Page 57 of All Of My Sundays

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“Do you wanna watch a movie with me after this?” he asks.

“Sure. A movie sounds good. I may fall asleep though. I’m knackered from gardening,” I add.

“That’s okay. You can pick this time.”

“Nah whatever you want is fine.” We finish our meal in silence. The food, too good to eat slowly. I take over doing the dishes since he cooked while he goes down to the living room to get settled. I join him when I’m done, and we get comfortable. He’s picked out an action movie and wriggles in beside me. My head naturally falls to rest on his shoulder, and he wraps his arm around me. His body heat helps me relax and before I can relish in the feeling of being cuddled up into his side, my eyes are closing, and I can’t fight it.

Chapter Twenty Four


As my eyes flutter open, I’m a bit disorientated before I realise, I’m lying down on the couch. I must have fallen asleep watching the movie. The slight weight on top of me causes me to lift my head to find Sophia’s sleeping figure lying on me. Glancing to the window there’s no sunlight shining through yet so it’s still not time to wake up. The light from the T.V still shines on, but the movie must have finished a while ago. Without waking Sophia, I reach across to the other side of the couch grabbing one of the couch cushions for my neck. I slide it under my head and wrap my arms around my wife. I should pinch myself as it’s hard to believe it’s real. I meant it when I told her I'd missed her.

I know it’s crazy I feel this way so soon after having her agree to marry me, but I’ve wanted her for so long it’s a relief I can let my feelings be known now.

Pulling the blanket I have over the back of the couch; I wrap it around us and deliver a kiss to her head. She wriggles, rubbing her cheek against my chest and I have to hold in the groan wanting to escape. Shutting my eyes again, I relax and fall back asleep.


Movement above me pulls me from my dreams. I peel my eyes open, and Sophia’s bright blue eyes stare back at me.

“Sorry I didn’t want to wake you. We fell asleep on the couch,” she tells me, as she moves off me. I don’t want to push her too fast too soon so I let her go when I want to pull her back down with me and drag her to my room where we could lie in bed all day.

“Yeah sorry,” I apologise, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

“You don’t need to apologise, I had a good sleep surprisingly,” she says, her cheeks turning red.

“Well feel free to sleep on me any time then,” I tease, watching as her cheeks darken. “How about we get changed and then go out for breakfast before we get groceries?” I suggest.

“Sounds nice. I’ll quickly shower. Won’t be too long,” she says, backing out of the living room.

“Take your time. I’m gonna ring Niko and let him know I won’t be in today,” I tell her, standing and walking into my room to get my phone where I left it last night. I check the time and see it’s still early enough. Niko would have only gotten to work. Dialling his number, I wait for him to answer.

“Hey boss, are you on your way?” he answers.

“Nah I’m taking the day off.”

“Are you all good?”

“Yeah, I’m taking the day off to spend time with my wife. Are you good if I leave you in charge today?” I ask. His chuckles vibrate over the phone.

“Yeah man. We’ll be good here. Go spend time with her.”

“I will. Thanks bud.”

“See ya,” he says, before I hang up the phone.

Knocking on the door has me calling out, “Come in Soph.” Her head pops around the door.

“Sorry. Thought I’d let you know I’m ready.”

“You've got nothing to apologise for. Thanks for letting me know. Niko’s taking care of the shop so I’ll get ready and then we can head out.”

“Okay,” she says, disappearing out of my room again.

Something niggles at me, so I drop my phone on my bed before following after her.

“Soph?” I call out, and she comes out of her room.
