Page 52 of All Of My Sundays

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“Please don’t tell me, my wife has a foot fetish,” he laughs.

“What if I did? Would that be a problem?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at him. His smile drops before he says.

“I’ve always wanted my toes sucked,” he says, bringing his bare foot up to my face and I can’t hold my straight face any longer, laughing at him.

“Okay okay. No fetish here. You’ve just got pretty man feet,” I laugh, as he continues to wiggle his toes at me.

“Well as long as you are happy with them that’s all that matters,” he says, putting his feet back on the ottoman. He’s closer to me as we sit with our shoulders and thighs touching now. “What do you feel like watching, little bird?” he asks, making my face heat as I turn to him.

“I don’t mind. You can pick?”

He flicks through several options before clicking on a comedy and snuggling down lower into the couch to getcomfortable. I take a long sip of my drink, needing the cool liquid to lower my body temperature with how close he’s sitting.

“I gotta say this has been a pretty good first one?” he says, as the movie starts.

“First what?”

“First of our Sundays. Forever to go now,” he says, winking at me before directing his gaze back to the T.V. I think I’m going to have to invest in an air conditioning unit with the number of times he makes me blush when I’m around him. I wonder if I can get a portable one to carry around with me.

We are not ready to call it a night so one movie turns into two. I tell him he can choose and again he chooses a comedy. I guess the way to his heart is through laughter.

“Are you hungry?” he asks, before the end of the second movie.

“No, I'm still full from the burger. Don’t let me stop you if you’re hungry though,” I tell him. He walks down the hall to the kitchen, coming back with a ham sandwich.

“What time do you usually go to sleep?” he asks, after swallowing a bite.

I flick my wrist checking the time. It’s a little after 9.00pm so it's still early.

“Usually about ten so we’ve still got time to hang out,” I tell him, which makes a smile appear.

“Do you want to play a board game or do a puzzle together?” he asks, finishing off his sandwich.

“I haven’t done a puzzle in forever if you have one,” I ask, as flutters stir in my belly.

“You’re in luck. Gramps and I used to spend our down time in the evenings doing puzzles together after my nana passed,” he admits, as he heads into his bedroom and comes back carrying about five boxes in his arms. He places them in front of me on the couch for me to look through.

“Let's do this one,” I say, holding up the box with the safari animals on it.

He grabs the rest of the boxes and takes them back to his room. He picks up the ottoman and moves it to the corner of the room and then walks into the spare room and comes back out carrying a rolled-up cylinder in his hands. Laying it down on the carpet he unrolls it to show me it’s a puzzle board.

“That’s so cool.”

“Yeah, my gramps found it after we had done a few puzzles on the kitchen table and then realised the table wasn’t big enough,” he tells me, smiling as he sits on the carpet and pulls the puzzle box down. I sit down next to him crossing my legs. He opens the box and says, “Me and my gramps would find all the border pieces first. Unless you have another way you like to do puzzles?”

“No, that's how I like to start too,” I tell him, smiling as he pours half the pieces into one half of the box for me to sift through. We fall into a comfortable silence, searching the pieces for flat edges and pulling them out. It isn’t long before we have the border complete for our thousand-piece puzzle.

I release a yawn. I try to cover with my hand, but Lorenzo sees.

“How about we finish for the night and get some rest? It’s been an eventful twenty-four hours,” he says, glancing at my face.

“Yeah, sleep sounds good,” I tell him, letting another yawn loose. “I’m gonna brush my teeth and then head to bed.”

“Whatever you need to do. It’s your house now too,” he adds, shrugging his shoulders.

“I like it here,” I tell him.

“I’m glad. Go get ready for bed, we can sort everything else later. You need some rest,” he tells me, moving aside so I can walk past him to get to the bathroom. I run through my usualbathroom routine before heading back out. I hear Lorenzo in the kitchen, so I head that way. “Do you want some water?”
