Page 45 of A Second Dawn

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Just because she’s pregnant doesn’t mean we can’t be together.

But it’s not just anybody’s baby. It’s De Marco’s.

The life growing in Ella’s womb is the heir to his empire.

No wonder he’s hellbent on finding her.


This complicates everything, adding a giant obstacle to my happily ever after.

Nothing is insurmountable, right?

I’ve never given up on anything I’ve wanted. And I’m not going to start now.

Chapter Twelve


Itrynottorun back to the RV. My heart is beating out of my chest, and my stomach swirls with nausea.

I’ve avoided morning sickness so far, feeling a little queasy at times when I smell ham, but that’s been the extent of it. Perhaps that’s about to change.

When I reach the motor home, my fingers hover over the door handle. But what am I going to do in that small space?

I need to pace. It’s what I do to figure things out.

Another clearing sparkles in the early morning light, beckoning me, and I veer in that direction.

I nearly kissed Aiden. How could I let it get that far?

But whenever he’s near, I seem to forget every reason why it’s a bad idea to be with him.

And to my horror, I forget Tiero too.

I feel so guilty. As if I’m cheating on him. Even though we’re not together anymore.

What am I saying? We never really were together. It was a casual vacation fling, and then he kidnapped me.

And even though we slipped into some sort of routine, you could hardly call it a relationship when only one party wanted to be in it. There was no choice on my part.

And now, I’m free to do whatever the hell I want, right?

In my mind, running away ended everything between Tiero and me. But he would disagree. His chasing after me is proof enough that he still sees me very much as his. Possessive, domineering, besotted, criminal jerk who my heart still aches for.

I hate to admit it, but I fear a part of me will always belong to him. And not because of the child we made.

I really should move on. And why the heck not with Aiden? Rhia would tell me to do just that. Especially when Aiden elicits the same grand emotions as Tiero.

But wouldn’t that be replacing one man with another?

I could see myself with Ade. He’s a good man through and through. And he leads a life helping and protecting others rather than plundering and hurting them.

No. It’s too soon. Way too soon.

But holy crap! Seeing Aiden half-naked this morning… it short-circuited my brain.

And that erection? He couldn’t hide that truncheon even if he’d tried.
