Page 4 of All Of My Sundays

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“Ahh that’s a beautiful name. You got a class with her?”

“Yeah P.E. She got hit with a volleyball, so I asked if she was okay. She has the prettiest hair I’ve ever seen. It's this bright orange like fire and her skin is covered in these faint freckles,” I tell him, which makes him lean back and look at me. “What?” I ask.

“Don’t forget why you are there. You need to focus on your studies and get good grades before you finish school. Girls can come later,” he tells me.

“Yeah Gramps, I know the deal. She made me too nervous anyway,” I confess.

“Well, you know what that means.”


“It means she must be worth it. If you get that nervous around a girl, it means she’s worth fighting for. But like I said, girls can come later, you have your whole life ahead of you.”

“But you didn’t wait for Nana,” I remind him.

“That’s because I had to convince your Nana to give me a shot. I knew it in my soul when I met her there was something about her that drew me in, and I never stood a chance. I grabbed life by the horns and held on for dear life. I want you to focus on your grades Lorenzo. I didn’t pull you away from that bad crowd you were hanging with at your other school so you could mess up this opportunity,” he sighs, as he stands to head to the kitchen.

“Yeah, Gramps I hear you,” I reply. He stops in the hall to turn back to me.

“When the right girl comes around, you’ll feel it in your bones, boy. Life has a funny way of making things work out, so if this is the girl meant for you, it’ll work out. You’re sixteen. Focus on yourself for now. The rest will come later.” He leaves me to think as he heads into the kitchen. I place pieces into the puzzle where they fit and leave the images of the girl with the fiery red hair behind me. Like Gramps said, if it’s meant to be, it’ll be. Plus, I don’t know this girl. I’m sure I’ll forget about her soon enough.

Chapter Three


Days turn into weeks and weeks into months and before I know it, the end of the year is closing in on me. It’s stressful with exams coming up so the pressure is getting to me. My parents expect nothing less than the best and anything else is a disappointment. My best isn’t enough most days.

It’s the Tuesday before exams start and I find myself holed up in the library at one of the tables with Kelsey and Delilah during our free period. Everyone is cramming for the exams next week. It’s not a new thing. All the rich parents who send their kids here have high expectations of them, mine are just as bad if not worse.

The tables are full as the sound of scratching pens on paper surrounds us. The sound of the library door closing perks my ears up, but my eyes stay on the page I’m writing on, needing to focus.

“Did you hear the latest gossip about Lorenzo?” Kelsey starts, and I roll my eyes inside my head at her. She hasn’t stopped gossiping about the boy since the day he arrived.

“Aren’t you tired of talking about him yet?” I whisper.

“With all the stuff I hear about him, how could I ever be tired of it?” she asks, and this time I roll my eyes so she can see.

“What did you hear?” Delilah asks, and I try my best to ignore them, as my eyes drop back down to the paper in front of me.

“I heard he had a threesome with Gaia and Trisha on the football field on Saturday night,” she says with glee, which has Delilah choking in shock. I lift my head at her news and my own eyes widen as Kelsey waggles her brows at me with a huge smile on my face. It isn’t her I’m focussed on though. It’s the main character of her story that happens to be standing right behind her, and his eyes are on me. Now I realise why Delilah was choking.

With his eyes still set on mine he says, “Ladies, do you mind if I sit with you?” which has Kelsey’s own eyes about to pop out of her skull.

I swallow with the hope it will ease the dryness, but it doesn’t, so I nod instead of speaking, worried my voice would come out squeaky if I tried.

“Thanks,” he says, as he pulls out the remaining seat next to Kelsey and sits down. He pulls out his books and flips to the page he needs. “Oh, don’t let me interrupt your conversation. Carry on,” he encourages Kelsey, as he settles into his own studying and focuses on his textbook. I avert my gaze and followhis lead, focusing on my books and from the lack of noise coming from Delilah and Kelsey, I’m guessing they are doing the same.

The rest of the period we work silently surrounded by our awkward bubble until the bell goes and everyone rushes off to their next class.

“By the way there was no threesome. The girls asked if they could spread the rumour to mess with their exes who they caught cheating on them. It was no skin off my nose, so I let them. If you wouldn’t mind keeping that information to yourselves, I’d appreciate it. Those guys deserve what was coming to them,” Lorenzo whispers, which has us all nodding before he packs up and leaves us to it.

“I knew gossiping would get you in trouble one day,” I direct at Kelsey.

“You guys could have warned me he was behind me,” she chastises, as we leave the library behind and walk to our next class.

Chapter Four

