Page 31 of Undercover Desires

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I’m determined to uncover the layers beneath her composed exterior, to understand the woman behind those captivating eyes.

As I approach the parking area, the dim light highlights my car, its sleek and elegant lines gleaming in the soft illumination. The valet has taken good care of it, keeping the interior warm and inviting. I can see Rachel inside, lost in her thoughts, her expression reflective. It’s clear that the evening has left its mark on her, as it has on me.

I walk closer to the car, and she glances up, her eyes locking onto mine. A genuine smile graces her lips, and the warmth it radiates sends a comforting shiver down my spine.

I cross over to the driver’s side and slide in.

“Right on time. I was just about to leave.”

I turn to face her loving her eyes in this lighting, “Is that so?”

She nods.

I lean in and brush my lips over hers, loving how easily she yields to me. Then I pull back, “I am willing to bet that you would have waited.”

From the corner of my eye, I can see her fighting a smile as I drive back to her apartment.

* * *

She is quiet for the rest of the drive to her place. I am not sure if she is nervous or excited.

I park my car and then we walk to her house door.

I would have said she was completely nonchalant about the whole thing, then I see the slight tremble of her fingers as she slides her key into the lock.

She switches on the light, places her bag on the table in the doorway and then faces me, tucking her hair behind her ear.

“Are you going to come in?”

I smile, my hands flexing in my pockets. I have had to do that to keep myself from touching her.

I scan her body; her skin is still flushed and her lips a little swollen from my kisses.

“I can turn around right now. We can be good, stop this before it even starts, all you have to do is say the word.”

She folds her arms, pushing her breasts together. She is so fucking tantalizing without even trying. “Or else what?”

“I come in and you barely walk tomorrow. This is your chancelittle damsel.Do you want me to come in?”

She slides my coat and drops it to the ground, “Come in, Alessandro. I am not begging again.”

I don’t wait for any more answers, I cross the threshold and using my foot slam the door. Both my hands cup her cheeks as I crash my lips on hers.

She gasps softly before melding into my touch. Her hands slide from between us, wrapping around me. I lick into her mouth enjoying how soft she is, how decadent.

My hands slide down her back cupping her ass before lifting her. Her legs wrap around my thigh as she struggles to get closer. At every step, she fights me for control. I am going to have to teach her who is really in charge.

Not tonight though, tonight I will let her set the pace. Her hands are in my hair as she pulls. Then on my neck, pulling me closer.

I push her against the door and run my hands up her thighs.

She slides down my body and without me having to ask, she slides the hem higher. Her thong is still soaked as I slip my thigh between her legs.

I want to get on my knees and lick her clean, but I only want to do that as a reward. She has not earned seeing me on my knees yet.

I use my legs to push her legs apart and then thrust my thigh between hers. Her eyes roll a little.

My hands on her hips help guide her as she rolls her thighs, trying to get closer to me. She is seeking pressure, seeking release, and I am going to give it to her.
