Page 44 of A Second Dawn

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“You are nuts. There’s a perfectly functioning shower in the RV and it has warm water.” Ella chuckles.

“No shower could compete with this mountain stream.”

Looking skeptical, she bends down and submerges her hand into the icy water. Squealing, she jumps back.

And I just can’t help it. I scoop her up and throw her over my shoulder, wading into the water.

“No, no, no. Don’t you dare,” Ella screeches, hammering her hands against my bare back. Fuck, she feels good against me.

I slap her ass playfully. “Shh. You’re going to wake up Claudette… or the bears.”

“What bears?” she asks, panicked, straightening her body and holding herself up by resting her hands on my shoulders. Her heat sears me.

“Are you ready?” I ask her, spinning in a circle, pretending to get ready to throw her in.

“Aiden, no!” she screams, tightening her grip on me. “This isnotfunny. I’m not laughing. Take me to dry ground now!”

Not wanting to freak her out too much, I take her back and slide her slowly down my body. It tingles wherever she touches. And that’s with clothes on.

What will it be like when we’re both finally naked? My eyes search hers when hers lift to meet mine. The only thing I’m aware of is the heartbeat erratically drumming in my ears.

Our breaths mingle together. I want to press my lips to hers.

It would be so easy to close the miniscule gap between us. But this has to be her call.

Do it, Sunshine. Give in to what we both yearn for.

Ella lets out a shaky breath and rests her forehead against mine.

Hope and anticipation surge through me.

But then she shakes her head and pulls away. The disappointment hits me like a sudden gust of icy wind.

“Ade… I can’t,” she whispers, her voice forlorn as she turns and tries to flee.

But before she can take a step, I grab her wrist, gently pulling her back against me.

“El, I know you feel this pull between us. And I know it’s fast, but nothing has ever felt so right. I’ll wait until you’re ready for something more, but please let me in,” I plead.

She looks conflicted. So many emotions intertwine on her gorgeous face—joy, pain, hope, and fear. Her brow furrows subtly, hinting at her inner struggle.

“Yes, I feel it too, Ade. It’s impossible to ignore,” she says softly and hope blossoms in my chest like a beacon of light piercing through the darkness.

But she’s not looking at me, her gaze fixed on a spot behind me as she struggles to find the words.

“But…” she pauses, uncertainty marring her features once more. “But I’m pregnant, Aiden. I’m carrying another man’s child. A man I still love despite everything that has happened.

“I’m confused and conflicted. How can I have feelings for you too? But no matter how strong they are, I can’t give into them. We both know Tiero is hot on my tail. God knows what would happen if he ever found out about you.

“I won’t risk it. You mean too much to me already. I won’t put your life any more in danger than I already have.”

With that, she turns to leave. And I stand there, unable to move or comprehend what just transpired.

She’s pregnant?

A wave of devastation crashes over me, threatening to drown my every thought. There’s an indescribable ache in the depths of my being, as if a vital piece of myself is being torn away.

But hang on… this can’t be it.
