Page 59 of All Of My Sundays

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“What about when you were away at university?”

“I mainly ate at the uni cafeteria, but mum would send groceries every few weeks as well. And Ally would cook for us,” she explains.

I try to wipe the shock off my face before I say, “Well you’re in for a treat. If you see something you like or think you might like, throw it in the trolley. We’ve gotta celebrate this moment,” I tell her, which makes her laugh.

“You might regret that when you see the bill,” she teases.

“I could never regret anything when it comes to you. Now let's go shopping,” I say, as her cheeks redden a bit more. I push the trolley along and she puts stuff in the trolley she may like while I grab my usual stuff. I ask her about types of dinners she may like and what meat she likes, and I manage to make a list of what I can cook for us for the week. She grabs a lot of sweet products and I realise she has a sweet tooth. I throw in a few more sugary treats I think she might like so at least she’s got something if she wants it.

We go through the check out, pay and then she takes over pushing the trolley on the way out. I slip the receipt into my pocket and follow her. She pushes the trolley onto the escalator going down and I step on behind her.

“Aahh,” she squeals, as the trolley wheel doesn’t lock, and it keeps travelling down. I press up behind her grabbing the handle alongside her hands and hold it from moving any further.

“I've got it,” I tell her, as I lower my chin resting it on her shoulder before I nuzzle into her neck. I hear her release a sigh which makes me smile.

“Thanks,” she whispers. The escalator comes to an end and I push it forward firmly in case it decides to get stuck at the end, which I have had happen before.

“I’ll take it if you like,” I tell her, moving an arm so she can move out of the way. I push the trolley to the car while she walks beside me. We load the car up and head home. “You know, I was thinking we could go get the ring resized and get some proper wedding bands today if you like?” I ask, flicking my gaze between her and the road to gauge her reaction.

“Okay,” she says, as she fiddles with her ring finger which is bare. After the wedding we both took off the rings we borrowed from Niko and Ally, and I’ve been thinking of replacing them.

After we put all the groceries away at home, I collect my grandma’s ring from my room and we head back out to the local jewellers. He measures Sophia’s finger and takes the ring saying it will be ready in a few days. We glance around the selection they have, and I tell Sophia to choose. She picks a simple band that will match her engagement ring nicely and I ask them to find me a band to match hers. I ask if they can engrave all of my Sundays on the inside of both of them which has Sophia’s face lighting up. We leave them all there for us to pick up in a few days. With it all done, we head home.

“I was thinking I could cook up some lasagna if you want to help?” I ask Sophia, as we step back into the house.

“Sounds great. I’d love to learn how to cook,” she says, excitement radiating off her.

“Awesome. Let's get started now,” I suggest, as we head to the kitchen and pull out all the ingredients. As I talk her through the steps, I turn the oven on to preheat while we get it all sorted. I want to get to know her more, so I start asking random questions.

“What’s your favourite food?”

“It might be weird, but I love any type of fruit. I could live off fruit if I had to. What about you?” she fires back.

“I love a good steak and mushroom sauce.” We continue back and forth, laughing at some of the answers the other gives. I learn she loves the colour blue and prefers swimming in a pool rather than the ocean as she doesn’t like deep water. She thinks she prefers cats over dogs but has never had a pet.

I set the timer on the oven once the dish is in and we head to the living room.

“There’s a new mystery series out I was thinking of starting. Do you want to watch it with me?” I ask, hoping she’ll say yes.

“Sure. I never had anyone to watch shows with, so it’ll be nice to have someone to talk to about it,” she admits.

“We gotta go over ground rules first,” I tell her, looking at her with a stern face.

“Ground rules?”

“Yeah. One. Under no circumstances can you watch any episodes without the other person. That is like the cardinal sin in watching a show together,” I explain, which makes her smile grow.

“Okay. What else?” she asks.

“You must go to the toilet and grab snacks before an episode starts. We don’t stop an episode for anything,” she nods in agreement, so I continue. “And three, phones off because we do not have time for distractions while watching.”

“Are we allowed to talk while watching?” she asks, her eyes lighting up with mischief.

“I’ll allow it as long as it’s programme related,” I tell her, keeping my face straight.

“Very serious, this series watching biz,” she says.

“Yes, it is. Now do you think you can agree to all those terms?” I ask.
