face before she hides it behind her hands.

“Are we crazy to do this?”

“I always thought life was more fun with a little crazy.” I shrug my shoulders at her, making her laugh. “You don't have to marry me if you don't want, Sophia. I will never make you do anything you don't want to,” I tell her again, making sure she is a hundred percent okay with marrying me.

“No. I want to do this. I want to marry you.” Her skin colour deepens with her admission.
