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There's another knock, softer this time. It's Liam, his eyes scan the room like he's reading every thought I've ever had.

"Progress report?" he asks, leaning against the wall.

I nod, pointing at the screen. "Almost done. This is going to turn the Angel Riders into local celebrities. No more lurking in the shadows."

Liam smiles, a hint of relief in his eyes. "You're incredible, Emma. This might just be the game-changer we need."

"Let's hope so," I say, my fingers poised over the keyboard. "Because if this doesn't work, we're out of moves."

The door closes behind Liam, and I'm alone again with my thoughts and my words.

I hit 'save' on the document, leaning back in my chair. It's a good piece, maybe one of my best. It's honest, it's moving, and most importantly, it's powerful.

As I close my laptop, I realize how far I've come. From an outsider looking in, to becoming a key player in their survival. The Angel Riders aren't just a story anymore. They're my story, my fight, my family.

I glance at the clock – it's late. The clubhouse is quiet, the calm before the storm we're about to unleash. Tomorrow, this article goes live, and everything changes.

I slip into bed, the moon cast its usual shadows. I close my eyes, the faces of Jake, Dex, and Liam flickering behind my lids. Tomorrow is a new day, a turning point.

And I'm right at the heart of it.

* * *

I wakeup to a morning that feels charged, like the air before a thunderstorm. Today's the day my article goes live, casting the Angel Riders in a new light. But as I sit up, stretching out the sleep, there's a knot in my stomach. It's not just about the article; it's about what I'm not saying in it. The secrets I'm keeping, the truths I'm skirting around. It's a heavy cloak to wear.

Throwing on a pair of jeans and a tank top, I head out of my room, the first person I run into is Jake. He's standing by the coffee machine, looking like he's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"Morning," I say, trying to sound brighter than I feel.

Jake turns, his eyes locking onto mine. "Morning. How's the article?"

"It's ready," I reply, pouring myself a coffee. "Going live today."

He nods, a silent thanks in his gaze. But there's more there – a question, or maybe a worry. I can't quite read it.

"Jake, about what I'm not saying in the article..." I start, my voice trailing off.

He holds up a hand, cutting me off. "You're doing what you have to, Emma. We all are."

There's an unspoken understanding between us. I'm protecting them, but at what cost to my own integrity. It's a question that hangs in the air, unanswered.

The rest of the morning passes in a blur. I'm on autopilot, exchanging casual banter with the club members, but my mind is elsewhere. It's with the article, with the club's secrets, with the men whose lives are becoming entwined with mine.

Afternoon finds me in the garage, watching Dex work on a bike. His hands are skilled, movements sure and confident. But as he glances up and sees me, there's a softness in his eyes.

"Hey," he says, wiping his hands on a rag. "You doing okay?"

I lean against a workbench, watching him. "Yeah, just... a lot on my mind."

He nods, understanding. "It's a big day. Your article could change everything for us."

I sigh, crossing my arms. "I just hope it's enough. To keep you all safe."

Dex steps closer, his gaze intense. "We're in this together... Remember? No matter what happens."

His words are comforting, but they're also a reminder of how deep I'm in this. How much I've come to care about him, about all of them.

Leaving Dex in the garage, lost in his world of bikes and tools, I wander back inside, my mind a swirl of thoughts. I find Liam in the library, his sanctuary amidst the chaos.
