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Chad, on the other hand, took his time reflecting on the day. So much progress had been made in such a short time. Beth had really opened herself up to the possibilities and was with him every step of the way. If he had his way, they would be married within the year. He had waited so long for this, and now that it was within his reach, he wanted to make sure it didn’t slip away.

Chapter 13

The next day started like the first, with Chad and Beth walking and running on the rubber track on the upper deck as the sun claimed the sky. They ate breakfast before returning to their rooms to clean up. By 10 am, they were ensconced in the heart of the ship, draped in aprons, and ready to learn how to create culinary masterpieces by the head chef, Alejandro. Over the next two hours, they learned knife and chopping techniques, how to prepare conch ceviche, mango and avocado salad, how to flawlessly season and pan-sear jerk chicken, and perfectly caramelize plantains.

Beth discovered that though Chad had many talents, there was a reason he was not a surgeon. Chopping fruits and vegetables was definitely not his strong suit. While separating the mango from its skin with a spoon for the salad, the juicy fruit slipped from his hand, catapulting across the table. The unexpected launch startled the poor woman on the other side so much that she screamed and jumped, narrowly avoiding stabbing her husband with the knife she was using to chop.

Chad and Beth laughed so hard, remembering their prior conversation with Sally and Stewart, that it caused a bit of confusion with their cooking companions and the Chef. To prevent any further kitchen mishaps and ensure Chad left with the same number of fingers he arrived with, Beth took charge of the chopping duties. Despite this, Chad demonstrated his culinary skills on the stove. When it was time to taste their creation, they discovered that their combined efforts had resulted in a truly delicious meal.

They continued chuckling as they left the class and made their way back to their staterooms, or at least that is where Beth thought they were heading. She was surprised when they arrived outside the spa area and looked at Chad in question. “Surprise! I booked you a spa day. For the next three hours, you are going to have the works, and when you are all finished relaxing, I will meet you back here and take you for lunch.”

Beth didn’t know what to say, so she simply smiled, thanked him, and allowed the woman to lead her away. She had never had a spa treatment before. Sarah had gifted her a massage for her birthday or Christmas, but this was on a whole different level. There was a facial, a ninety-minute hot stones massage, a manicure and pedicure, and a few other things she couldn’t remember. She was sure that Chad had been waiting for her forever by the time she showered and met him in the spa waiting area.

“Well, what did you think? Relaxed?” he asked, taking her hand in his as he led the way to the food court.

“It was so nice. I have never done anything like that before. Thank you so much. That was very thoughtful. I felt so spoiled and pampered.”

“Good, I am glad you enjoyed yourself. Now, what sounds good for lunch?”

“I am not that hungry after eating everything we made in our cooking class. Maybe just the salad bar would be enough to make sure I don’t get hungry before dinner.”

“Salad bar it is. Don’t forget we have a dance class just before dinner. I am sure that will burn a few calories.”

After lunch, they enjoyed a leisurely afternoon reading on Beth’s balcony and enjoying the ocean view before them. They had rarely had the opportunity to just be in each other’s presence before. Their interactions had centered on work. Quick conversations squeezed in while walking from place to place or nibbling on snack bars between patients. They ate meals together in the hospital cafeteria several times a week and caught up on each other’s lives, but enjoying companionable silence while relaxing in the sun was new, and yet it seemed very normal.

Before they knew it, the afternoon was waning, and it was time to prepare for their dance class and dinner. They dressed simply, Chad in a light blue oxford shirt and navy dress pants. Beth wore a simple navy-blue faux wrap dress and strappy black heels.

Opening the door at Chad’s knock, Beth immediately noticed the matching clothes, “Chadwick Fox, did you peek in my closet to see what I was wearing tonight?”

“No, ma’am, I certainly did not, but I think it is interesting that we keep matching so well. It is as if we had planned our outfits or went shopping together. We have very similar styles. That is a good sign we are compatible,” he said with a wink.

“Oh goodness, I certainly hope folks aren’t picking their mates nowadays based on their clothing styles. Stop your flirting or whatever it is you are doing, and let’s go before we’re late. These two left feet can’t miss even one set of instructions, or we’re both going to find ourselves in the infirmary this evening.”

“Beth, if there is one thing I know, you are as beautiful as a butterfly and as graceful as a swan.”

“Chadwick, I think you are suffering from extreme sun exposure. Perhaps you should stay indoors tomorrow. If you lay it on any thicker, I won’t be able to wade through it.” Her tone hinted at annoyance, but the grin on her face said she was loving every minute, and Chad had no desire to stop.

He would never have spoken to her in such a manner at the hospital as it would have been unprofessional, but here, he could be himself with her and show her everything he had inside. There was no bottom to the depths of the emotions he held for this woman. The key was going to be showing her without scaring her off. He had locked it inside for so long that it felt as if it was going to burst out at any moment. The more time he spent with her, the harder it became to keep a leash on things and go slow.

The door to the ballroom was propped open when they arrived, signaling they were on time. Soft music played in the background, and two other couples stood in a corner chatting in low tones when they entered the garishly decorated room. A large, crystal chandelier overhead cast a radiant glow over the room as gilded surfaces shimmered in shiny gold. The floor, meticulously polished, reflected the room’s grandeur underfoot.

Within moments of greeting their dancing companions, the instructor closed the doors and clapped three times to gain their attention, announcing, “Good evening, everyone. My name is Sophia, and I will be your dance instructor for the next two hours. My husband Antonio is in the corner setting up the music. He will help me demonstrate the steps for the men. Raise your hand if you have ever ballroom danced before.” Pausing to allow responses, one delicate eyebrow rose, “No one? Slow danced? Ah, good, a few have at least tried that. Well, two hours won’t be enough time to make you masters, but it should be sufficient enough to have fun if you allow yourself to relax and enjoy theexperience.” With that final word, she ushered them to their assigned places and began.

“Alright, everyone, let’s focus on our frames. Imagine you’re holding a delicate butterfly between your hands – firm enough to keep it secure but gentle enough not to crush its wings. That’s the energy we want in our frames. Shoulders down, elbows slightly lifted, and wrists relaxed. Now, feel the connection with your partner through your fingertips. Take your places and embrace your partner.” Sophia walked around the room, adjusting postures as she continued.

“As we move into our dance, pay attention to your arms. They’re an extension of your expression. Keep them graceful, like the branches of a willow swaying in the breeze. Ladies, let your arms flow seamlessly with the movement, and gentlemen, lead with a confident but tender touch. This dance is a conversation, and your arms are the words.” Reaching Beth, she moved her hand higher on Chad’s arm and lifted his drooping elbow, firming his grip on her waist.

“Lastly, think about your spine – the backbone of your dance. Picture it as a regal column, elongated and poised. Engage your core muscles to maintain a strong yet supple posture. Ladies, imagine a string pulling you upward from the crown of your head, and gentlemen, lead with your chest. A well-aligned spine not only enhances your aesthetic but ensures a smoother dance partnership.” Retaking her place in front of the group, she surveyed the couples one more time, then, nodding her head, said, “Frames, arms, and spine – remember, they’re the poetry of your movement. Let your bodies tell the story of the dance, and with every step, express the beauty and connection that make this art form truly magical.”

Giggles shook Beth’s frame as Sophia walked to adjust one couple’s frame for the third time. “We haven’t even started yet.What is so funny?” Chad inquired, looking into blue eyes that sparkled with mirth.

“That is just it. We haven’t even started, and I feel like most of what she just said went right over my head. Your poor toes are about to get turned into mashed potatoes. It is a good thing you wore your comfy shoes and not the fancy toe pinch ones because this isn’t going to be fun for you.” She tried valiantly not to burst into laughter and repeat their escapades from the morning when the chef glared them down for laughing too much.

“My toes will be fine. I am not worried. Projectile vomiting. Festering puss.”

“Whatare you doing? Gross. Stop that!“ Beth nearly wailed.

“I am trying to distract you so you don’t lose control and get us kicked out of dance class like you almost did the cooking class earlier. It worked. You’re welcome.” He nearly burst with pride at his cleverness.

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