Page 77 of All Of My Sundays

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“Sophia,” I say, looking across at her. The colour has drained from her face as my heart rate increases.

“Okay, lie her down,” the operator tells us. I slide out of my seat to help the man and he gently helps me lower Sophia to the floor of the restaurant. I note someone has turned off the music and silence surrounds us.

“She’s pale and her pulse is dropping. Her lips and throat look to be swelling and her breaths are wheezing,” he talks into the phone.

“The ambulance is one minute out. If you could get everyone to clear the way so the first responders can reach her that would be great,” the operator says.

I stand and yell out, “Please clear a path for them to get through,” which sends everyone into a frenzy pushing tables back and people moving out of the way, clearing a path.

The siren from the ambulance can be heard before someone yells out, “Over here. Over here,” getting their attention and showing them to us.

“They’re here Soph,” I say, looking at her as her breaths come a bit easier now. I reach over, squeezing her hand in mine. Her fingers are clammy and her eyes close. The first responders make their way easily through the path the patrons have created for them. The male nurse hands me my phone. The operator has hung up now that help is here.

“Thank you so much,” I say to the calm man in front of me. “What’s your name?” I ask absentmindedly, as I stare at Sophia, lying beside me.

“Franklyn. She’ll be okay now,” he tells me, and I reach out to shake his hand.

“Franklyn if you ever have car trouble or need a service or anything, you come down to Moretti Motors. It’ll be on the house. I own the business,” I tell him.

“That’s not necessary. I was happy to help, and I didn’t do much,” he says.

“Please. Accept the offer,” I tell him, as they carefully load Sophia onto the gurney.

“Thanks. Appreciate it,” he says, releasing my hand. I move behind them as they push her out of the restaurant, nodding to the patrons in thanks as we leave. They load her into the back of the ambulance, and I climb in to take a seat beside her, grabbing her hand. It’s a bumpy ride as they speed back to the hospital. The paramedic in the back with us takes her pulse and checks her vitals. He gives her another shot of adrenaline before we pull up in front of the hospital.

“Did she need two shots?” I ask.

“Sometimes they need a bit more,” he tells me, as the back doors open, and his partner helps him lift the gurney out and they push it towards the emergency room. Staff come out totake over and I ignore the paramedics' words as they give all the information they need. I follow the staff as they wheel Sophia through a few sets of doors before they set her up in a cubicle. They thrust a clipboard in front of me for details to fill out and I write down what I can before handing it back. Her colour returns but her eyes remain closed. They place an oxygen mask over her mouth and set up a drip as well.

I lower my head into my hands, as I suck my own deep breaths in before I raise my head and rub my hands through my hair.

“She’s coming right love. We’ll keep her in for about four to six hours to monitor her but she’s fine. We are going to draw some blood to check what caused the allergic reaction,” the nurse tells me, as she pats me on the shoulder.

“Thank you,” I say, my eyes staying on Sophia. People come and go but I pay them no mind, my only thought is the woman in front of me. One nurse tells me to let her rest, so I do. I send a text to Niko and Ally to let them know what happened.

“Where’s my daughter?” Holden’s voice breaks through my racing thoughts, and it makes my temper rise that he’s being so loud and going to wake her.

I step out from behind the curtain to catch him with Kennedy, as he yells at the receptionist asking to see Sophia.

“Where is she?” he directs my way, when he catches sight of me, storming towards me.

“Calm down. She’s fine but she’s resting,” I tell him, holding up my palms.

“I should have stopped this silly arrangement you two had from the beginning. There is no way in hell you are marrying my daughter now, you can’t even look after her,” he yells at me, walking straight into my palms. I put pressure on his chest, pushing him back.

“Don’t storm in here. I told you she is resting, and I won’t have you waking her and upsetting her so maybe you should both leave,” I tell him. He scoffs at me, and I catch sight of Niko speeding his steps towards me when he sees Holden standing in front of me. He comes up behind Holden and grabs the crook of his arm to pull him back, but Holden shakes him off.

“Don’t touch me. I want to see my daughter and you can’t stop me,” he threatens, as his chest rises and falls with his anger.

“Actually, he can,” Niko cuts in, but I shake my head at him.

“Nurse. I want these two removed from here. I’m her father so I’m in charge of her care,” he demands, causing the nurse and receptionist to step forward.

“Who the hell let you know she was in here?” I ask, as my own voice raises.

“Sorry. He’s the mayor. I thought he should know his daughter was here,” the receptionist chimes in, but at least she looks sheepish about the commotion it's caused.

“Yes, I’m the mayor so remove him,” Holden says.
