Page 20 of After the Storm

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“Agreed. I’ve got bigger fish to fry than you right now, anyway.” She smirked. “I don’t have the energy to hate you anymore, Cage. I let all that anger lead me into an unhappy situation.”

“He didn’t lay his hands on you, did he?” Anger coursed through my veins. Regardless of whether we spoke anymore, there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for this woman if she asked.

I’d fucking do it if she didn’t ask.

“Hell no. I would never let a man lay a hand on me. You know that.” She raised a brow. “But you always did want to beat up anyone who hurt me, didn’t you?”

“Until I was the one to do it.” I scrubbed a hand down my face. It felt like a million years ago. And there was too much water under the bridge now. But being with her here, right now, it felt like no time had passed.

“I think we both did the hurting.” The tip of her finger moved, running along my knuckles almost absentmindedly. I didn’t mind it. I’d never minded being close to Presley. Never minded her witty banter or her stubborn determination.

Definitely never minded her body wrapped around mine.

My cock thickened in my jeans, and I jerked my hand away and moved to my feet in response. She looked startled by my brisk movement, and she cleared her throat and pushed to stand.

Hell, it had been a while since I’d reacted like that. Sitting close to a beautiful woman would do that to any horny dude who’d gone way too long without sex.

And involving my dick would be the quickest way to lose control.

I couldn’t allow that. Not with this woman. I’d barely survived the first time I’d lost her. I couldn’t risk that kind of hurt again.

Not when I had Gracie to think about.

“I should probably go check on Maxine.” I shoved my hands into my pockets and took a step back, needing to put more distance between us.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

“Yeah. I need to get going. This has been enough of a trip down memory lane for one day.” She chuckled.

“How long are you staying? What’s your plan?” Wasn’t that the million-dollar question? I knew she was a lawyer at her firm in New York, and from what I’d heard, she had a big, fancy penthouse there, as well. Finn had shown me an article about her and her husband, where they’d been photographed at their place in some entertainment magazine a few years ago.

They were living large, to say the least.

“As long as I need to. Probably a couple of weeks, maybe longer. There’s nothing to rush back to, aside from work. I’m going to officially be named partner at my firm at the end of the quarter, which I’m really happy about. But my marriage is over. I’m just hoping he’ll sign the divorce papers sooner rather than later. Wes doesn’t like when he doesn’t get his way.” Her smile was forced, and she shrugged. Her honey-brown eyes looked gold with the bit of sunlight peeking through the clouds. So fucking pretty, with a body that would make any red-blooded man lose his mind.

And it pissed me the hell off that I was struggling this much from just being around her.

“Why wouldn’t he sign the papers? He’s having a baby with another woman.” I crossed my arms over my chest, working hard to keep my erection under control.

“That’s just the way he is. He likes things to happen on his terms. But don’t you worry about me, Cage Reynolds. I’m going to be just fine.” She took a few steps backward.

“You always are.”

“Thanks for the chat. I guess I’ll see you around.” She held up a hand and turned to walk away.

And I didn’t fucking move.

Couldn’t fucking move.

I still hated saying goodbye to this woman.

She turned around and caught me staring, and chuckled. “You’re going to watch me sail off into the sunset, huh?”

“It’s what I always did best.”

And that was exactly what I did.

I stood there, watching her leave, reminding myself that she’d be gone for good again in just a couple of weeks.
