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“Sarah, may I call her Phina?”

“Actually, I had started calling her Phi Phi as a bit of a joke to tweak Eric, and of course, he said, “No,” but then he suggested Phi, and we compromised.”

“I really like Phi, actually.”

“Me to.”

“How did you decide on Saraphina for her name anyway? I remember Aquafina being mentioned a time or two but not Saraphina.”

“Oh, that was another compromise. I came up with Aquafina as another rub for Eric, but after thinking of my child by that name for so long, it kind of grew on me, and I decided after her birth that I really wanted to call her that. Eric, who would have done anything for me in those minutes after she was born,kissed me on the head and said, ‘Sarah, I love you, and I would give you the sun, moon, and stars if I could right now, but on this, I will not budge. Our little princess is not going to be named Aquafina.’ The smart man had already figured out this was a likely scenario and had been thinking it over for several months himself, so the next thing he did was get down on a knee beside my hospital bed, take my hand in his, and say, ‘I have a compromise. I know we agreed that our children would not carry our names for various reasons, but I think our little angel would hold up well under the weight of Saraphina. It means angel or burning one, and I can already see that she is going to have auburn hair and a fiery personality just like you.’ It was so sweet. He had put so much thought into it, and it proved how well he knew me. So, of course, I agreed, and it matches her perfectly. I realized in that moment what compromise really is. I always thought it was one person giving into the desires of their partner, but that isn’t compromise. That is a concession. Compromise is about finding a middle ground where both give a little and get a little. It requires true love to find that happy place that makes marriage work. If I hadn’t already loved my man, I would have fallen over the cliff that day for sure.”

Footsteps could be heard on the stairs as Eric said, “I heard that. You love me. No takebacks.” He lifted Saraphina out of her bouncer and tenderly into his arms as she looked up at him and cooed. Taking her to the sink, he began wiping the milk from her face with a clean dish rag.

“I wouldn’t dream of it. Thank you for taking her for a little while. Tom should be here any minute. Are you going upstairs to play or outside for a walk?”

“It isn’t too windy today, so we are going to get some fresh air. Aren’t we princess?” Eric’s voice had softened as he addressed his daughter, and peals of laughter were soon erupting from her tiny frame as he finished wiping her down and blew on her tinybelly as he walked her up the stairs to dress in warm clothes for their walk.”

“I can see Eric is not just a wonderful husband but a fantastic and dedicated father as well. Have you ever thought of giving those mystery characters you write about a break and going into romance? Now that you have lived such a wonderful love story, I can see you doing very well sharing that love with others.”

“Funny thing, Natalie and I have been discussing that idea for several months now. I rolled around the idea of creating a second pen name and starting a romance series but then contemplated adding a romantic element to my mysteries. I am still pondering. Life has been so busy with Phi that I have barely kept up with my current deadlines. Adding a whole new layer to what I have going on didn’t seem wise. It is a definite possibility in the future, though. I am also talking with another mystery author about a possible collaboration next year. Changing my formula before that project is finalized would also be foolish as this would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

“Anyone I have heard of?” Beth inquired, intrigued at this new development.

“Oh, definitely. You may not have read any of his books, but you have definitely heard his name. To say he is famous would be an understatement. I can’t share any details right now, but once things are signed, I will tell you as much as I can. If you manage to make it back here for Christmas, I invited him to join us for our Christmas Eve party and spend a little time relaxing in the solitude of the mountains for a few days as we finalize our negotiations. This gentleman has a whole legal team drawing up the papers, so Max is going to read everything over and make sure my end of things is fair.”

“Are you about to enter into a partnership with someone you don’t trust?” Concern wrinkled Beth’s brow as she studied her daughter.

“No, I trust Fernando. I just don’t trust lawyers and businessmen. Fernando is a great guy, but he has a business to run. I also don’t want to make assumptions and sign something blindly. I am too old to be that naïve.”

Just then, the front door opened, and Tom walked in, wiping his feet on the rug before making his way over to wrap Beth in a warm embrace. “Hello Momtu. I have missed you. So glad you could come for a visit.”

Tom pulled away, looking her over as if to verify she was well.

“Doesn’t she look great, Tom? I have never seen her look so young andtan!You are practically glowing, Mom. Your vacation definitely agreed with you.”

“I agree, you look great.” Turning to address Sarah, he asked, “Are we doing this at the table or on the couch?”

“That is up to you, Mom. Would you rather have this discussion here or in the living room?”

“Um, I think here is fine. It won’t take long, and this way, I can see you both without turning.”

Tom nodded his head and took the seat next to Sarah, taking a moment to nudge her shoulder. “You are starting to look a little rough around the edges. Is my niece keeping you up? I can take her for the day if you need a break. Natalie would be delighted for “cherub time” as she calls it.”

Sarah nudged him back, much harder than he had, “Thanks for pointing out the bags under my eyes. With a best friend like you, I don’t need enemies. Not even mean girls would point out a new mother’s haggard face. But thank you for the offer. I may take you up on that if I don’t catch up a little during Mom’s visit.”

Tom tucked several strands of hair from her loose braid behind her ear, “You know I am just worried about you. That brute you married may not notice your exhaustion, but I do. Anytime you need us, holler, and we will be up the hill in minutes.”

“I heard that Nerd. Watch who you’re calling names before I toss you outside on your rear,” Eric threatened good-naturedly as he returned downstairs with Saraphina strapped to his big barrel chest in a carrier that looked like a front-facing backpack.

“You two are going to have to watch your teasing until Saraphina is old enough to understand it. Anyone from the outside looking in would think you hate each other instead of simply teasing each other like blood brothers, or whatever you military men call it. If I didn’t know how close you all were, I would feel very awkward right now. You don’t want Saraphina growing up misinterpreting your banter as true dislike,” Beth warned, happy that these three were so close and fought like siblings do but also concerned it would have a negative effect on her grandchild.

“This little monkey is going to have thick skin, Beth. But she is also going to be the most loved little girl on the mountain.” Eric bent to kiss Sarah on the head before making his way towards the door with his tiny package.

“Don’t let Zach hear you say that. Grace was here first, and he will no doubt challenge you for which daughter is most loved,” Tom called out as the door began to close.

Eric’s deep voice could be heard through the walls as he walked down the front steps, “He doesn’t live on the mountain yet, so we can both win this round. When he finally moves his sorry rump into that cabin, Saraphina will still win because Grace will love her too.” With that parting comment, his voice faded as he reached the trail leading off into the woods.

Tom shook his head and chuckled, looking over at Sarah, who also wore a broad smile. “If she weren’t my child, I would be jealous. That is one smitten Papa bear,” Sarah quipped.
