Page 157 of A Second Dawn

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My jaw tenses, and my muscles coil. I want to wipe that arrogant smile right off his face. My fists clench, the urge to lash out clawing at the edges of my control.

But despite my frustration, the connection between us lingers. It’s like a thorn in my side, a loathsome reminder of how our paths are tangled.

“Don’t be smug about it,” Ella chastises De Marco, her eyes concerned as they meet mine. She wants to comfort me, but his grip on her tightens.

“Ade, this isn’t your fault. Your exchange with Marni was innocent enough. You couldn’t have known it would lead to this,” she tells me, her eyes soft and apologetic.

What does she have to apologize for?

It’s me who fucked up… me and Marni.

“You thought your communication system was safe,” she continues, and I can see it in her eyes, the need to soothe me.

But nothing can do that!

“Nobody is to blame. You all did your best.”

Clearly, it wasn’t enough. Our secure channels aren’t as good as we believed. Why did we have to find this out on Ella’s case, dammit?

Then the realization hits me like a ton of bricks. She’s only with him now because of my mistake.


Claudette takes my hand and squeezes it in silent support, but everything inside me has turned to stone.

“Ade,” Ella calls, trying to reach me.

But it’s no use.

I’m the reason I have no future with her. I’m the reason my happily ever after will be forever out of my reach.

I hate myself.

Chapter Forty-Two


“Ade,”Icallout,but he doesn’t hear me. He’s too lost in his head.

He’s blaming himself that Tiero found me, when this isn’t his fault. Freemont’s communication system is to blame. He’s not responsible for that!

I glare at Tiero. Why did he have to be so smug about besting Freemont? I want to punch him! There was no reason to rub it in the way he did. Now Ade is suffering even more.

Silence has fallen over the car, the tension rocketing.

How can I fix this?

The pain in my arm is momentarily forgotten, as is the worry about peanut. I find myself in an awkward position. Ade needs me, and I want to comfort him, but Tiero’s hold on me is possessive. I’ve made my choice. My first loyalty has to be with Tiero.

I watch Ade, worried about him.

Look at me, Ade,I will him, but he keeps staring out the window. I wish I could talk to him, but with everyone in the car listening, it’s not an option.

When we arrive at the hospital, a few staff members hurry outside to greet us.

Jeez, I feel like some sort of celebrity. I don’t want this special treatment.

How did they even know we were coming at this precise moment? But then I spot Tiero’s other SUV which must have driven ahead.
