Page 46 of All Of My Sundays

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“Me,” I all but whisper.

“Whaaaat?” she screeches. “Sophia Marie Philips, explain yourself,” she demands.

“We decided to bring the wedding forward to today,” I tell her, as I hold in my laugh at her reaction.

“I left you less than four hours ago and there wasn’t a wedding date set. You had only gotten engaged last night. Oh my gosh, someone catch me, I think I’m fainting,” she says, as her drama queen emerges.

“Don’t be so dramatic. We’re set on getting married and want to do it now. Why wait?”

“To possibly think it through properly first. You’ve been in each other’s orbits for less than twenty-four hours. What if you get married but you hate the way he snores or something or find out he hates animals. Then what?”

My lips twist in thought before I hop off the bed and walk back down the hallway where Lorenzo is still sitting at the table. His warm smile greets me as I walk into the room which makes my heart randomly flutter.

“Lorenzo, do you snore?” I ask.

“Oh my gosh, you’re asking him. Jeez Louise girl. You’re cuckoo,” Ally’s voice chimes through on the phone, as I hold the phone to my ear.

Lorenzo’s smile grows as he watches me.

“I’m not sure if I do or not but I can’t be as bad as Ally. She was snoring like a freight train last night,” he yells, so Ally can hear him.

Her gasp has me covering my hand over my laugh, so she doesn’t hear me.

“I bet he’s lousy in bed,” Ally throws back, but only I can hear her. My gaze trickles over Lorenzo before I reply to her.

“I doubt it,” I say to her, which makes Lorenzo’s brow pop in question as I hold his gaze.

“Nothing I say is going to change your mind. You are both as crazy as the other. Ask about the animals though to be sure.”

“Do you like animals?” He chuckles.

“I’ve never had a pet, but I like animals. I’ve always wanted a dog, but never had the time to give to them but if you want pets, we can get pets. I’ll get you a donkey if that’s what you want,” he offers.

“He sounds too good to be true,” Ally says after his speech.

“Can we call him Kenneth?” I ask, which makes Lorenzo’s chest shake with laughter.

“You can call him whatever you want. Now have I passed the test Ally? Can I marry your best friend today?” he yells for her.

“Fine but if it all goes belly up, you know I’ll have the tequila ready,” she tells me.

I give Lorenzo a slight nod to let him know she’s okay with us getting married.

“Thanks Ally. I couldn’t do this without you.”

“I know. That's what besties are for. Now send me the address. Do you need anything?”

“No, I think I’m good, and I’ll send you Niko’s number. He said he would pick you up on his way.”

“Great. Sounds like a plan. And Soph?”


“I’m happy for you. I hope it all works out.”

“Thanks. Me too.”

“Okay. Send me the number. I’m gonna go get ready and I’ll see you soon,” she says, before hanging up the phone.
