Page 78 of All Of My Sundays

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“Sorry but the mayor doesn’t trump husband,” Niko adds, causing Holden to scoff again.

“He’s not her husband yet, and he won’t be if I have any say in it.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. They’ve been married for a few weeks now. Here. I took a photo of the marriage certificate knowing it would come in handy where you are involved,” Niko says, as he casually hands his phone over to Holden showing him the marriage certificate. The colour of Holden’s face turns to a dark red and I don’t say I blame him. This isn’t how we wanted them to find out.

“Now as her husband, I’d appreciate it if you stopped threatening me. If you’d like to see Sophia, that’s fine but I won’thave you upsetting her,” I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest. Kennedy steps up beside Holden and grabs his forearm.

“Please Holden. I want to see she’s alright,” she says softly, as her husband fumes at me.

“Fine,” he relents. A huff is all he gives to show he’s settled himself down.

“She’s right in there but please don’t wake her,” I tell them.

“Thanks Lorenzo,” Kennedy says, and Holden nods at me, finally calm enough to see his daughter. I’m glad he backed down as I didn’t want to have the mayor kicked out of the hospital. I let them walk back to Sophia without me, giving them some space.

“Did you have to blurt that all out?” I roll my eyes at Niko, who smiles broadly at me.

“You’re welcome,” he says, patting me on the back and leading me to a chair down the hall. Ally comes rushing through the doors and towards us as we sit.

“Is she alright?” she chokes out between breaths, as she breathes deeply like she ran all the way here.

“Yeah, she’ll be fine. They’ve got a drip in her now and they’re keeping her in here for observation. Her parents are back there with her now,” I tell her, as she drops into the seat beside Niko.

“I told them that Lorenzo is her husband now,” Niko spills, causing Ally to gasp.

“How did they take it?”

“Not as bad as I thought. Plus, there’s nothing he can do about it now,” I tell them. My stiff neck calls for some relief, so I move my head from side to side in an effort to stretch it.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that Lorenzo. Don’t underestimate the lengths that man will go to when it comes to Sophia,” Ally says. I close my eyes, not ready to think of anythingthat he may throw at me. I drop my head backwards against the wall as I rest and wait. My leg bounces, the only sign I’m awake.

A while later, Kennedy’s voice breaks through my thoughts.

“Thank you, Lorenzo. We will let you get back to her,” she says, as my eyes flash open to find her in front of me with Holden at her back.

“You’re welcome,” I say. “Do you wanna go see her Ally?” I ask.

“Yes please. I’ll be quick,” she informs me. She jumps from her seat and speed walks back to where Sophia is being monitored.

“Don’t forget you only have a few more weeks before you need to be out of the premises Mr. Moretti,” Holden states.

“Holden not now,” Kennedy scolds, but he pays her no mind.

“I’m perfectly aware of when I need to be out of there,” I tell him.

“Enough Holden, this is not the damn time. Let's go,” Kennedy snaps, pulling on his arm to make him leave. He grunts at me before walking away, ahead of his wife. “Thanks again Lorenzo. Can you please let Sophia know we were here,” Kennedy asks, and I nod before she hurries away to catch up to her husband.

“Are you doing okay man?” Niko asks, when it’s the two of us.

“Yeah. I’ve never been so scared in my life,” I admit, which causes him to reach out and squeeze my shoulder.

“I can only imagine but she’s good now. You did good.”


Ally appears about twenty minutes later and informs us they are moving her up to a ward and they’ll come tell us once they have her settled.

“Do you want a coffee or anything?” Niko asks, and I nod in response.
