Page 14 of Wolf Arranged

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I looked over my shoulder. Was it too late to run?

Alpha Dane clapped loudly, making me jump. “Well done, Lincoln.” He put his hand on Lincoln’s shoulder and beamed before leaning closer to him. “You could have let her at least brush her hair.”

He threw his head back and laughed.

I brought my hand to my hair and used my fingers to try to comb it out. I hadn’t even thought of it after my shower. It was a snarled mess. My fingers kept getting caught.

Heat crept over my face. I could only imagine how I must’ve looked. Bad enough to make Alpha Dane believe we’d followed his orders.

My fingers shook as I tried to comb through my tresses, but it was a lost cause. I wouldn’t even be able to fix it later.

Tears pricked my eyes. I didn’t even have a brush. The only thing I owned were the clothes I’d worn here, and those were back in Lincoln’s room.

I might be dressed, wearing his too-big sweats and shirt, but I felt naked. I wrapped my arms around myself and looked away.

There was a spot on the wall where a nail had been. I stared at it, this small imperfection in this large immaculate house. That’s how I felt. Small and insignificant.

Alpha Dane grasped my chin. I gasped and took a step back, which only made him laugh and hold me tighter.

He jerked my chin, so I was facing him before turning my head from side to side like he’d done earlier. “She is a looker. I hope you’ll enjoy her, son.”

Lincoln shifted on his feet and looked at the ground. “Of course. Thank you, Dad.”

Alpha Dane clapped. “Don’t act all shy now, Lincoln. Not when we all know what you’ve done with the woman.”

He slapped Lincoln on the back.

Heat crept down my neck and over my chest. I had to be as red as a tomato from head to toe now. My stomach twisted, and my appetite disappeared. I thought I might be sick.

Vomiting in front of my new alpha and pack. That would be the worst.

I looked back to the spot on the wall with narrowed eyes. The air around me buzzed, muffling Lincoln and Alpha Dane’s conversation.

Perhaps I could feign being sick. Then I could go curl under the covers and try to imagine I was anywhere else.

My opportunity vanished when Alpha Dane’s hand landed on my shoulder, jarring me out of my trance and making me cringe.

He laughed louder, a full belly laugh like someone had told a joke.

Lincoln wrapped his arm around me and drew me close. “Let’s go sit down.”

I stumbled as he led me around his dad and into the dining room.

A feast was laid out on a table set for five. There was a sixth chair, but that spot sat empty.

The pot roast and vegetables looked amazing and smelled just as good. My appetite might be gone, but I needed to eat to keep my strength.

Lincoln tugged me around the table and stopped in front of a chair. He pulled it out for me and then scooted it back in before taking the seat next to me.

I stared at the tablecloth. It was a deep crimson color, almost the same shade as blood. The plates were a charcoal black, and red wine had been poured into our glasses.

Conversation from the hall flooded into the dining room as Alpha Dane cheerfully greeted someone else.

Lincoln leaned in. “Willa and Sawyer are joining us, too.” He put his hand on my thigh and looked at me. “Sloane, Sawyer is my twin brother. It’s possible that—”

Alpha Dane came strolling in with Willa right behind him.

My heart lurched when I met the other girl’s brown eyes. They lit up when she saw me, and a small smile spread over her face.
