Page 5 of All Of My Sundays

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I spent the summer working with my gramps at his auto shop. He gives me smaller tasks to keep me occupied. We fixed up my motorbike too. We worked on it every day during the summer. It was a piece of garbage Gramps bought off someone cheap knowing he could fix it up. He's allowing me to ride it to school now instead of taking the bus which took nearly an hour. I passed all my exams at the end of the year, so Gramps was happy. Only one more year to go and then I'll be out of school for good. Gramps wants me to go to university, but I already know I want to work in the shop with him.

Pulling up to school, the hum of the engine causes the other students to stop and stare. It's nothing new. All last yearthey gawked and spread rumours about me. I know I don't help the situation. I couldn't relate to most of these kids. They were worrying about their daddies not buying them a new boat for their birthdays where I was worrying about making sure I pass each test so as not to let my gramps down.

I hop off my bike and hang my helmet on the handle. It's not like these kids are gonna steal it. They could have their parents buy them a brand-new bike by tomorrow if they wanted. My fingers rake through my hair, pushing it off my face as I walk towards the front doors of the school. Once inside, conversations cease as they notice me, but I pay them no mind as I head straight to my home room which isn't too far. Taking a seat, my teacher Mr. Carr slides my timetable in front of me.

“Thanks sir,” I say to his retreating figure, as he moves on to the other students. My schedule doesn’t look too bad as I glance over it. The bell rings and I head to my first period which happens to be English. A seat in the back calls to me in the hope no one will sit close to me. At least the rumours cause most of the students to keep their distance. Still, it doesn’t deter everyone and I have the odd girl throwing themselves at me or starting rumours about hooking up with me which isn't true at all. I haven't hooked up with anyone at this school. The only one who ever caught my interest was the red-haired siren but like everyone else, she gives me a wide berth. I wouldn't mind if she came closer. With thoughts of her in my mind, she magically appears. Her bright red hair captures my attention as she steps into the room. The bored expression on my face remains in place but I watch out of the corner of my eye as she glances around the students to find a desk. She's with her friend Kelsey and they take seats on the opposite side of the room together. Her hair is straight down her back today, not one hair out of place. I'd love to run my fingers through it to see if it is as soft as it looks.

Class begins and thoughts about the red head are pushed aside as I focus on why I'm here, determined to get good grades before I leave this place.

The rest of the day is uneventful. Everyone is talking about all the places they visited for their summer holidays and their summer homes. I avoid it all and as the bell rings, I pack up my stuff and head out to my bike. Sliding onto the back, I pull my helmet on and slide the visor down to cover my eyes. It gives me the perfect chance to watch as Sophia walks out of the school doors. Turning the ignition, I watch as the roar of the engine draws her eyes to me as it does everyone else. Her steps slow, the only indication she's checking out my bike like everyone else is.

What I wouldn't give to have her eyes on me. One thing I've noticed is everyone stares at me, they don't care. They do it openly and whisper lies to their friends except one. Sophia. Her eyes are never on me as if I'm invisible to her. And that is the last thing I want. I'd trade everyone else's eyes on me for hers if I could. I'm not sure why she does it. I don't think she's stuck up but I'm too chicken to ask her. Out of everyone I've ever come across, she's the only person who makes me nervous. My gramps can make me nervous for a different reason, it’s usually because I don't want to disappoint him, but not Sophia. She makes my heart race. I worry if I talk to her, I'd stutter over my words.

I've waited long enough so I kick up the stand and slowly back out before I peel out of the school leaving them all behind as my bike takes me to my gramps’ auto shop to help him out.

“Hey boy, how was your first day back?” he asks, as I walk into the shop where I find him in his office.

“Same old. Nothing new.” He lets out a chuckle before he stands but then staggers and grips the edge of the desk.

“Gramps? You okay?” I ask, my brows furrowed as I watch him. He clutches his chest before falling back into his chair.

“Think I'm having a heart attack,” he rasps, squeezing his words out. I react and grab the phone off his desk and dial emergency services. It isn't long before they arrive and wheel him into the back of the ambulance where I jump in beside him. I leave his main mechanic Lewis in charge. At the hospital they confirm it was a mild heart attack and he needs to stay overnight for observation. I settle in for the night, too worried about him to leave his side.

Chapter Five


I peel my eyes open as I feel a shake on my forearm.

“Hey boy, time for you to head to school,” Gramps tells me. My head rested on his hospital bed while I sat in the chair beside him all night waiting for any update.

“I don't want to go to school. Can't I miss one day?”

“No, come on. They probably won't have much to tell us anyway and you aren't gonna do anything but sit here all day. You’ll be more useful at school,” he urges.

“Fine then,” I relent.

“Good. Ring Lewis to come get you and take you to the shop to grab your bike,” he tells me.

“I'll be back straight after school. Let me know if there are any updates,” I instruct him.

“Yeah yeah. Now get going before you're late,” he says.

I pull out my phone from my pocket and dial Lewis. Luckily, he was already on the way to come check on us. With reluctance, I say my goodbyes to Gramps and head out the front to meet Lewis.

After grabbing my bike from the shop, home is my next stop to shower, grab a muesli bar to eat and then I'm back on my bike headed to school. I'm cutting it close so I drive faster than I usually would. The last thing I need is to get detention for being late.

Pulling up into the school car park, I park in the same spot I did yesterday.

“You should take your piece of crap straight to the dump, Moretti,” Devon says, as he walks past with his followers behind him. He's Gaia's ex so is sour towards me after the threesome rumours spread like wildfire.

I’m hungry and tired and usually I'd let it slide but today it gets the better of me and I fire back.

“Come on now Devon, don't be jealous cos I gave it to your girl better than you ever could,” I tease. Removing my helmet, eyes on Devon, I hook it on the handle.

“What did you say?” He stops, his nostrils flaring as his fists clench at his sides. His friend Peter grabs his forearm to pull him away, but Devon shakes him off.

“You heard me. And the whole school knows what Gaia, Trisha and I got up to when your shit team didn’t make the play-offs, so how about you run along and go cry about that. It'll teach you not to cheat on girls and treat them like shit,” I cuss at him. A small crowd has gathered now to watch us. A glimpse of bright red hair alerts me to Sophia's presence, without seeing her face.
