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The air feels thick as I process his words. "You were trying to break a rule? Why would you do that?"

His chuckle is humorless. "Even presidents have to make difficult calls. It was a judgment call gone wrong. But that's the life we chose; it's harsh and unforgiving."

I shake my head, trying to comprehend the complexity of club law. "So you're just going to let it go? Accept it?"

Jake meets my gaze squarely. "This time, yes. Retaliation would only escalate things. We need to be smart, pick our battles wisely." His fingers tap a rhythm on the benchtop—a beat that seems to echo the weight of leadership he carries.

"And what if they come after you again?" My voice betrays my fear for him.

"We'll cross that bridge if we get there," Jake says with finality, pushing off from the bench and walking towards me. "For now, we focus on healing and moving forward."

I stand up as he approaches, aware of how much I want to reach out and comfort him. His presence envelops me—a mix of strength and vulnerability that draws me in despite the danger.

"Thanks for trusting me with this," I murmur.

His hand finds mine, a brief but intense connection. "Trust goes both ways," he replies before releasing my hand.

We continue talkingabout the club, about the future. His words are laced with an unyielding resolve to move forward, to make things right. But it's not just his words that tell me this; it's the set of his jaw, the fire in his eyes.

As our conversation drifts,I can't help but bring up the age difference between us.

"Jake,does it ever bother you, the years between us?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

He looks at me, his gaze intense. "Emma, age is just a number. It's the connection that matters." His hand finds mine, a reassuring touch that speaks louder than words.

The moment lingers, filled with a quiet understanding. But the sound of footsteps breaks the spell. Dex and Liam walk in, their expressions a mix of concern and something else – a challenge, a silent claim.

I step back, releasing Jake's hand. The air in the garage shifts, charged with unspoken tensions and complex emotions.

Leaving the garage, I head back to the main part of the clubhouse. The rest of the day unfolds in a blur of routines and conversations, but my mind keeps returning to that moment with Jake – the touch of his hand, and the look in his eyes.

I retreat to my room.

Outside, the evening is still, but inside, my heart is a storm of emotions – for Jake, for Dex, for Liam.

The quiet of my room is short-lived as my phone buzzes with an incoming text from Liam:‘Need to talk. Can you come to the library?’

Curiosity piqued, I head to the library, a small, cozy room lined with books and a couple of worn leather chairs. Liam is there, standing by the window, his back to me as I enter.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask, closing the door behind me.

Liam turns, his expression serious. "I've been thinking about what's happening with the club... and with us," he starts, his tone measured. "I know things are complicated, especially with Jake back now."

I take a seat, tucking my legs beneath me. "Complicated seems to be the theme of my life right now."

Liam sits across from me, his gaze steady. "Emma, I just want to make sure you're okay with all this. The dynamics here are... intense."

I nod, appreciating his concern. "I'm managing. It's a lot, but I'm not backing down."

He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "And what about us?" he asks, his voice dropping. "I know I'm not as... forward as Dex or Jake, but what we have, it's important to me."

"Liam, you bring a calm to the chaos. It's more than just intellect with you; it's a sense of peace. I need that."

He reaches out, taking my hand. The contact is gentle, yet filled with unspoken promises. "I just don't want you to feel overwhelmed or overlooked," he says earnestly.

"I don't," I assure him, squeezing his hand. "You all mean so much to me, in different ways."

We talk for a while longer, the conversation meandering from the club to personal anecdotes. Liam's insights into the club's dynamics are eye-opening, shedding light on the intricate web that I've become entangled in.
