Page 58 of All Of My Sundays

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“Everything alright?” I ask, searching her eyes but she drops them to the carpet before I can figure out if something is wrong.

“It’s dumb,” she says, her eyes not meeting mine.

“Come sit down with me,” I say, grabbing her hand and pulling her behind me to follow. I sit down and pull her, so she sits next to me, wringing her hands. “What’s the matter?” I ask, worried.

“I’m feeling silly,” she says.

“Hey, no feelings in this house are invalid. Tell me what the problem is, and we can sort it out,” I tell her, hoping she’ll open up.

“It’s just I hate I’ve taken you away from work twice now in less than twenty-four hours and you are always paying foreverything. Me not having a proper job isn’t helping,” she tells me.

I grab her hand to stop her fidgeting, squeezing gently.

“Do you want to work?” I ask. I guess this marriage thing is a big leap and we haven’t exactly worked out all the finer details. We are both going with the flow.

“Yes. I would like to contribute to our household and help out,” she tells me.

“Do you want kids?” I ask, which makes her eyes bulge out of her head.

“I guess yeah,” she answers.

“Cool. I want kids too one day. So we are on the same page,” I tell her, hopefully it explains my random question.

“So, if we have kids what would you like to do then? Work or be a stay-at-home mum?” I ask, feeling for a minute we are doing everything so backwards. It still wouldn't make me change it though.

“I’m not sure. Do I have to decide this minute?” she asks, as her lips pull up.

“Cheeky. I’m trying to get to know you and see what we both want for our life. It doesn’t bother me if you work or not. It’s up to you. Whatever you are happy doing then I’m happy with,” I explain, hoping she understands I mean it.

“Well, I work for mum’s charities doing a lot of the paperwork side of things and I like it but I don’t think I want to do that forever. I have an accounting degree I want to make use of as well.”

Then a bright idea hits me.

“You know what? I’m looking for a receptionist to sort all the paperwork and stuff at the auto shop if you want to help there and I’d pay you. You could work part time if you wanted to do something else as well?” I offer.


“Yeah. You don’t have to decide right now. Take some time and think about it but the option is there if you want,” I tell her.

“Thanks Lorenzo.”

“You’re welcome. And the other thing, you didn’t take me away from work. I chose to have the day off today. I’m the boss so I can do that so don’t feel bad for a choice I made, okay?” I hope it eases some of her worries. She nods, so I lean forward grasping her neck and pressing a firm kiss to her forehead. “I’ll get ready then we can go. I’m hungry,” I say, hoping to ease her worries further. She smiles up at me as I stand and I head to the bathroom to get ready.


I take her to my favourite cafe in town where I sometimes have brunch with Niko. She orders poached eggs on toast while I order mine scrambled with a side of bacon. We both order a latte needing the caffeine hit. It’s nice to be out with her. We’ve spent most of our time together in the house and it’s nice to be hanging out with her in a different environment. The more I spend time with her, the more I learn about her. All I have to do is show her I’m worthy and I can make her as happy as I know I can.

Leaving the cafe, we drive over to the local supermarket, and I grab a large trolley as the house is running quite low on supplies. Plus, now there’s two of us we will need more food. Having her come with me is a bonus because I get to see what she likes and what she doesn’t.

“Grab whatever you want,” I tell her, as I push the trolley through the automatic gate. I watch as her lips push to the side of her face and her skin pinkens.

“I’ve never been grocery shopping,” she whispers to me, and I stop, the trolley turning to her.

“Never?” I ask, stunned.

“No. The chefs always took care of it.”
