Page 48 of All Of My Sundays

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“Curl, I think,” I tell her, and without letting me look in the mirror to see my makeup, she gets to work on curling my hair. She doesn’t want me looking at anything until I have my dress on so I can get the full effect of it in one go. She works quickly and sprays nearly a can’s worth of hairspray in my hair that we end up choking on the fumes.

She looks me over when she thinks she’s finished, nodding to herself.

“Alright, time for the dress,” she tells me. I sift through my suitcase and manage to find a cream-coloured strapless bra and a matching pair of underwear to go with it. I should at least match on my wedding day though I don’t think I will be ready to have a wedding night but it’s the thought that counts. I get Ally to turn around so I can slip them on and then she helps me into the silky knee length dress. It swishes against my thighs as she ties the ribbon around my neck to hold the halter neck in place. It has gentle beading around the bust and I’m lucky Ally and I are similar in sizing so it fits pretty well.

I step up to look in the mirror that sits on top of the dresser and my mouth drops open.

“You like?” Ally asks, as her face pops up behind my shoulder.

“I look so beautiful,” I tell her in awe.

“You always look beautiful; all I did was enhance it. Now give me the address of where we are going and I’ll pass it on to the guys so they can head out first and we will meet them there,” she says.

“Aren’t you taking this a little far?”

“Of course not. I'm hoping this is the only wedding you ever have. It may have come about from some weird circumstances, but I think your soon to be husband is gonna be a keeper. Trust me I’ve got good feelings about this,” she tells me, looking me straight in the eye.

“Here.” I hand her my phone where my friend Curtis has sent the address he will be at. She takes my phone out of the room, and I assume she heads to the guys. I admire myself in the mirror. My bright hair hangs in loose curls down my back and my makeup doesn’t look too heavy. It enhances the blue of my eyes and makes them pop.

“See you guys there,” Niko calls out, as I hear the front door slam shut and Ally joins me back in the room.

“Slip some shoes on and then we are good to go,” she tells me, handing me my phone back.

I slip it into my purse and grab some sparkly cream heels I’d luckily packed when we’d left my parents’.

“All set,” I tell Ally, as I stand in them.

“Let’s go get you married,” she says, making my face hurt from the huge smile that shines on it.

Chapter Twenty One


We pull up to the address Ally gave us. I didn’t have many options for suits, but luckily, I had my trusty black one I used for pretty much every occasion. Although I don’t get dressed up all that often, so it’s hardly worn. Sweat trickles down my neck as we walk down the path leading to the back of a property per the instructions from Ally. Once we round the corner we are in a beautiful yard with a small canopy. A guy stands under it reading over some notes. His eyes rise when he hears us approach and an award-winning smile lights his face.

“Oh my gosh, which one of you devilish hunks are marrying my Sophia?” he squeals. I glance at Niko and see his own smile looking at me.

“That would be me. I’m Lorenzo and this is my best man, Niko.” I hold my hand out to shake his after I introduce us, but he pulls me in for a hug instead.

“Lorenzo, you're gonna learn quick smart around here that I’m a hugger. No time for those old school handshakes around me. I’m Curtis ” he says, before he steps into Niko who gives him a hug too.

“Nice to meet you,” Niko says.

“Now Lorenzo, have you got anything you wanted to add as part of the ceremony? I’m guessing it’s all very last minute as Sophia hasn’t mentioned she’s dating anyone, so do you have vows? You can wing it if you like, or we can do the traditional ones if that’s easier?” he asks.

“I think I’ll wing it but if I look stuck can you step in and help me out?” I ask, and his smile grows.

“Perfect. Now is Sophia far away?”

“No. They were gonna leave soon after us so they shouldn’t be long.”

“Great. Okay, well I’ll get you to stand on this side and Niko, stand behind him. You guys can face that side of the house so you can see when she comes around.”

We let him move us into position and then he double checks his notes before picking up a bouquet of simple white roses he has sitting on the table beside him.

“Now I usually am a great one-man band, but I wanted Sophia to have some beautiful photos because you need photos of your wedding day. So, I called my friend Vaughn, who honestly lives around the corner. He’s a professional photographer and he was free, so if you’d like some professional photos to remember the day, he’s already in the house waiting to be used for a fee of course. Remember you will want to remember Sophia in this moment,” he blabbers, and I can’t help the laugh that escapes.

“Whatever his fee is, I’ll pay it. Tell him to get a lot of her.”
