Page 87 of A Vicious Proposal

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“I thought you hated me,” she breathes with tear-stained cheeks.

God knows I tried.

“I never hated you,” I admit. “I’ve always loved you,” I grunt. “Unfortunately.”

A smile breaks out on her face. “Am I still your prisoner?”

Her body bounces rhythmically as I pound the thought out of her mind.

“No, you’re my wife—my eternal sunflower—until death parts us both.”


“I want a tattoo.”

I flash her a glare under the spray of water. “I want world peace. Looks like neither of those things are happening anytime soon.”

“You can’t tell me what to do with my body.”

My gaze narrows on hers. “Was it not you who said that by holy decree, my body is yours to do as you please?”

There’s a wicked sparkle in her eyes that matches her smirk. “Are you saying that isn’t true, Mr. Until Death Do Us Part?”

I groan. “Must we delve into deep topics first thing in the morning?”

For fuck’s sake, I haven’t even had coffee yet.

“You’re the one who started it with your caveman retort. All you had to do was say, ‘Sure, sweetheart. Do you have a place in mind?’”

Yeah, that isn’t happening.

“All you had to do was not bring it up.”

And we’re back in grade school, arguing about irrelevant topics on the playground.

“How would I know you wouldn’t like the idea? You have what? Thirty percent of your body covered in ink?”

“Who the fuck counts tattoos by coverage area?” What is she, a fucking mathematician?

“I’m just saying you have a lot of tattoos. Why is it such a big deal if I get one?”

Because her body is untainted, she’s pure—devoid of marks and scars. I plan to keep her that way. “Can’t I just prefer you exactly how you are?”

“Aww. You are so sweet.”

She’s just trying to piss me off.

“Would it help if I told you I wanted a matching tattoo like yours?”

Ah, fuck. Now my dick is hard. “Which one?”

She turns me around, finding the sunflower engulfed in flames down my spine. “I want this one.” Her finger traces the flames surrounding the flower, whose petals never singe from the fire or wilt in the darkness.

“This is me.” Her lips graze my ear. “I am the flower who withstands your dark vengeance.”

I swallow harshly. “You were always my muse.”

She was a perfect masterpiece that I could never destroy—even when I tried.
