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He slides out from under the bike, a grin spreading across his face as he spots me. "Emma, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

I lean against a workbench, feeling the cool metal beneath my palms. "I've been talking with Jake," I start, and his grin fades just a touch. "About us... about everything."

Dex wipes his hands on a rag, his eyes never leaving mine. "And where do we stand in this heart-to-heart chapter of yours?"

I can't help but smile at his attempt to keep things light. "I'm just trying to understand where I fit into this life. With you, with Jake, with Liam. It's not just about romance; it's about choosing a path that's tangled up with the Angel Riders."

Dex leans against the bike frame, crossing his arms over his chest. "Life's one big road with lots of signs. So when you're riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind," he quotes Bob Marley with a lopsided smile.

His easy demeanor eases some of the tension coiling inside me. "It's hard not to complicate things when emotions are involved."

He steps closer, and there's an earnestness in his eyes now. "Look, Emma, I'm not great with words like Liam or as intense as Jake. But what I feel for you... it's like finding that perfect stretch of road where everything just flows."

I feel a warmth spread through me at his words. They're simple but they hit home hard.

"I don't want to lose you, Emma," he continues softly. "But I also don't want to cage you in something that doesn't make you happy."

His vulnerability catches me off guard and I reach out, placing my hand over his grease-stained one. "Dex, you've shown me a side of life that's thrilling and unpredictable. With you, I've felt free in ways I never imagined."

He smiles then and it lights up his whole face. It's genuine and beautiful.

"I'm not going anywhere," I assure him. "But we need to figure out how this works without losing ourselves in the process."

Dex nods slowly, squeezing my hand gently before letting go. "We'll ride this road together then—wherever it leads us."

Leaving Dex to his bikes and thoughts, I seek out Liam next.

Liam is in his element amidst the club’s library—his sanctuary of sorts—a contrast to the grease and grit of Dex’s garage world.

"Liam?" My voice is tentative as I enter the room.

He looks up from his book—a tome on ancient civilizations—and there's an immediate shift in the air between us.

"Emma." His greeting is quiet but loaded with unspoken words.

"I spoke with Jake...and Dex," I begin hesitantly.

Liam closes his book carefully and regards me with those piercing eyes that always seem to see right through me.

"And now you're here," he observes, standing up slowly.

I nod, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear—a nervous habit. "I'm trying to figure out how all these pieces fit together—the club, my guys."

Liam moves closer and there’s a steadiness about him that grounds me.

"Life is rarely a puzzle completed in one sitting," he says thoughtfully. "It's okay not to have all the answers right now."

"That's just it though," I counter softly. "I'm used to chasing down answers—stories—and it feels like I'm part of one that doesn't have a clear ending."

He considers this for a moment before responding. "Maybe some stories aren’t meant to have endings," Liam suggests gently. "Perhaps they’re ongoing narratives that evolve over time."

I let out a small laugh at that—a mix of appreciation for his perspective and anxiety for what it means for us.

"And what does our...narrative look like from your point of view?" My curiosity piqued by his metaphorical approach.

Liam takes another step toward me until we’re sharing the same space—an intimacy forged not just by proximity but by shared vulnerabilities too.

"It looks like chapters yet unwritten," he murmurs before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to my forehead—a gesture so intimate and protective it makes my breath catch.
