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As the club members slowly disperse, leaving Jake to rest, I linger by his side. "Do you need anything?" My voice is soft, heavy with concern.

Jake shakes his head. "Just some rest, Emma. I'll be fine," he assures me.

I nod, but inside, my mind is racing. Seeing him like this, vulnerable yet strong, makes my feelings even more complicated. He's not just the club president; he's a man I care about deeply.

I help Jake settle in his room. His thanks, when I hand him water and pain meds, holds more than gratitude.

Leaving his room, I find Dex and Liam waiting outside. My heart feels heavy as I face them.

"Dex, Liam," I say, trying to sound unaffected.

"How's Jake?" Dex asks, concern evident in his voice.

"Tired, mostly," I reply, avoiding their probing looks.

Liam steps closer, his voice gentle but serious. "You're doing a lot for him, Emma. Just remember to take care of yourself too."

I nod, their concern is real, but I also sense an undercurrent of jealousy, a fear of being sidelined.

Walking back to my room, my mind is a whirl of thoughts. Jake's return, the moments in his room, Dex's and Liam's reactions – it's like a puzzle I can't quite solve.

In my room, I sit by the window, the moon casting a soft glow. My thoughts are restless, flitting between Jake, Dex, and Liam. Each of them holds a part of my heart, and I'm caught in a delicate balance of passion, duty, and deepening connections.

* * *

The clubhouse kitchenbuzzes with the morning routine, but I'm barely registering the clinks of cups and hushed conversations. I'm preoccupied with last night's revelation – Jake's return and the palpable tension among us.

Liam is at the stove, flipping pancakes with a concentration that seems to block out the world. His focus is fully on the task, the way his brow furrows slightly, speaks volumes of his need for control in this chaos.

"Morning, Emma," Dex greets me, his voice pulls me out of my reverie. His eyes search mine, looking for something I'm not sure I can express.

"Morning," I reply, forcing a smile. I take a seat at the counter, my fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on the surface.

Dex leans against the counter, his proximity both comforting and disconcerting. "You okay?" he asks, his concern genuine.

I glance up, meeting his gaze. "Just thinking about everything... Jake, the club, us." My voice trails off, heavy with unspoken thoughts.

He nods, understanding the turmoil I'm in. "It's a lot. But remember, we're here for you."

Liam turns, placing a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Eat something, Emma. You'll feel better." His tone is gentle, a subtle reminder of his caring nature.

I pick at the food, my appetite lost in the swirl of emotions. The kitchen feels smaller with the three of us, a cocoon of simmering feelings and unsaid words.

After breakfast, I find myself in the garage, the smell of oil and metal strangely comforting. I'm standing there, lost in thought, when Jake appears. He's moving slowly, every step careful and measured, but his determination is clear.

"Hey, Emma," he says, his voice a blend of pain and warmth.

"Jake, you should be resting," I chide softly, my concern for him spilling over.

Jake'swry smile doesn't quite reach his eyes, and I can tell the effort to stand tall costs him. "I appreciate the concern, Emma, but there's something we need to discuss." He gestures to a stool, and I take a seat, bracing myself for whatever comes next.

"Jake, before you start, I need to know something. Are you going to retaliate?"

He leans against a workbench, his posture casual but his eyes intense. "Retaliation is a tricky business," he starts, his tone serious. "Sometimes it's necessary, but it's not always the answer. What happened... it was more personal than club rivalry."

My brow furrows in confusion. "Personal? I don't understand."

Jake sighs, a heavy sound filled with regret. "There are rules in this life we lead—unwritten laws that bind us. I stepped out of line, broke one of those rules. What happened... it was payback."
