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Most of all, I want to go back to before. Before I ever came to this godforsaken mountain town and got tangled up with people who never gave a damn about me or my dreams. Who saw me as nothing but an obstacle to overcome.

As I near my camp again, I slow my steps. I take a deep breath and force the anger down inside me, tamping it into a hard knot at my core. I can't let my rage get the better of me, not now. Not when I have so much work left to do.

When I emerge from the trees, Nova runs over, worry etched into her features. "Gemma! Where have you been? I was startingto worry.” She peers closer at my face. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

I shake my head, pasting on a smile. "Just... went for a walk to clear my head. Lost track of time." The lie tastes bitter on my tongue, but I can’t say anymore. Nova doesn't need to know what a fool I've been. "Did you manage to get some new tents ordered?”

Nova searches my eyes a moment longer before nodding. "Yeah, and we can get them delivered tomorrow.” She grins. “I phoned all the guests, too, and everyone understood. It’s a minor setback, but we’ll be up and running before you know it.”

Her enthusiasm is infectious, and for a second, I let the familiar thrill of this venture we've built together eclipse my hurt and anger. I pull Nova into a hug, clinging to the one person in this place who hasn't betrayed me.

"Thank you," I whisper, emotion clogging my throat. "For everything."

She hugs me back fiercely. “Don’t mention it.”

When she releases me, I take another steadying breath, straighten my shoulders, and lift my chin. The camp will open just a week later than planned, Nilssons be damned.



Iwake with a start, my heart pounding as Gemma's anguished eyes flash through my mind. I tossed and turned all night, unable to stop replaying the moment she realized I was the one blocking her business expansion. The pain in her eyes cut right through me.

I rub my beard and sigh heavily, knowing I need to make this right with Gemma. I've fallen hard for this daring woman, and the thought of losing her makes my chest ache. I was a fool to stand in her way, too stuck in my traditional notions of how things are done. But Gemma sees possibilities where others don't, and I need to start supporting her dreams instead of hindering them.

I throw off the covers and dress, determined to fix my mistake. I have no concrete plan yet, but I'll do whatever it takes to rebuild Gemma's trust and prove my feelings to her. She's changed my world for the better by challenging my perspectives. I don't want to go back to life without her.

I splash cold water on my face and look at my reflection. "Time to make this right," I tell myself. I know it won't be easy, but Gemma is worth the effort.

I grab my keys and stride out the door before I lose my nerve. My truck rumbles to life, and I point it toward town, my mind racing. All I know for sure is I can't lose Gemma. I'll move mountains to keep her because my heart now belongs to that bold, beautiful woman. And I'll do anything to earn her forgiveness and love.

My hands grip the steering wheel tightly as I drive into town. I pull up to the small office building that houses the Bureau of Land Management field office. My old friend Mark has worked here for years. I'm hoping he can help me undo the damage I've caused.

Determined, I walk inside and ask the receptionist if Mark is available. She informs me he's just arrived and pages him to the front.

Mark emerges, looking surprised. "Ash! Wasn't expecting to see you today. What brings you by?"

I get straight to the point. "Mark, I need your help. I did something stupid and tried blocking permits for my neighbor’s glamping business. I was wrong and want to rescind everything."

Mark frowns, "It's not that simple this late in the game. The review process takes time, and you threw some big obstacles in her path."

"I know," I reply, ashamed. "But I had a change of heart. Gemma… Miss Wells… means everything to me now. I was stubborn and stuck in my old ways. But she's shown me a better path, and I don't want to lose her over my mistakes."

Mark studies me for a moment, then nods. "Ash Nilsson, never thought I'd see you fall for someone's dreams over timber profits. She must be some woman."

I smile slightly, "She's incredible. Bold, visionary, sees the future in ways I can't. I was too blind to recognize how specialshe is. But now my eyes are open - Gemma's dreams need to soar, and I want to help her, not hinder her."

“Write me a formal letter pledging your cooperation going forward, and I'll rescind the objections on your behalf." He claps my shoulder. "Love changes a man. I'm happy for you, Ash."

Relief washes over me. "Thank you, Mark. I'll write the letter right away."

I race home and write the letter, pouring my heart onto the page. My hand trembles slightly as I sign my name, knowing this represents a major turning point.

Just as I'm sealing the envelope, Everest walks in. "Hey bro, you heading into town? Can I come with you?”

I nod, grabbing my truck keys. As we drive, I tell Everest about my change of heart regarding Gemma and her business plans.

"Whoa," he says, eyebrows raised. "So you've fallen for her?"
