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“Of course, they were,” I assure him.


Raven Blaire

“Of course, they were or else,” he says, with a look in his eye that makes my blood run cold.

That ‘or else’ means that those two men would be history if they were anything but. That’s about all he ever needs to say to me. I can usually fill in the blanks all on my own. My sudden trip is because something has seriously gone wrong or volatile in his world. The world that pays for my lifestyle. Anxiety riffles through me. I try not to show it because that will tip my hand that I suspect something. I have never come out and acknowledged what my dad does for a living. We maintain this game, and any sudden nervousness would ruin that illusion.

A shiver runs down my spine as I put two and two together and suspect he is hiding me out to save me. To protect me. My eyes meet his, and I realize right then and there, I am my father’s daughter. And I can see in his eye, he knows I know.

“You okay?” he asks.

“Just cold,” I lie.

“Look, Mia,” he begins. “I’m going to talk to you as the

grown up, intelligent woman that you are. But I’m not going to forget for one second that you are my daughter, do you understand me?” he asks firmly.

“Yes, sir,” I say.

“Things happen in life,” he admits with skillful vague- ness. “Do you know what I’m saying?”’

“Yes, sir,” I say again.

“Good,” he pronounced. “So, you understand. So, I don’t have to worry that you’re going to get a little stir crazy on this trip you’re about to take and do something impetuous. Like a foolish teenager. Now, I know you are not a teenager anymore. Don’t get me wrong, there are times to act wild and crazy. This is not one of them.


Princess and the Bodyguards

There is going to be some security accompanying you. You have never met them before. But I want you to think of them as extensions of me. I won’t be with you on this trip, but if they tell you to do something, or more importantly, not to do something, think of it as coming from me.”

“Yes, sir,” I say.

On the outside, I am polite, but on the inside, I am sink- ing. I have friends and a life, and it almost feels normal. I am always aware in the back of my mind that my reality is di"erent from my happy-go-lucky friends. Many of them are dating, going to parties, living the single life we all should in our twenties. But not me. Any guy Papa did approve of didn’t stay around long once they heard his name.

Today I’m reminded that with all of the luxuries I have, they sometimes come with a price. Having to put my normal life on hold and go on a “vacation” for safety reasons is the price I am going to have to pay.

What he really means is one of the other families has just upped the ante on their little turf war. If he gives me a quick tutorial on how to operate a gun, then I know I’m in real danger.

“So, you know I love you, right?” he begins.

“Yes, Dad,” I say.

“And I only want the best for you. That’s why I put in

the long hours. So that you can have whatever your heart desires,” he says.

Except for freedom right now.

“Yes, Papa,” I say.

I try not to let my voice break. I want to ask questions,

but at the same time, I don’t want to act like I am questioning him. Nobody questions my father.


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