Page 74 of All Of My Sundays

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When it’s just Lorenzo and I driving home, I turn to him and say, “Thank you for today. It was fun.”

“You don’t have to thank me Soph. But I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Should we grab some takeout and head home?”

“Yeah, it sounds like a plan,” I agree, as I settle into my seat. I let the happiness from the day wash over me as I can’t remember a day where I’ve had as much fun being a big kid again.

Chapter Thirty


It’s Wednesday and I’m currently seated at my receptionist desk, wading through more paperwork. I am enjoying the work. I’ve never had a full-time job and only helped out with Mum’s charity work as it was expected of me by my parents.

I’ve never had a dream job I wanted to go after as the only dream I had was getting away from my parents. What a failure that was as I ended right back where I started after I finished college.

I shuffle the current pile of papers and line them up before filing them away in the grey cabinet beside my desk. Myeyes glance up to find Lorenzo where he stands beside the blue Jeep he’s working on. He’s focused on his hands as he wipes them on his rag. I’ve come to learn he needs a special soap he uses to get all the oil and grease off his hands. He tells me they never feel clean for long though. The life of a mechanic.

As if he can sense my eyes on him, he glances my way, and his smile grows. He walks towards me and stops in front of my desk.

“Do you want to grab lunch?”

“Sure. What did you have in mind?” I ask, as my own smile widens as I look at him. Some days I can’t believe this man is my husband.

“Lorenzo,” Niko calls from across the garage, which stops whatever Lorenzo was about to say. We both look in Niko’s direction and he points to the open roller door which leads to the footpath out the front of the shop. There stands my mum. My chair screeches as I stand up and her eyes swing from Lorenzo to me.

“Sophia?” she mouths, as I can’t hear her over the music from where she stands. My hand lands on Lorenzo’s forearm as I walk around the desk and stop beside him.

“I’ve got this. How about I grab some sandwiches for lunch and bring them back?” I suggest, and he nods before he delivers a kiss to my cheek.

“What are you doing here Mum?” I ask with a sigh, as I step closer to her.

“I came by to see Lorenzo to get a hold of you since you aren’t answering my calls. Since you’re here, could we go grab a coffee and talk please?”

“Sure. I have to be quick though.” She nods in reply, and we walk away from the garage, down the street to a small cafe. Silence fills the air as neither of us speaks. We arrive at the quaint cafe, and I order two large coffees for Lorenzo and I alongwith a sandwich each. I step out of the way so Mum can order a coffee herself and then we walk to one of the tables outside and pull out a seat each.

“Are you working at the auto shop now?” Mum asks, breaking the silence.

“Yeah. Lorenzo needed someone and I have my accounting degree, so it worked out well,” I explain, and she nods.

“I’m happy for you,” she blurts, and on reflex my eyes roll. “Don’t be like that, Sophia I truly am. You seem happy.”

“I am,” I admit. “He makes me happy Mum.”

“All I wanted for you Sophia was to be happy. I know I haven’t always done the best at showing that and I know I haven’t always done right by you. But I’m hoping we can try to repair our relationship. I understand if it’s too little too late, but I do love you Sophia,” she rambles, and my eyes widen at her confession. “I know it is a lot to ask after how hard I’ve been on you over the years. I did want the best for you Sophia. Well better than what I had. I apologise for my own shortcomings in not having the strength or courage to stand up to your father as I should have. I hope in time you can forgive me for those faults.”

We sit in silence again as I stare at her in shock. Memories from the past wash over me of times when Mum tried to be on my side but Dad would shut her down and so she’d let it slide. It happened time and time again and then the more it happened, the less she tried to voice her opinion until she became a shell of the woman I used to know when I was younger.

She has been trying to contact me since the day I walked away from their dinner. I’ve ignored her phone calls, sending them to voicemail and not once have I checked the messages she’s left. Now here she is, once again trying to reach me, so with a sigh my heart decides.

“If you are sincere then we can try to rebuild our relationship. I’m not going to have anything to do with Dad though if that is your intention.”

“No. Your father doesn’t know I’m here and I’d rather we keep this to ourselves anyway,” she explains.

“Do you like Dad?” I ask, as curiosity gets the better of me.

She lets out her own sigh before she answers, “When I first met him, he was a different man. Charming and successful but he was never content with that and always wanted more. It changed him over the years into someone I barely recognise. I guess I love the person he used to be, and I keep holding out hope that the man he was would reappear.” Our drinks and food arrive which halts the conversation for a bit.

“He’s never gonna change back to who he was Mum. He sold his own daughter to gain something for himself. That’s messed up,” I tell her softly. Her eyes glisten as she looks at me and nods before she wipes at her eyes and regains her composure.

“Well, I’ve kept you long enough Sophia, you probably have to get back to work and I need to get going as well. Maybe I could ring you sometime to see how you are doing? Would that be okay?”
