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Pulling back slightly he adds, “You are part of our narrative now, Emma—and we are part of yours.”

My heart feels full yet scattered as Liam’s words sink in—words reflective of our unique connection; intellectual yet intensely emotional.

As I leave him among his beloved books, I carry with me not only the weight of our conversation but also the comfort of knowing that within these walls—with Jake’s quiet strength, Dex’s adventurous spirit, and Liam’s thoughtful guidance—I’m somehow home.

The next step is unclear,but one thing's certain: I'm not in this alone. I have three incredible men who care about me, each in their own unique way. It's time to figure out what my heart wants and where my future lies.

The evening finds me alone in my room, the day's conversations replay in my head like a looping film. Jake's protectiveness, Dex's warmth, Liam's understanding – a whirlwind of emotions that leaves me both exhilarated and exhausted.

I flop onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. It's funny, in a way. I came here for a story, a simple assignment. Now, I'm caught in a romance novel I never planned to write, with not one, butthreehot-as-hell leading men.

How did I end up here? A 23-year-old journalist contemplating a life intertwined with three bikers – each one so different, yet each holding a piece of my heart. Can I really see myself in a permanent, unconventional relationship with Jake, Dex, and Liam? My mind says it's madness, but my heart... my heart's not so sure. It's like they've collectively hijacked my sensible, planned-out life and taken me on a wild ride I never knew I wanted.

The idea is daunting, yet there's a part of me that thrills at the thought. They've shown me a world of loyalty, strength, and passion that's hard to turn away.

I roll over, hugging a pillow to my chest. This isn't just a fling or a story anymore. It's become real. Raw, and messy – just like real love is supposed to be.

I think about my career and my aspirations as a journalist. Can I balance that with this new, unexpected love life? It's a puzzle, but maybe, just maybe, I don't have to choose. Perhaps I can have it all – the career I've always wanted and a love story I never saw coming.

The clock ticks on, and the night deepens, but sleep eludes me. My mind is a battleground of doubts and desires, fears and fantasies.

As I finally drift into a restless half-sleep, I'm filled with a sense of anticipation. Tomorrow is a new day, and with it will come the chance to write my own story, one where I'm the author of my fate and where love doesn't follow the rules.

The followingday unfolds with a sense of inevitability like I'm walking a path that's been waiting for me. After everything, it was time to face the music – or in my case, three pairs of eyes that mean the world to me.

I find them together, as if the universe itself is conspiring to make this easier, or maybe just less of a dramatic soap opera scene. Jake, Dex, and Liam are huddled around a table, their conversation pausing as I stride in. There's anticipation in the air, thick enough to slice with a knife.

"Okay, guys," I start, my voice ringing clear in the suddenly quiet room. "We need to talk. About us."

Their expressions are a mix of hope and uncertainty, a mirror of the storm that's been brewing in my heart.

"Look," I say, planting my hands on my hips. "This isn't your typical love story. It's messy, unconventional, and frankly, it's got more twists than a pretzel factory. But here's the thing – I wouldn't have it any other way."

I take a deep breath, my gaze meeting each of theirs in turn. "Jake, your strength and protectiveness make me feel like I can face anything. Dex, your humor and warmth light up the darkest days. And Liam, your wisdom and calmness balance out the chaos in a way I never knew I needed."

I pause, my heart pounding in my chest. "I love you. All of you. And I don't want to choose because, in this crazy, mixed-up world, you three are my constant. My wild, unexpected, perfect constant."

There's a moment of stunned silence. Then Jake is the first to move, his arms wrapping around me in a firm embrace. His kiss is a promise, a future filled with unwavering support.

Dex is next, his laughter echoing in the room as he sweeps me into a bear hug. His kiss is playful yet deep, a spark that ignites a fire of possibilities.

Liam's embrace is gentle, his kiss a soft seal of understanding and shared dreams. In his eyes, I see a future of quiet moments and profound connections.

As we stand there, wrapped up in each other, the room feels like it's bursting with a new kind of energy. It's unconventional, sure, but it's ours. And it's filled with love – a wild, beautiful love that doesn't need to fit any mold.

"We're in this together," I say, "all four of us, against whatever the world throws our way."

The night turns into a celebration, not just of our unconventional love, but for the future we're going to face together. And as I finally head to bed, my heart is lighter than it has been in ages.

I fall asleep not with questions but with dreams of roaring engines, laughter, and the faces of three men who have become my world. Tomorrow is a mystery, but one thing's for sure – with Jake, Dex, and Liam by my side, I'm ready for anything.



The sun creeps in, nudging me awake in our Eureka nest. It's Valentine's Day, and the house feels snug, wrapped in the quiet before the guys stir. I'm all about seizing the day - especially today. The kitchen is my first stop; coffee is a must.

The scent of brewing coffee mingles with the crisp morning air. Our home is still new, but it's filled with an air of familiarity and warmth. I can't help but smile, thinking about our first Valentine's here. It's kinda wild, me, a Sacramento girl, now fully entrenched in biker life.
