Page 32 of Wolf Arranged

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I’d been saving myself for my mate and had started suppressants at fifteen. A lot of good it did me to wait. I’d found my mates but couldn’t be with them. It was a cruel joke.

Willa rolled over and sobbed into the comforter. “I wish my mom was here to talk to about it.”

I walked to the bed and sat. Big mistake. Sawyer’s scent was all over the blankets.

My nipples pebbled, and heat pooled low in my belly as I stared at the large bed. My mind drifted to all the things we could do in this bed. Sawyer, me, and Lincoln. Together, just like we were meant to be.

“My suppressants will wear off in a few months. Maybe less.” I’d guess less with the way I was reacting to Lincoln and Sawyer.

Willa crawled across the bed and grabbed a tissue from the end table so she could blot the tears from her face. “He still hasn’t touched me yet. I don’t know whether to consider it a blessing or a curse.”

I gritted my teeth and bit back a growl. Sawyer was mine.

Willa sighed and blew out a breath. “Do you know the Delidos?”

I shook my head.

“My dad is good friends with them. The alpha there has a son a year older than me. Jacob. He’s dreamy, and he makes my pulse race. I can’t breathe around him. Or think.” She laughed. “I turn into a blithering idiot.”

“Do you think he’s your fated mate?” What she was describing was how I felt about Sawyer and Lincoln.

Willa shrugged. “It’s possible, right? Though mates don’t usually present to each other until they’re past puberty.”

I bit my lip as I considered her words. “True, but if your first heat is coming, it’s possible.”

Willa sniffled. “They’re attacking them tomorrow. I don’t have any way to warn him. They took my phone. There are no computers or anything here.” She closed her eyes, causing more tears to trickle down her cheeks. “I don’t know how to help him.”

I opened my mouth but then shut it again when I remembered Sawyer’s caution about Willa earlier. I’d talk to Lincoln. If anyone knew a way to warn the Delidos, it was going to be him.

“Maybe their alpha will decide to accept Alpha Dane when he shows up tomorrow. If he’s friends with your dad and knows what is going on, then he might.” But if everyone kept rolling over, there would be no one left to fight.

Alpha Dane was strategically taking out packs one by one.

Willa shook her head. “I don’t think he will. Their pack is much bigger than either of ours. He probably thinks he has a chance against the Wolf Blood pack.”

I flopped back on the bed next to Willa. It smelled more like her than Sawyer here. It gave me clarity.

“He doesn’t know about the wolfsbane.” I turned so I was looking at Willa. “How does he use it without affecting his own men?”

Willa shook her head. “Who knows? I’m sure he does something. I wouldn’t be surprised if he uses it against his guys while training so they can build up a tolerance.”

“Huh. Yeah, that would make sense. I suppose with enough exposure, you could build up a tolerance to anything. I know I’ve seen people who do that in the movies. Theoretically, you might be able to do it in the real world.” I flicked my attention back to the ceiling and mulled over the possibilities.

Building up a tolerance to the drug could prove to be a powerful tool.

“The man is pure evil. He probably doesn’t care if he kills his own people.” She snorted. “There are plenty of idiots lining up to be a part of his psychotic pack.”

“He doesn’t see himself that way, though. He thinks he’s righteous that Luna is in the wrong. That our goddess betrayed him.” I shook my head as I stared at a spot on the ceiling.

Willa let out a hollow laugh. “I’m not sure he’s wrong there. If Luna was watching out for us, she wouldn’t have let this happen.”

I put a hand on my belly and sighed. “I don’t know. We can’t expect her to control everything.”

Willa hummed and sat up so she was sitting cross-legged. “Then it’s up to us to make our own fate.” She looked at the door and then back at me. “Sawyer told me the rooms were soundproofed. We can talk freely. I can’t stay here, Sloane. Sawyer hasn’t touched me, thankfully, and Dane has a clear expectation that I am to bear offspring in the very near future. What am I supposed to do?”

I sat up, too, and put my hand over hers. “Willa, if we leave, then we put our family, our packs, at risk.”

“Then we call them as soon as we flee and let them know to leave and go to a spot to rendezvous.”
