Page 53 of All Of My Sundays

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“Yes please.”

“Here. There are bottles in the fridge, help yourself. I thought you might like some more Advil before bed as well,” he says, holding out a bottle of water for me in one hand and the Advil for me in the other.

“Thank you,” I say, taking both and washing the pills down with my water.

“I’ll be leaving early tomorrow to head to the garage. Did you want to come with me? I’ve left my bike at the apartment, so I’ll have to take the Audi if it’s okay with you?” he says, facing me but leaning his hands behind him on the kitchen counter.

“You can take the car. I’ll hang around here. Might go explore. The strip mall isn’t too far from what I saw when we drove up here,” I tell him.

“Yeah, it’s not far in the car but might be about a twenty minute walk.”

“That’s fine. A little walking won’t hurt,” I tell him.

“Okay first things first, you’ve got my number so if you need me for anything, ring. I don’t care what it is, call me. If I don’t answer, ring until I pick up as sometimes, I can’t hear my phone in the garage when it gets a bit loud,” he explains, looking at me seriously.

“Harass you like a stalker until you answer. Okay got it,” I say, laughing when his smile appears.

“Well, you’re the only one allowed to stalk me, so that’s fine. I might have to save you on my phone as stalker instead.”

“You will not,” I gasp, grabbing at his phone as he types away. He holds his phone above his head, as I jump trying to reach. His smug smile looks down at me while I try hopelessly to get his phone. He relents, handing my phone over.

“Two, one, nine, three,” he says, causing me to raise my brows. He tugs my forearm as he spins me around. My back presses up against his front as he shifts the phone, so both my hands hold it while he unlocks it. “Two, one, nine, three, my passcode,” he tells me, as he taps in the numbers unlocking it. His chin rests on my shoulder as he goes to his previous call list and there sits the most recent call, little bird. “I’ve got nothing to hide. If you ever want to use or check my phone, the code will never change. There are no other girls or anything. I want to be clear. I meant it when I say I want a real marriage with you and to build a life with you Sophia. No one else, just you,” he says, softly into my ear. He wraps his arms around my waist, and I place his phone on the kitchen counter, running my hands on top of his. “People may call us crazy, but I don’t care. I care what you think. We’ll make decisions as we go. Together,” he tells me.

“I feel the same,” I agree, which makes him squeeze me tighter before he kisses my temple then turns me around to face him.

“Now I’ve got a spare key I keep up here,” he says, releasing me and reaching up into the cupboard above the fridge. He moves his hand back and forth, feeling around until he hits what he’s looking for and then pulls the set of keys down to show me. One is a green key while the other is blue. “Green is for this house and the blue is for the apartment,” he tells me, as he pops the keys into my hand and folds my fingers around it with his.


“I leave for work at about seven thirty and then I finish at five so depending on traffic I usually make it back here around six,” he tells me, and I nod taking in all this information.

“Got it.”

“Is there anything else we need to go over for tonight?” he asks, but I shake my head, not thinking of anything. “Oh, theaddress. Do you want to take it down, so you don’t get lost,” he asks.

“Yes, good idea,” I tell him, pulling up my notes app on my phone. I look at him expectantly waiting for him to tell me the address.

“Fifty-four Rutherford Crescent.”

“Fifty-four Rutherford Crescent and save,” I say, as I type it into my phone and save it. Knowing me getting lost is a definite possibility tomorrow.

“There’s food in the fridge but if you want other stuff, we can go to a supermarket tomorrow when I finish work if you like,” he tells me. I nod along, sure whatever is in the fridge is fine.

“I’ll be fine. I might head to bed now.”

“Yeah sure. Good night, Sophia,” he softly says. I step in closer, leaning forward and give him a gentle kiss on the cheek before leaning back.

“Good night, Lorenzo,” I whisper, before turning and walking down the hall. I push the door for my room open. Finding the light switch on the wall, I turn it on and head over to my windows and pull the curtains shut. Rummaging through my drawers I find a pair of pyjamas I had packed. A plain cotton top with matching shorts. I toss them on and place my dirty clothes on the dresser, knowing I’ll try to catch Lorenzo before he leaves for work to ask him where the laundry is.

I turn out the light as the room plunges into darkness. I shuffle my feet to the bed as carefully as I can without seeing. The covers are heavy as I pull them back and snuggle under the white duvet, I feel is similar if not the same one to his one at the apartment. My eyes drift shut as I try not to think about the day that’s past. I can’t believe how drastically my life has changed in the last twenty-four hours. I wouldn’t change it for the worldthough and it’s with that thought my tired body drags me to sleep.

Chapter Twenty Three


The sun trickles into the room around the edges of the curtains and wakes me. The night was spent tossing and turning so instead of wasting time trying to sleep longer, I flip the covers off and walk out into the hallway bleary eyed. Flicking my wrist, I check the time seeing it’s already 8.00am.

“Lorenzo?” I call out, but he said he was leaving early so it doesn’t surprise me when I don’t get a reply. I use the bathroom and then head to the kitchen finding he has a coffee machine I never took notice of yesterday. In front of it is a note he’s left me. It says,‘Sophia, I didn’t want to wake you before I left but I hope you have a good day. Ring me if you need. I have left out different flavoured pods for you. Pop one in themachineand it’s good to go. Lorenzo.’I find myself smiling at his small gesture.
