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"Got your stuff," he says as though reading my mind. His voice is low and casual, but his eyes, they're boring into me, like he's reading a story in my face.

I'm stuck here, half-buried under blankets, trying to look chill and not like I just woke up in another world. My heart's doing this weird jumpy thing, not just because he's here, but because of thatlook. Like he cares or something, it's throwing me off.

Liam sets my suitcase down near the door, keeping a respectful distance. But there's this electric buzz that seems to hang in the air after he moves back. "Breakfast's on when you're ready," he adds, almost an afterthought as he walks away.

Once the door closes behind him, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. My mind's racing, replaying our brief, charged encounter. Liam behaving in such a thoughtful way is seriously confusing. I'm here to do a job, not get all tangled up in whatever this feeling is. But lying here, thinking about him, my thoughts are spiralling like a pinball machine and Liam's the bumpers.

Alone again, the intensity of the moment still hangs in the air. I can’t shake off the image of Liam at my door, the unspoken connection that seems to be growing between us.

The quiet of the room amplifies my racing thoughts. It’s more than just attraction; it’s a deepening desire, an ache that's becoming harder to ignore. The world outside fades away as I lose myself in my fantasies.

I can't help but close my eyes and picture Liam's rough hands on my body, sending shivers down my spine. His touch is electric, and I can almost feel the gentle tug of his lips on my sensitive areas. The memory of our previous interactions is enough to ignite a fire in my core, causing me to tremble with desire.

With a deep sigh, I slip my hand between my legs, running my fingers over my smooth pussy lips. I let out a soft groan as I caress my sensitive clit, letting my thoughts drift to the muscular form of Liam. I picture him standing over me, his thick cock glistening with the promise of ecstasy. My heart pounds against my chest as I imagine his strong hands running through my long blonde hair, tugging me in for a deep, passionate kiss.

My fingers move with a ferocity that matches the intensity of my thoughts, and I moan out loud, lost in the sensation. My breasts heave against the soft fabric of my nightgown as I imagine the rough texture of Liam's skin against mine. I curl my fingers deeper into my core, my body tensing as I reach for that elusive peak.

As I near my climax, I let out a low whimper, the words "fuck me, Liam" tumbled from my lips. My body convulses in waves of pure ecstasy, and I let out a ragged breath, my mind flooded with images of Liam's dark eyes staring deeply into my soul.

Afterwards, I lie still catching my breath, the echo of my fantasies slowly fading. Reality seeps back in — the MC, the investigation, the secrets yet to be uncovered.

And now, an added complexity, my growing desire for Liam. A man who is both a part of the story and, increasingly, a part of my personal dilemma.

Shaking off the remnants of my morning daydream, I quickly get ready. The MC might be full of surprises, but I had a job to do. Stepping out of the room, the delicious smell of coffee and sizzling bacon lead me down the hallway to the bustling heart of the clubhouse.

As I enter the kitchen, I realize I’m ravenously hungry.

“Morning, Emma,” Jake greets me, his voice deep and commanding. “Hope the clubhouse treated you well.”

“It did, thank you,” I reply, taking a seat.

Dex slides a mug of coffee towards me. “You’ll need this. We’re early risers here.”

I smile, accepting the mug. “I can adapt.” I take a sip; the coffee is rich and strong.

Liam leans in slightly, his voice lower. “Did you sleep okay?” There’s a hint of something more in his question, a shared secret from this morning.

Liam's question about my sleep catches me off guard, sending a flutter through my chest. “I did, thanks,” I manage to get out, but it feels like a lie. The truth is, I barely slept, tangled in thoughts of him and the storm.

His gaze lingers on mine, intense and probing, and it’s like he can see right through me. Can he tell that my mind’s been spinning since dawn, caught up in a whirlwind of what-ifs and maybes about him?

I stir my coffee, trying to calm the storm he’s stirred up inside me. It’s more than just attraction; there’s a pull between us that’s getting harder to ignore with every passing second.

The conversation turns to the day’s plans. Jake talks about some routine club maintenance, while Dex mentions a ride into town. “Just the usual, keeping things running,” Dex explains to me.

I nod, playing the curious journalist. “Must take a lot to manage all this.” My eyes scan the room, taking in the camaraderie.

“It does,” Liam adds, “But it’s worth it. This place, these people, it’s our life.”

His words resonate, hinting at the depth of their commitment.

As breakfast concludes, I get to my feet, feeling a mix of anticipation and excitement. “Thanks for the hospitality. I’m looking forward to learning more about the club.”

“We’ve got plenty to show you,” Jake says, a friendly smile on his face.

Liam holds my gaze as I leave the kitchen. “We’re just getting started,” he says, the promise ofsomethinglaced through his words.

Leaving the warmth of the kitchen behind, I find myself back in the open air, the compound stretching out before me. It's a different world out here, one I'm only just beginning to understand.
