Page 60 of All Of My Sundays

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“Yeah. I think so.”

“No thinking, you gotta know so,” I tell her, keeping my laugh in.

“Lorenzo,” she squeals, as she grabs the pillow behind her and playfully throws it at me, making me laugh.

“Okay, okay,” I laugh louder, which has her joining in. The ding from the oven has me jumping up and she follows me. I dish up lunch and put the leftovers in the fridge for tomorrow. After we finish eating, we head back to the living room to settle in for binge watching.

“Do you want snacks? I’m gonna grab some of the chocolate,” she tells me.

“Ooh yes, can you grab me one of the bags of lollies and a can of drink please,” I say, sitting on the couch and scrolling to find the programme. I wait for her to come back with the treats, and she hands mine to me before sitting down beside me. “You ready?” I ask.

“Yep, I’m good,” she says, wriggling back onto the couch. I want to reach out and touch her. I can’t help it. Now I have her in my space, I want to show her how much I care about her, but I worry I might be coming on too strong too soon.

“Hey, can I ask you something?”

“Shoot,” she says, looking at me.

“I’m not overstepping with the touchy-feely stuff, am I? That’s how I show people I care through touch. I want to make sure I’m not making you feel uncomfortable or anything, so if it’s too soon for all the hugs and kisses you can tell me to slow down,” I explain. Her cheeks redden as she watches me.

“I’m fine with it. It’s nice to get a hug or kiss out of the blue. My family isn’t the most affectionate as you probably can tell so sometimes it may catch me off guard, but it isn’t unwelcome. If I ever find it too much, I’ll let you know, okay?” Inod in reply, glad she doesn’t mind my affection. “I don’t mind it. It’s nice,” she tells me, her face deepening in colour.

“Good to know, little bird. Okay let’s start.” Shuffling in beside her, I widen my legs, so my thigh presses against hers and I catch the smile that appears on her face which she tries to hold in. And that’s how we finish the rest of my day off. Binge watching seven episodes of the show before we call it a night and head to our separate rooms.

Chapter Twenty Five


I told my mum I’d be back to help with the charity work, and she wanted me there early in the morning so since Lorenzo is working at the bar tonight, I thought it would be easier if I slept at my parents’ for the night. Now we are married I wanted to try to reason with them, so they know this is serious and there is no changing our minds.

Lorenzo pulls the Audi into the bar parking lot and turns off the ignition. He looks down at the steering wheel and I’m not sure what he’s going to say. He looks so serious. His face turns to me, and his eyes flick back and forth between mine, searching their depths before he talks.

“If you need me, you’ll ring right?”

I nod but it doesn’t lighten the load so clearly showing on his face.

“I gotta go otherwise I’ll be late for my shift,” he tells me, unbuckling his belt.

“Go. I don’t want you getting in trouble,” I say. I pull my door handle and exit the passenger side to walk around to the driver's door to take his spot. As I reach him, his fingers gently tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear, before his whole hand cups my head and he pulls me into his chest. My arms wrap around him of their own accord as I breathe the smell of laundry detergent and men’s cologne. Inhaling a deep breath, I hold onto the smell and make a memory of it and its association with Lorenzo. His soft lips press a long kiss on my head, that tucks perfectly under his chin before he speaks.

“Let me know when you get there safely.” He releases me, his hands lazily resting on my waist.

“I will,” I tell him, looking up at his face. His eyes search mine again, waiting.

“I’ll see you soon,” he says, kissing my forehead and releasing me. I watch him walk away. He turns, raising his hand in a wave which I return before he walks through the door and disappears. I slide into the driver's seat, adjusting it forward so my feet can reach the pedals and then I peel out of the parking lot. I navigate the roads with ease, heading in the familiar route to my parents. A ball of emotion swims in the bottom of my stomach but I can’t name what the feeling is. I just know it’s unwanted.

As I ease the car into the driveway, the ball in my stomach grows. I exit and take my small overnight bag from the boot into the house. The large foyer is empty as always. I don’t know what I expected. I’ve never gotten a welcoming committee before. I don't know why I thought this time it may be different.

The slow walk up the stairs have my feet becoming heavy. My room lies undisturbed, and everything is how I left it. I find myself glancing around the pristine space, feeling nothing. No warmth or longing. The room which has been my safe haven for so long feels hollow as I stand in the middle of it. A knock on the door shakes me out of my thoughts and I call out.

“Come in, Miss Patrice.” Her grey hair pops around the door frame as she pushes it open. A bright smile greets me before she pushes the door fully open.

“Oh, Sophia dear, it's so lovely to see you back,” she says, and it draws out my own genuine smile in return.

“How have you been?” I ask.

“You know me. The hips have been playing up but apart from that, I’m fine and dandy my dear. So, tell me all about this fiance of yours. You're a lucky girl capturing that handsome man,” she says, fanning herself, making me laugh.

“Yes, I am pretty lucky. Lorenzo’s wonderful,” I tell her, my smile stretching further across my face as I keep the secret of him being my husband now.
