Page 156 of A Second Dawn

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Everyone in the car, except for Santino and the driver, looks at De Marco expectantly.

“Miss Rodriguez asked you, ‘How will I recognize Riley?’ and you answered, ‘Just look for the prettiest girl exiting.’

“It’s innocent enough, isn’t it? But it made us take notice. Why would an admin assistant who has been working at Freemont for years not know another employee who supposedly also has been there for years?”

He turns his attention to Ella. “According to the company records, Riley James has been working at Freemont’s canine unit since it was brought into existence two years ago. The dog training was another convenient trigger.”

Focusing back on me, he continues, “Sure, Riley and Marni work in different departments, but Freemont prides himself about having created the Freemont family. We learned about the regular camping expeditions and parties to ensure employees bond. It all results in an unusually low staff turnover.

“So how is it then Riley and Marni never met? And why would Miss Rodriguez need to escort a long-term colleague to Atlanta in the first place?”

He lets the questions sink in.

“So we dug further. Of course there was no picture of Riley. While that isn’t unusual for your company, it was peculiar. Why wouldn’t there be a picture of a dog trainer? It’s not like she’s one of your spies whose identity needs to be concealed.

“To make a long story short, Uberto discovered you were in Europe at the time of Ella’s escape, supposedly in Greece, with a couple of friends. You had booked a yacht to go sailing, but didn’t pick it up until a week later. And then only the couple boarded, and you, Burg, were further delayed. We found phone records that traced you to Switzerland and then Hamburg.”

Fuck me!

How did his hacker get my phone records?

“Yes, your phone is more traceable than you and Mr. Freemont like to believe.” And there he goes with the mind reading again. He smirks. “As I said I only employ the best.”

I roll my eyes at him. The bastard is so smug.

“But I wasn’t Riley James on the boat,” Ella speaks up.

“No, princess, you weren’t.” He kisses the top of her head. “We soon learned you went as Ash Morgan.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

They uncovered everything. And all that from one text message?

“It doesn’t explain how you worked out Ella was on the cruise ship,” Rhia says, but I can imagine how they figured it out. Still, I remain quiet, letting the Master of the Universe tell his tale.

Turning to Ella’s best friend, he continues. “We established Mr. Burg was in Hamburg alone. And we asked ourselves why? He’s booked a yacht to cruise the Greek waters, yet he goes to Hamburg?

“It was hard to trace him to a specific hotel there, but nothing is impossible. Low and behold, Mr. Burg used an alias to stay at a hotel by the harbor. One that overlooked the cruise ship terminal. Just a coincidence? Especially when we suspected him of helping someone escape?

“There was only one cruise ship leaving Hamburg on the two days you were there.” He looks at me now. “And then you happily resumed your vacation.

“Meanwhile, all the leads and clues we uncovered took us in the opposite direction. Austria was a fair enough destination. Ella loves the Austrian mountains after all, and disappearing there isn’t impossible, even for an amateur.”

He pulls Ella closer against his body, as if reminding her never to run away from him again.

“Hacking into the guest and employee list for Neptune’s Princess was easy, and while Ella’s disguise was brilliant, I would recognize her anywhere.

“Truly, I’m impressed at how quickly you managed to get Ella out of Europe, and if it hadn’t been for that minor slip up, I would still be none the wiser.

“Remind me to send a thank you to Miss Rodriguez. And I hear you collect rare beers. I’ll get you a bottle of a rare brew. Hell, why not a few?”

Seething anger boils inside me. Our eyes meet, and I glimpse his amusement. Arrogance is dripping off him. He outdid Freemont Security, the best in the business.

A tiny mistake led to our downfall.

A mistake I can’t believe happened and now has consequences I may have to live with for the rest of my life.

Emotions surge, a turbulent mix of frustration and self-loathing. This is a blow to my pride, his arrogance twisting the knife of my mistake. I grit my teeth, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing my composure crack.
