Page 25 of A Second Dawn

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It’s her. I’m certain.

“Don’t shoot,” I yell at my men. I can’t risk her getting hurt.

I chase after them, relying on my soldiers to cover me.

“Ella,” I thunder when the three of them reach the door.

She freezes, and, after a heartbeat, turns around in slow motion, while the other two squeeze through the opening.

I stop too, my feet all at once rooted to the floor.

My heart leaps as our eyes connect.

Everything else disappears, the rest of the world fading into the background.

The noise and distractions vanish. All I can see is her. My focus hones in on every detail of her presence. Nothing else matters.

My angel.

There’s shock in her eyes… and fear.

It guts me.

She can’t be afraid of me. I love her. I’d die for her.

“Ella,” I whisper this time.

Her face softens, and for just that moment we’re back to what we always were.

Meant for each other… in love… forever.

Then a head peeks around the door frame, taking in the situation.

“Ella,” he calls out and, grabbing her arm, pulls her toward the exit. She disappears a second later.


How dare he.

I chase after them, my men following. When we step outside, the door of the pickup closes.

The windows are tinted, making it impossible to see inside.

Wheels spinning, it takes off in a cloud of dust.

As the car speeds off, my heart is ripped out of my chest—again.

The pain is debilitating.

One of the soldiers opens fire on the truck to stop it, clawing me out of my brief stupor.

“You dumbfuck,” I yell, throwing my arm back and punching him in the side of the head. Over and over, I let my fists fly.

Nobody shoots at my woman. Nobody!

Wisely, the rest of them stand back and don’t interfere. It’s good to let out this frustration. After one last hit, I let go of him. His nose and mouth are bleeding, one of his eyes already swelling shut.
