Page 47 of All Of My Sundays

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“What’s Niko’s number?” I ask Lorenzo. He prattles it off, so I text it to Ally and then save it in my phone. “What’s your number?” I ask. He recites his digits, so I press call once I plug them in and his phone starts ringing from his pants pocket.“That’s me, so save your soon-to-be wife’s number,” I joke, which makes his eyes shine at me.

“Gonna save you under wifey,” he tells me, which makes my skin heat at the thought that in a few short hours I will be someone’s wife. “I like the sound of that,” he confesses.

“Me too,” I admit, which makes his dimple pop.

Chapter Twenty


“Out of my way,” Ally bellows, as she and Niko barge through the front door.

“Ally what the hell?” I call, as she stomps her way down the hall towards me with her hands full like she owns the place.

“Where is he?” she asks, as her eyes flit around the space.

“Lorenzo? He’s in the kitchen.”

“Lorenzo, cover your eyes. You can’t see your blushing bride until she is walking down the aisle,” she yells.

Lorenzo chuckles from where I assume he still sits at the kitchen table.

“Whatever you say, Ally,” he replies.

“Oh my gosh Ally. What are you doing?” I ask, as she drags me down the hallway.

“Which room has your stuff in it?”

“That one,” I say, pointing to my door so she pulls me past a laughing Niko as he makes his way down the hall to Lorenzo. Once inside, she closes the door and releases me. “What are you playing at?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

“It may not be the traditional wedding in a sense but it’s still your wedding day Soph. Hopefully it’s the only one, so we are doing it right even though it’s a rush. Now sit.” She directs me to sit on the bed with her finger, so I do as she says but not without a roll of my eyes. She throws all the stuff she was carrying down on my bed beside me.

“Please don’t tell me that is a wedding dress in there,” I accuse as she grabs the zipper of the garment bag and slowly pulls it down. Gently she removes the dress out of its covering to show me.

“No, not a wedding dress but it’s the nicest dress I have that I thought might work,” she tells me, as she showcases it to me.

“Aww it’s beautiful Ally,” I gush. My fingers reach out to run them along the soft material of the cream dress.

“Well come on, let’s get your makeup and hair done with all the supplies I’ve wrangled together and then we can sort the dress,” she instructs, as she starts wading her way through a makeup bag. She pulls out products, lining them up on the bed so she can see what she has. “How about you go have a shower and then by the time you are done, I’ll be ready to start.”

“Yes sir,” I joke, which causes her to stop and smile at me.

“Don’t let Lorenzo see you,” she warns, as I turn the handle on the door to leave.

“Niko?” I call from the open doorway.

“Yeah?” he calls back, as he steps into view from the other end of the house in the kitchen.

“Could you cover Lorenzo’s eyes while I head to the bathroom to shower?” I ask, which makes the sound of their laughter carry down the hall.

“I’m on it. You’re good to come down,” Niko calls back. I step out of the room and walk down the hall. As I reach the kitchen, I shield my eyes, so I won’t see Lorenzo and quickly step into the bathroom.

“Towels are in the cupboard in there,” Lorenzo’s voice seeps through the door. I glance around finding the cupboard he’s talking about and retrieve a towel.

“Thank you,” I call out. Feeling ridiculous, I shake my head. I strip my clothes off and place them in the laundry basket and step into the warm spray, careful to keep my hair from getting wet. My hands make quick work of showering and then when I’m wrapped in my towel I call back through the closed door. “I’m coming out.”

“All clear,” Niko calls out, so I peek through the door with my hand shielding my eyes again and rush back to Ally.

“Good timing. I’m ready,” Ally announces, as I step into the room. I drop back onto the bed, and she gets to work on my face. She applies so many different creams and dabs and brushes at my skin I’m worried I will look like a totally different person by the time she is finished. “What should we do with your hair? Curl or straighten?” she asks.
